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Professional Practice And Ethics

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Professional Practice and Ethics
Assessment Task-1
Semester 3, 2017
Individual Assignment

Submitted To:
Ambika Kumar

Submitted by:
Gagandeep Kaur Brar
Student ID:1110497

Executive Summary
In this report I will discuss about the impact of the digital disruption on the shopping. Shopping is doing by the people from the long time but the way of shopping is changed now because of digital disruption. In the modern time people has no need to go to the market to purchase anything they can buy anything by accessing any shopping websites by sitting anywhere and anytime and they can save their time and money .Customer can select anything to purchase by surfing the internet. Nowadays people cannot live without the help of …show more content…
5. Advantages and disadvantages of online and offline shopping Before and after digital disruption……………………………..5-6
6. Recommendations……………………………………………….6
7. Implementation…………………………………………………6-7
8. Conclusion………………………………………………………8
9. Refernces………………………………………………………..9
10.Work Centerd Analysis-1……………………………………....10
11. Work Centerd Analysis-2……………………………………..11-12

Amazon is an online shopping website that was started in 1995.Today amazon become good website at the global level to purchase goods online. Amazon soon started various things like grocery goods, music CD’s, books, articles, toys of kids and so on. Amazon’s biggest invention is kindle e-book that was launched in November 2007.Amazon is a successful online shopping website which was started as the online bookstore but now it becomes the largest online retailer on the planet.

The meaning of online shopping is a person can purchase anything, anytime and anywhere. In order to fulfill the demands of customer, retailers need to attachments with the customer through multiple channels. Today’s customers are over the world armed with the laptops, smartphones and tablets

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