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Submitted By 7charlene
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Group Assignment
BM3202 Developing Management Capabilities
September 2015

Name: Zhang Zhao Han 00010553 Liu Xin 00010766 Zheng Chao 00010783 Ge Jin Hui 00010757

* Definition and example:
Professionalism is one of the most important soft skills wanted by managers. This is also a factor keys for success. So what is the professionalism? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines professionalism as "the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person". If we ask any employer, all of them want a professional employee instead an unprofessional employee. (Christine, 2015)
In our research, we find that there are six attributes included in professionalism (Shelvy, 2013). First is specialized knowledge, as a professional person, the knowledge in his or her areas are important. The most representative is academic qualification. A person's education level representative of his knowledge and skills. Generally speaking, during the interview, academic qualification is a mandatory targets for a person to get the job. Almonds in every area, the professionals are required excellent professional knowledge to complete the task or job. Also the professionals need keep his or her knowledge up-to-date in order to do their best. Secondly is competency, the professionals always get the jobs done, they know how to do in the professional ways. They manage expectations up front and focusing to solve the problem. Third, honesty and Integrity, the professionals need honesty and integrity, they keep their words and can be trust When they do the job, professionals have their own values and do the right things. Also professionals are humble, if they have something they don’t know, they can admit and learn from other. Fourth, accountability. Professionals have their own opinion, they can response for their words and action. If they made some mistake, they can take responsibility. Fifth, Self-Regulation. Professionals can stay professional under pressure. Professionals will keep clam and respect to others, the high EQ and IQ exist side by side. Last is Image, to try to give the best impression on others. In formal occasions to wear formal clothing with a smile on the face and confidence, give people a good impression so they will respect the professionals.
Let us give some examples, such as “Image is everything” is definitely apply to the workplace. If you go to work, you need know how to dress and neat appearance. Do not wear too casual and fancy, also, if you large area tattoo, you should probably consider going to cover it, and keeping a tidy desk or work area (Nicole 2014). These are the way to show professionalism. On the other hand, as a professional, when you at work, the interactions with your coworkers are also shows professionalism, maintain good relations colleagues can help you improve work efficiency. Do not talk to other colleagues in the back and appropriate sharing of information. The professional are required good attitude and have good manner, avoid being arrogance or disrespect to clients and coworkers. * Why Professionalism Important For Employment?
The professionalism is very important for the employment, especially for the long term success in the employment. As we know professionalism means the acts, qualities, and character of a professional person. Professionalism is showing the respect that you have, and make yourself seating in a formal standard. Being professional are benefit to the employment and also benefit to the business.
For the employment, the professionalism include the employees’ quality, behavior, and appearance (Anna Green, 2015). Employee who has the higher professional standards that means he or she has the higher believable and reliable than other employees. Such as in a work place, the employee who know about more professional knowledge about the work can gain more opportunities to carry on the important case, therefore can accumulate more work experiences and have the opportunity to require a promotion. Professionalism also include the employee’s frank and would like to improve the work performance. Therefore, the professional employees have more reliability in their work place. The employee who has the professional dedication, will gain more good reputations from customers or other people.
Professionalism also include a strong professional ethics, this is an important point for the company successful, and to avoid the ethical problems. The employees who put more professional attitude on their job and avoid unnecessary interruptions, can provide the greater contribution to the company. The employee who express professionally usually be regarded as more employable and value to the company, and those employees can gain more salaries and promotions. There have a result that the employee who was more professional will be treated as the company’s work leader.
For the people who want to be employed in a job interview, the professionalism also can help them to increase opportunities to gain the job. When the interviewee be more professional, knowing lot of professional knowledge and talk in a professional way, that may give the interviewer a good impression and gain more opportunities to be hired. Such as, being professionalism has many requires, first when a person go for an interview, he or she must dress formal. Due to interviewee can give the interviewer a good first impression. Then, the way the interviewee’s talk must be professional, and use the professional knowledge to answer the questions. That will increase the hire opportunity.
Being professionalism also give the advantage to the business, although the professional employees are important for the business, but professional business also is an important part for success. In order to make sure achieve the company’s objective and goals, a professional work place attitude and environment will let the employees fell pride and grateful, and appropriate to give employees encouraged and reward (Sherrie Scott, 2014). Then they will be more loyalty to the company and increase the quality of their performance and achievement, therefore can maintain the successful of the company. * Benefits of professionalism
Professionalism is the inevitable product of the process of modernization, and its main purpose is to improve labor productivity, quality assurance enterprises to achieve a certain standard. We can say that occupation is the core competitiveness of enterprise development. Professionalism is one of the working statuses of standardization, standardization and institutionalization, which requires people to society or organization accountable down job responsibilities, professional and complete to the best, accurate play their work roles. With the social development and progress, professionalism is becoming increasingly important. Professionalism is reflected in various fields.
According to the survey, the vast majority of respondents (83.3%) indicate their office offers programs that specifically focus on developing the qualities of professionalism. Nearly a third of the offices (32.9%) with programs related to professionalism have workshops for students. This is followed by dining etiquette (18.4%) and interview preparation (14.5%). As can be seen, most of the people at work or formal occasions exhibited more professional. Commenting on the work and enterprise, employees cannot be separated. A high level of professionalism of staff, he will become a very good staff, a group of high level of professionalism of the enterprise, it will certainly become a social Admired Companies.
For employee, professionalism can confirm the direction of staff’s life, providing struggle strategy. It can break through and create a fresh employee self-fulfilling. And it can accurately assess the characteristics and strengths of individual employees. It can help assess gaps personal goals and current of employees as well as accurate positioning of career direction. It can also help people to re-recognize their value and add value. And discover new career opportunities, enhance professional competence. Employee interactions and relationships with customers are of vital importance to ensure that company goals and objectives are met. After improving the overall professional level of employees, it will bring faster and better development of business and society.
For business, a professional workspace is also important in the business. Professionalism is the term used to describe the internationally accepted standards or expectations that society has of people’s conduct and levels of competence in the workplace. A professional work place attitude and appearance allow employees to take pride in their work and improve worker performance. When things are professional, activities run a more smoothly and people tend to be happier and more productive. Therefore, with a stress-free environment, job satisfaction with employees will be more abundant and employee retention will increase. Not only does this save money for a company or firm, but it also builds a close, professionally connected group, which adds to productivity and happiness in the workplace. * Implications of lacking professionalism
Lacking professionalism have a negative impact on being hired. According to the findings show that the inappropriate appearance is the top offender that makes recently hired new graduates are lacking professionalism.
With new graduates entering the labour market, the most managers found that through the professionalism of the new graduates can determine the level of them. 90.8% of respondents said that poor personal appearance will have a negative implication of employment opportunities, and three-quarters of them point to the dress code, the rests are tattoos, perforation and excessive social network or phone use at inappropriate times and so on. (Polk-Lepson Research Group, 2012)
A person's clothing or appearance also have an impact on the view of an employee's competence. Respondents indicated that they felt the professionalism of its staff are associated with the dedication and work ethic of its staff in the next.
In addition to having implications on hiring process, the employment lacking professionalism also bring the negative implications on the organization. When the employees lack of professionalism, they also tend to have less enthusiasm and motivation to work. They don't pay attention to the high standards or quality of work, they just come to work, to fulfill their obligations as an employee.
Lack of professionalism also has led to a lack of honesty and integrity, and this type of employees will not be loyal to the company, they tend to quit when they find better opportunities. It will make companies to spend effort and money on recruitment again.
Responsibility is an important factor in the professionalism, when the employees lack of the responsibility, they will not be responsible for their thoughts, words, and behavior, especially when they made a mistake. These employees tend to choose their own way of doing things. They do not comply with the company's dress code, refusing to comply with rules, this will bring a lot of problems to the company. They do not even know how to keep the company's confidential information, disclosure of confidential information may result in the loss of many aspects of the company.
Above these are the possible implications of a lacking professionalism. It is important to maintain your professionalism at all times so that you as a reliable and trustworthy person of the organization. You can also display a professional image through dress code, manners, and your attitude, and shows the full preparation in work or meeting exudes professionalism.(1812 words)

Reference: * Christine Ottow. (2015). Spotlight on Soft Skills: Sorting the True Professionals from the Snappy Dressers. [Online]. Retrieved at 15 November 2015 from: * Nicole Vulcan. (2014). Examples of Professionalism in the Workplace. [Online]. Retrieved at 15 November 2015 from: * Shelvy L. Campbell. (2013). Professionalism in the Professionalism in the Workplace. [Online]. Retrieved at 15 November 2015 from: * Sherrie, S. (2014) The Importance of Professionalism in Business [online]. Retrieved at 15 November 2015 from: * Anna, G. (2015) Why is professionalism important [online]. Retrieved at 15 November 2015 from: * Mind tool. (2015) Professionalism [online]. Retrieved at 15 November 2015 from: * Harvey, L.; Mason, S.; Ward, R. (1995). Role of Professional Bodies in Higher Education Quality Monitoring. * McKeegan (2009) Hot topics in educational foundation [Online]. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13th November 2015] * Sherrie Scott (2013) The Importance of Professionalism in Business [Online].Retrieved from: [Accessed 15th November 2015] * Versa (2014) Professional Application of Furniture [Online]. Retrieved from: [Accessed 15th November 2015] * Polk-Lepson Research Group (2012) Professionalism in the workplace study, York College of Pennsylvania: Center for Professional Excellence.

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