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Progress Essay


Submitted By Goddesnts123
Words 318
Pages 2
The Jewelry Store Job
This is a first big heist in the game. This mission is unlocked after completing a friend request. You play as Michael and Franklin too of the main characters in the game both of them have different stories. Grand Theft Auto V is an open world action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. The game is set in Los Santos which is fake Last Angeles.
Michael is guy who is playing off his own death in intend which happens ten years ago after robbing a bank in North Yankton. Michael faked his own death so he can spend time with his wife Amanda and his two of his kids Tracey and Jimmy. Now Michael is trying to get back in the game by doing this heist.
Franklin on the other hand is trying to get out of the hood. He is trying to change his life which was being a gangbanger doing drugs and going to prison. Franklin lives with his aunt Denise after his mother died from addiction to crack cocaine which led to her death. Now Franklin gets the change that he needs to get out of the hood went he meets Michael.
At started of the mission Michael calls his old friend Lester who is computer guy and he is who set up the all the heists missions in the game. Lester asks Michael to meet him at his place he asks Michael to do a mission for him which is a friend request mission. After doing this mission for Lester he agrees to setup the heist.
Lester calls you again saying that he had set up the heist and tells you to meet him at his office. Once you get their Lester says that there are two different approaches to this heist. The two approaches are going in Smart or going in Loud.

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