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Progressive Era Amendment Essay

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Words 1735
Pages 7
Dylan Wilson
Mr. McKown
Dec. 5, 2017

Progressive Era Amendments

Sixteenth Amendment

The 16 amendment allows congress to tariff income tax without putting on the population or dividing up the states. The amendment is the constitution law empowering the government to income taxes on Americans ( The U.S. Treasury Department used to rely on sales taxes and tariffs for the majority of the federal budget ( When the sixteenth amendment was adopted the federal government was given more political power to set up the current form of taxation ( This amendment was ratified on Feb 3, 1913 ( With this, the initiative of taxes on wages gained …show more content…
The Constitution, as it was adopted in 1788, made the Senate an assembly where the states would have equal representation ( The corruption is breaking the law to get favors or better treatment for you or somebody else ( Progressive reformers dismissed individuals elected by such legislatures as puppets and the Senate as “millionaire’s club” serving powerful private interests ( When the house passed proposed amendments for direct election of senators in 1910 and 1911, which included a race rider meant to bar federal intervention, no cases of racial discrimination against voters …show more content…
Large crime rings of the day were fighting against each other to supply public’s insatiable appetite for liquor ( Courts and police forces were stretched beyond their capacity ( Jails and courts were soon back logged and overrun with countless citizens charged with prohibition-related offences ( On December 5, 1933, the 18th Amendment was repealed via the 21st Amendment ( To this day, the 18th Amendment is the only Amendment within the United States Constitution to be repealed in its entirety

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