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Project Management and Operational Research


Submitted By Fursace
Words 2069
Pages 9
University of Wales
Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)

Subject : Project Management and Operational Research
Type of assignment : Individual Assignment
Lecturer : Siew Ngung Chia
Course : Master of Science in Management

Assignment Cover Sheet
Number Name of Student ID Number Signature
1 Musamukhamedov Farrukh M1100082

Submitted on Due Date? NO (Date Submitted: 19/03/2012)
Words Limit Observed? No CONTENT PAGE

Chapter 1. BACKGROUND The Case Summary 3 Methodology 3 Limitations 4

2.1. Setting up the model 5
2.2. Solution from Management Scientist 6 Interpretation and Explanation of Solution 6 Range of Optimality 6 Range of Feasibility 7 Shadow Price 8 Reduce Cost 8

3.1. Option 1: Purchasing only one type of truck 9
3.2. Option 2: Purchasing the same number of pickup trucks as moving vans 10
3.3. Option 3: Purchasing the minimum total number of trucks 11

4.1. Recommendation 12
4.2. Conclusion 12


The Case Summary
Moving company Bay City Movers submit to its investors, a business plan for investing to the company to make total trucking capacity at least 36 tons.
Company is at the stage to replace its entire fleet. The fleet consists of 1 ton pickup and 2.5 ton van type trucks, which are manned by 1 and 4 workers respectively. The cost of pickup truck is $24,000 and the cost of van is $60,000.
Bay City Movers employs 48 workers and has facilities for 40 trucks in total. Company does not want to increase number of employees and trcking facilities but wishes to make minimum investment to get al least 36 tons of trucking capacity.
The following Table 1 summarizes the above mentioned limitations of existing resources of

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