...Project Charter Your Name: Tiffany S, Deborah H, Sam C Project Name: Training Program for Campaign Fund Drives Project Authorization: A brief statement should identify the authorized project by name. The Partnership Fund has authorized the development and presentation of a training program for their upcoming campaign fund drive. | Project Manager Authorization: The name of the project manager, including a description of his/her responsibilities should be clearly identified. Deborah H. is the project manager. Her duties include overseeing the team processes, collaborating with team member to delegate roles, monitoring team progress, and providing feedback to team members. | Key Stakeholders: All key stakeholders identified in the project proposal, those who can positively or negatively influence the success or failure of a project, must be identified. Their functions and roles must be defined clearly to avoid role confusion. List all stakeholders their roles, and how they will contribute to the project. Name | Role | Contribution to Project | | Board Members | Lead the fund Drive | Learn new fund raising techniques and solicit for donations. | | Volunteers | Assist board members in the fund drive | Assist the board members and learn new fund raising technique and solicit for donations. | | Recipients | Receive the donations provided by the fund drive | Will help publicize the fund drive.The stakeholders who will benefit from the fund drive...
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...Overview A student project is required in PROJ586 and is to be completed on an individual basis. Use of Microsoft Project software is required. The project will consist of the Huntsville plant construction effort, the details of which are in the "project tabs" in the course shell for each week's assignment This course project assignment follows the Huntsville project from a Project Charter (where the effort is initially approved), through the Project Scope Statement (where the scope is elaborated in more detail), through the WBS (where the major tasks and sub-tasks are documented), and finally to a completed project schedule in Microsoft Project, with resources and costs added in. Along the way we also complete a Risk Plan and a Communications Plan for the Huntsville project, and deal with scheduling and resource issues, all normal and customary actives in most project environments. However all a bit mysterious to the uninitiated! So I'm going to try and walk you through all of that with these Part-1 through Part-5 instruction documents. Please do listen to the Course Project Tour Video (in the Course Home/Course Project tab). It lays out in summary all the deliverables for the Course Project. Since the effort is worth 25% of your grade, you really need to understand what we are asking for and when all the pieces are due! As you complete this course project effort, remember; think of this as a set of business communications as well as a class assignment. In part this...
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...THE MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM THE MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROJECT TITLE: MAAS MS PROJECT CHARTER BUSINESS CASE VERSION 1 MARCH 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Description 3 Measurable Organization Value: MOV3 Deliverable Structure Chart Use-Case Diagram Scope Change Procedure Comparison of Alternatives 3 Skills, Knowledge & Roles5 Roles and Responsibilities6 Meeting Schedule7 Team Communication8 Team Rules and Expectations8 Signatures10 Project Description: MAAS MS The Martial Arts Academy has hired Bella Tech Solutions to design a system to help automate their business operations, improve student retention, and increase revenue. The academy has found that their paper-based process for school enrollment, class entry, and skill progression to become more difficult to manage. For example, instructors have found it difficult to keep track of the classes that students have actually registered for and attended. Also, they have observed an opportunity to maintain an accurate account of the student skill level and progression. Bella Tech Solutions has been tasked with the job of creating a system to automate all of their paper based processes that will directly increase the Martial Arts Academy monthly revenue. The name of the project is MAAS MS, which stands for “Martial Arts Academy School Management System” (pronounced Mac Miss); represents the project team assembled by Bella Tech Solutions to create...
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...Siddharth Mandwal ID- 1001704 Date Submitted - 10/26/2015 PROJECT CHARTER AND ITS STRUCTURE INTRODUCTION Projects have been a part of the human life for hundreds of years. They can exist for a significant amount of time, can cost a lot of money and may involve people from all departments and offices under an organization. When projects can be very complicated, small mismanagement practises might cost a lot of time and money. This requires that projects are properly managed right from the starting or even before starting the project. This requirement calls for the creation of a project charter. Although the project charter is a very important deliverable at initialization of the project, it can be defined basically as a document which officially starts or authorizes a project. It acts as a reference for the future. Any charter should roughly define the business case, scope, objectives, stakeholders and risk and responsibilities. With project management practices getting more organized and more defined, the importance of the project is now well known but, there seem to be some disputes over the structure of a project charter, when it should be created and who should be creating the project charter. This paper aims at finding these answers with the help of information available. Various proposals given by different experts are considered and each proposal is analyzed to determine what would a perfect project charter look like and when it should be created and by whom. This...
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...Project management techniques and tools are applied to manage Project Orion so as to make it a success. A project could be defined as a set of temporary activities and efforts that have a clear-cut duration and objectives. Project Management Institute (2013) has developed a complete set of processes and tools for managing projects, and A Guide to the Project management body of knowledge developed by Project Management Institute has been accepted by as US national standards for managing projects. This standard is widely adopted in other countries. The core objectives of project management is to achieve project success within give constraints in time, quality, cost and risk, and to attain the expectations and satisfaction of core stakeholders (Kerzner, 2009). This section specifies how Project Orion should management along with the rationale for launching it, on the basis of project management knowledge and theories. Special attention is given to project time management, project cost management, project quality management, project risk management, and stakeholder management. In detail, Project Orion is managed with four major phases, as shown in Appendix 1, namely Project Initiation, Project Planning, Project Execution and Project Closure. Each of these phases is addressed with details below. Usually a project involves various stakeholders, and they have different interests in the project. Support from stakeholders is usually important for achieving project success and stakeholder...
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...Project Charter Advertisements Previous Page Next Page Introduction: Project Charter refers to a statement of objectives in a project. This statement also sets out detailed project goals, roles and responsibilities, identifies the main stakeholders, and the level of authority of a project manager. It acts as a guideline for future projects as well as an important material in the organization's knowledge management system. The project charter is a short document that would consist of new offering request or a request for proposal. This document is a part of the project management process, which is required by Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The Role of Project Charter: Following are the roles of a Project Charter: • It documents the reasons for undertaking the project. • Outlines the objectives and the constraints faced by the project. • Provides solutions to the problem in hand. • Identifies the main stakeholders of the project. Benefits of Project Charter: Following are the prominent benefits of Project Charter for a project: • It improves and paves way for good customer relationships. • Project Charter also works as a tool that improves project management processes. • Regional and headquarter communications can also be improved to a greater extent. • By having a project charter, project sponsorship can also be gained. • Project Charter recognizes senior management roles. • Allows progression, which...
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...PMO? Based on your assigned readings and research do these appear to be appropriate reasons for developing a PMO? Why or why not? 2. What are the changes that will be necessary in order for AtekPC to effectively implement a PMO? Consider among other factors the program management performance domains from your Week 1 readings found in Chapter 2 of The Program Management Standard which include: (1) Program Life Cycle Management; (2) Program Benefits Management; (3) Program Stakeholder Engagement; (4) Program Governance; and, (5) Program Strategy Alignment. 3. It is clear that AtekPC never really had a Charter to guide them in developing its PMO. Draft a Program Charter for AtekPC (no longer than 3 pages) that incorporates the basic elements of a program charter discussed in your lecture materials for Week 2. Remember, the Charter is a high level document so it does not require the detail of your project scope and specifications and other project documents. Please note that there are important differences between project charters that focus on the iron triangle (scope, cost, schedule) and program charters that focus on the Program Management Domains and Program Benefit Delivery. The Project Management Office was introduced to AtekPC because of the continuous changes and stresses that were on the personal computer industry. The industry was in transition with falling profit margins. “The PC Industry was experiencing tremendous cost pressure and was undergoing a period of...
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...2008 Sunshine Coast Airport: Project Charter Project Management: Principles, Processes and Practice Sunshine Coast Airport Project Charter Project Management Practice: Assessment 1 Team Name: JETTS Group: Simpson Chang, Thomas Le, Trung Huu Nguyen, Safi Ayoush, Edi Ofori Project Management Practice: Assessment 1 1 Page 1/1/2008 Sunshine Coast Airport: Project Charter Project Management: Principles, Processes and Practice CONTENTS Document Management .......................................................................... 4 Distribution List ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Version Control .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Project Registration ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Executive Summary ................................................................................. 7 1 Rationale ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 2 Business Drivers .........................................................................................................................
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...Information Project Title: | Cleary Bridge 2 | Brief Project Description: | | Prepared By: | | Date: | | Version: | | B. Project Objective: Explain the specific objectives of the project. For example: What value does this project add to the organization? How does this project align with the strategic priorities of the organization? What results are expected? What are the deliverables? What benefits will be realized? What problems will be resolved? | C. Assumptions List and describe the assumptions made in the decision to charter this project. Please note that all assumptions must be validated to ensure that the project stays on schedule and on budget. | D. Project Scope Describe the scope of the project. The project scope establishes the boundaries of the project. It identifies the limits of the project and defines the deliverables. | List any requirements that are specifically excluded from the scope. | E. Project Milestones List the major milestones and deliverables of the project. . Milestones | Deliverables | Date | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | F. Impact Statement List the impact this project may have on existing systems or units. . Potential Impact | Systems / Units Impacted | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | G. Roles and Responsibilities Describe the roles and responsibilities of project team members...
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...Project Charter By: (your names) General Information: Project Title – The proper name used to identify this project; Sponsoring Organization – The organization sponsoring this project; Prepared by ; Version – Version of this document. |Project Title: |Woman resort | | |Sponsoring Organization: |GUST | | |Prepared by (PM): |Noor Alkandery | Version:1 | |Group Members |Asmaa alshammari, Hajer Dali | | Project Stakeholders: List all applicable project stakeholders. |Position |Title/Name/Organization |Phone |E-mail | |Sponsor |GUST | | | |Representative | | | ...
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...Project management-For this project, you may Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/project-management-for-this-project-you-may/ Project management-For this project, you may For this project, you may choose one that is of interest to you, or you may choose to begin planning for your senior project. When selecting a project, avoid picking one that is either too big or too small. For example, do not decide to build a new stadium for your local sports team (too big) or to plant your summer garden (too small). Here are some successful past project ideas. • The opening of a coffee shop • A charity event for a local social service agency • A meditation pool and platform in the center of town • A redevelopment of a local playground • Design and installation of a computer network for a small business • Software development project A project to build a house or create a website is NOT acceptable. You are not limited to the list of projects above. Please refer all questions concerning what is acceptable as a class project to your instructor. Milestones: • Due Week 1: Project Outline Proposal/Approval • Due Week 2: Project Charter • Due Week 3: Scope Statement • Due Week 4: Work Breakdown Structure/Gantt Chart • Due Week 5: Risk Management Plan • Due Week 6: Project Schedule and Budget • Due Week 7: Communication Plan • Due Week 8: Final Project Package Week 1 Back to Top Due Week 1: Project Outline Proposal/Approval To begin Week 1, all...
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...Williamson created in order to better manage their projects and prevent financial loss. D.D. Williamson decided to create this process after they realized that some “critical” projects were not being completed in a timely fashion. In this paper you will also see different sceneries that D.D. Williamson’s new process may not work as well as some additional suggestions to improve their current process. Prioritizing Process of D.D. Williamson The main point of this case study was to review the process that D.D. Williamson created in order to better prioritize their projects so that all projects could be more manageable. According to our text (Kloppenborg, T., Nkomo, S. (2012). Human resource project management. (2nded.) Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning (pg 48) that the reason the first trial of the project didn’t work was because they still had to many projects and “critical” projects were not being completed and were over budget. This caused them to have to re-evaluate the current process and create yet another process. One of the ways that I would have critiqued this project would have been suggesting that everyone review a few different charter templates. They could have used one from a website like Projectmanager.com or they could have used a software like Swiftlight. I think had they used one of these resources they would have had a better idea of what was needed to have a success project and be able to prioritize. D.D. Williamson did...
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...EXAMPLE PROJECT CHARTER - PAGE 1 | |Version No.: 1 | | |Date: September 5, 1990 | | |Number: 111-90 | |Project Name: Relocation Study | | |Current Name Phase: None | | |Project Manager: Joan McLean |Telephone #: 919-0001 | |Division Functional Director: Jim Logan |Telephone #: 919-0002 | |Project Sponsor: Joanne Kline |Telephone #: 919-0003 | PROJECT DEFINITION |CORPORATE PROJECT PURPOSE: | |Because the company is currently considering the possible consolidation of its seven manufacturing sites into one location...
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...Phase 2 DB 1 MPM210-1404A-06 Project Management Overview Oct 15, 2014 Dr. G. Whenever something has to be accomplished or a project started, most people start thinking before they begin the project with an idea of how they are going to accomplish it. This can vary from the easiest ways to do it to the more complicated ways to how much it is going to cost. Whoever is paying for the endeavor is usually the one that comes up with the idea of what is to be done and a little about how it is going to be accomplished. In the project management world; this person would be called the sponsor and the person accomplishing the actual project details or making it happen would be the project manager. Here I will look at what is detailed in the project charter from the sponsor and the scope statement for the project manager. The project charter is very important because it details certain things for the project manager. The first thing it does is that it formally authorizes the work to be accomplished and gives the project his or her authority to do their job. The project charter will also describe the business need for the project and its expectations or results needed. This charter is usually written outside of the project manager team who can make sure the needs of the project are available for the project manager. Along with the charter, it may also include key assumptions or constraints that could affect the project schedule, budget or quality. It may also contain target...
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