...estimated increase of 400% by 2012. (Tudor & Pettey 2010.) This means to stay competitive in the market place Apple needs to do several things which includes pushing the limits of the Apples latest iPhone 4’s capabilities, create a green alternative to support devices, add features like an SD memory slot to make the iPad more user friendly, and to lead the way in the mobile device market place launch the iPhone5 which will have true 4g capabilities. This memo will recommend a new project added to Apple existing device portfolio. Also, we will explain the selection process and methods used to evaluate and justify selected project to be launched by midyear 2010. Portfolio Management Process (including selection criteria) The Project Management Office, during its guidelines, strategies and Apple’s innovative business advice will present current and future projects to the executive leaders and board of directors while observing projects in development. Thus, this will guarantee successful financial quarterly maintenance while still following the company’s product sustainability, SEC filing, product innovation, environmental considerations and project value. (Apple, 2011) Phase 1: Prioritization & Selection of Projects Evaluating Candidate Projects In evaluating candidate projects...
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...SWOT analysis of Apple’s new iPhone Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation, which designs, manufactures and sells personal computers, consumer electronics and software, and provides related services. Apple unveiled the iPhone 5, featuring an enlarged screen, more powerful processors, and running iOS 7. But in the current market this iPhone 5 have strong competitors like: HTC One; Samsung S3, S4; Sony Xperia Z; Nokia Lumia Series etc. SWOT analysis is used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective. How iPhone 5 can able to stack up against its competitors, it can be evaluated by the SWOT analysis. Here I compare one of the competitors SWOT analysis with iPhone 5 SWOT analysis, to know is iPhone 5 is able to stack up against its competitor or not. The following are the SWOT analysis of iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4: iPhone 5 Samsung Galaxy S4 Strengths iPhone 5 Samsung Galaxy S4 1. Apple's brand is at the height of its powers. 2. Apple's ecosystem is better than that of its competitors. 3. The world’s most advanced mobile operating system (iSO 7) is in iPhone 5. 4. Best designed phone in the market resulting in novelty...
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...2013 Course project Gabriel Valadez bus420 December 19, 2013 Course project Successful Product Strategy (Apple iPhone) Background & Current Key facts of Apple iPhone. Steve Jobs and Apple announced on January 2007, the revolutionary iPhone which was released the following June and also marked Apple's entry into the cellular phone marketplace. As described by Steve Jobs as "a wide-screen iPod with hand controls... a revolutionary mobile phone... and a breakthrough Internet communications device," the iPhone was the first Apple-branded consumer device to run on OS X (now known as iOS7). The iPhone was sold in two configurations, a 4 GB model sold for $499, and an 8 GB model for $599. In September 2007, Apple discontinued the 4 GB model, and dropped the price of the 8 GB model to $399 (a $100 Apple Store credit was offered to angry early adopters). In February 2008, a $499 16 GB model was added. All models were discontinued in June 2008, with the release of the iPhone 3G. As don’t with every other model when new iPhone comes out. Strategy/Project under investigation. iPhone has always been forward thinking and they have come a long way since 2007 when they introduced the iPhone 3G. Forward thinking is what the iPhone 5s is now. It is a 64 bit mobile architecture in pioneering. It also has a new innovating feature of a fingerprint identity sensor. All of these services are at the service of every person who is interested in a mobile phone. iPhone 5 set a precedent...
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...MY DREAM JOB A PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TO RK UNIVERSITY, RAJKOT SUBMITTED BY Name of Student Enrollment No. Yagnik Virani 15SOEIT11024 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Internal Guide Prof. Jay Ghodasara (Assistant Professor) RK University August 2017 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, RK UNIVERSITY, RAJKOT DECLARATION I hereby certify that I am the sole author(s) of this project work and that neither any part of this project work nor the whole of the project work has been submitted for a degree to any other University or Institution. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, my project work does not infringe upon anyone’s copyright nor violate...
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...surrounded by engineers, innovation, and exposure to the cutting edge of various electronic advancements. As a young child Jobs began to express interest in electronics and technology. After a brief stint in college and a few months in a hippy commune, he started his first job at a video game company called Atari. The chief engineer, Al Alcorn, hired him. Jobs became “one of the first fifty employees at Atari, working as a technician for $5 and hour. ‘In retrospect it was weird to hire a dropout from Reed [College],’ Alcorn recalled. ‘But I saw something in him. He was very intelligent, enthusiastic and excited about tech.’” (Isaacson Pg. 43) In 1976, the intelligent and motivated, Steve Jobs took the knowledge he had acquired at Atari and teamed up with his good friend Steve Wozniak and started Apple as a desktop computer company. For about 10 years the two Steve’s worked together, but in the mid 1980’s tension began to rise between the business partners and Jobs left the company. From 1985 to 1995 Steve Jobs worked on various projects and at various companies such as NeXt and Pixar, but in 1996 Jobs went back to Apple and in 1997 he became Apple’s CEO. In the mid 1990’s, business was not booming for Apple. When Steve Jobs came on as CEO he cleaned house. He hired a new board of directors, and began working on a new product. The iMac was Apple’s first innovative product in years and it was a hit. Steve Jobs had a feeling that a sleek, simple, innovative design with fun...
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...Logistics Planning and Management Lecture 1 Prof. Ying-Ju Chen Agenda Course Information Objectives and Learning Outcomes Structure and Grading Class Participation Topics Agenda Course Information Objectives and Learning Outcomes Structure and Grading Class Participation Topics Course Information Course Title • IELM 3450: Logistics Planning and Service Management • ISOM 3760: Logistics Management Instructor • Prof. Ying-Ju Chen • Office: LSK 4035 (Business building) • Email: imchen@ust.hk • Ph: 2358-7758 Instructor Qualification • BS &MS, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University • M Phil &PhD, IOMS-Operations Management Group, Stern School of Business, New York University Instructor Past Experience • Faculty, IEOR Department, University of California at Berkeley, 2007-2014 Taught Courses • Dynamic programming • Service operations management • Production system analysis •… Instructor Current Appointment • Department of ISOM, School of Business and Management • Department of IELM, School of Engineering • Joint (50 & 50) appointment • Home dept & office: SBM • Teaching: 50 & 50 • Service: 100 & 100 … Agenda Course Information Objectives and Learning Outcomes Structure and Grading Class Participation Topics Course Objectives Understand role of strategic logistics management in global firms Analyze logistics problems on a functional, business and company-wide basis Get...
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...that suggests the iPhone 7 will be far less successful than both the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 6? The iPhone 6-era produced more growth than the iPhone 5-era (trend is in the right direction), AAPL is opening more retail stores in China now than ever before, China’s middle class is growing at a rate of 10% (assuming China GDP growth of 7%) and is expected to be 1.5x the size of the US middle class in 2017, and 30% of iPhone buyers are switching from Android. Although it was arguably reasonable for analysts to sound the alarm bells from 2013 through 2014 because era-over-era growth dropped from 563.3% (iPhone 4-era) to 51.1% (iPhone 5 era), it is unfounded today given a conservative iPhone 6 era-over-era growth estimate of approximately 63% (30%+ per year). This report focuses on the iPhone because it generates nearly 70% of AAPL revenue and 100% of growth. I bought AAPL on 2/16/2016 at $95.0 because the Street’s 2017 revenue and earnings estimates are irrationally low. Thesis Summary: * The Street focuses on QoQ growth rates and next quarter guidance, which equates to comparing every iPhone release with the previous release in order to project short to medium term iPhone revenue growth. This methodology would have an investor think that iPhone growth is slowing and the iPhone 7 will produce far lower growth than the 5 (~25%/year) or the iPhone 6 (~30%/year) * The reasonable/rational way to think about iPhone growth is “era-over-era” because all iPhone releases are not...
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...Introduction Danshui was a contract manufacturer that assembled electronic products located in Southern China. Danshui has a contract to assemble 2.4 million iPhones within the period from 1st June 2010 to 31st May 2011 and their current production is only 180,000 units per month compared to planned production is 200,000 units. Danshui is using semiskilled labor for less than 1 dollar an hour and assembly line technique. Due to high demand of IPhone 4, Apple had contracted with Danshui to assemble iphones in Plant No. 2. A budget had been prepared soon after iPhone contract was signed. Therefore, Danshui plant manager, Wentao Chen was responsible to control all costs including materials, labor, overhead and shipping. IPhone 4 contained more than 100 components including flash memories, application processor, chip for phone calls, gyroscope and etc. Therefore, each worker will need to focus more than one task in a short period of time due to its assembly line toward completion. The assembly process entirely based on handwork by workers, where there are 140 steps in assembly process to be done by 325 individuals during 5 working days. The August Report had shown a loss of $672,000 although budget is $100,000, this is due to unable to produce 200,000 iPhone 4 units on demand. The major obstacle is not hiring enough qualified labor although wages was raised by 30% since July. Besides, flash memory installation also causing a trouble where they can be damaged by heat if not...
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...current systems. * APPLE | IPHONE 5 – SIPOC : Companies introducing Lean Six Sigma for process improvement in its organization, demand a clear understanding of its current processes. SIPOC is an effective tool used in the initial Define stage of the DMAIC life cycle for high-level process mapping of key processes. SIPOC is an acronym for Supplier, Inputs, Process, Outputs and Customers. Each of these terms are explained in detail as follows: * Suppliers are the significant internal/external providers of material/input data to the process. * Inputs are significant physical/data inputs provided by the suppliers to undergo a process. * Process is the current method used in sequence of four to seven steps that add value to the Inputs. * Outputs are significant process results delivered to customers. * Customers are the internal/external recipients of the Outputs. A team of 3-9 stakeholders or team members, who have knowledge of the process, typically develops SIPOC. A facilitated brain storming session is conducted by a certified facilitator to identity the five key components (SIPOC). A consensus is reached so that all the members view a particular process in the same way. [1] A SIPOC process map can be created during two stages in the Lean Six Sigma Deployment Life Cycle as follows. 1. Pre-Project Selection Stage SIPOC of the company's key processes provides a comparable visualizations and descriptions for each project portfolios which helps the...
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...Apple Inc. Management project Apple Inc. has stakes in several areas of technology including PCs, tablets, cell phones, portable media devices, and digital music distribution. There are threats from each area that Apple has to constantly monitor and overcome. Apple uses its own OS and on its own hardware which has both advantages and disadvantages. Since Apple has more control using this method their products are high-quality or sometimes referred to as premium. However there is less room for customization and the consequences can be seen on several of their product lines. One example is in the wireless market, where new cell phones are being released frequently. Apple has the iPhone and the iOS which are only updated once a year. Meanwhile there is another highly popular OS called Android and is developed by Google and given away for free. Several cell phone manufactures then create phones and use the Android OS which can be customized by the manufacture or simply left the way it is. With different manufactures, Android based phones are released more frequently and have different features which give consumers a variety of options. Features that are a direct threat to the iPhone include increased screen size, removable storage, and more options for customization. The latest iPhones always start at $199 USD with a 2-year contract and a similar Android phone is about the same. One major issue is the fact that the $199 version has 16GB of storage and for more storage (32GB)...
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...gets Iphone projector Brookstone Pocket Projector for iPhone 4 and 4S This unit package was opened, but it has never been used. It is very easy to use, just dock your iPhone 4 or 4S and project videos or iPhone Photo Slide Shows onto any surface. Perfect for sales people, students presenting projects, travel, meetings, or keeping kids entertained on the go. 640x360 native display resolution able to projects up to a 50" image Super-bright 15-lumen projector lamp ensures clearer, more brilliant images Built-in 0.5W speaker and focus adjustment for an optimum viewing experience Built-in 2100mAh battery functions as a back-up battery for your iPhone 4 or 4S device when fully charged NOTE: Please be ware that the projector only works on iPhone 4 and 4S, because of the mufti-wire interface. iPhone 5 and later versions use the micro connector which has 4 wires and doesn't allow the video to communicate with the Brookstone Projector. This is a great projector to take on the road. Its super-bright 15-lumen LED projector lamp ensures clearer, more brilliant videos. Focus adjustment lets you control image clarity while the integrated 0.5W speaker delivers the audio. Great for keeping kids entertained with their favorite videos on the road!Rechargeable batteries powers the device. The Pocket Projector's built-in 2100mAh battery charges via USB connection with the included cord. When fully charged, the projector may also be used as a back-up battery for your...
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...European School of Economics MSc Management INTERNATIONAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT The launch of the new IPhone 5S Lecturer: Vera Koubkova Students: Denisa Nicoara: 1205950 Horatiu Ilea: 1205948 Camilla Coriani Nicola Longo Date: 11th of March Word count: 2732 Table of Contents 1. Project Initiation Document: 2 1.1. The statement of client need: 2 1.2. The project team: 5 1.3. The Project Budget: 7 1.4. Risk Management 8 2. The Project Planning: 12 2.1. The Work Breakdown Structure: 12 2.2. The precedence for each activity on the Work Breakdown Structure: 14 2.3. The resources needed to complete the activities each day: 15 2.4. The Activity on Node Network Diagram: 15 2.5. The critical path: 15 References: 17 1. Project Initiation Document: We are a Project Management company, with twenty employees and four owners and managers at the same time: Denisa Nicoara, Camilla Coriani, Horatiu Ilea and Nicola Longo. 1.1. The statement of client need: The Apple team has asked us, the Orchid Project Management company to assign a team that is going to plan the launch of their new IPhone 5S. When Apple launches a new product, everything needs to be planned to the last detail and no one can know about what is going to happen during the launch, but everybody has to be talking about the launch long time before it takes place. The launch has to take place in San Francisco's Yerba Buena Center...
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...Marketing Management Group Project Background Information Question 3, Part A - C Liberty University BUSI 520 Strategic Marketing Management Apple’s iPhone is one of the most popular cellular phones currently available on the market. The iPhone is a technologically innovative product which uses both hedonic and utilitarian product attributes to “trigger consumer frenzy in the launch period complete with long lines outside Apple stores the night prior to the launch date” (Arruda-Filho, Cabusas, & Dholakia, 2010, para.4). Describe and discuss the demographic trends associated with your product/service. In 2010, Nielsen’s quarter 1 2010 data “showed 23% of all mobile consumers have a smartphone” (Kellogg, 2010, para.1). According to Nielsen, both Android and iPhone users are mostly male, with Android users being slightly younger than iPhone users. However, those users who are in a lower income bracket and less educated are more likely to choose an Android device over an iPhone. (Kellogg, 2010) Drew DeSilver (2013) summarized a recent Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project report on smartphone ownership., which backed up Nielsen’s survey. According to this report, “25% of all U.S. cellphone owners, and 43% of smartphone owners, own an iPhone, a few percentage points behind Android” (DeSilver, 2013, para.2). Over the past three years, smartphone users have The survey also found that “more affluent and more educated people are much more likely...
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...The new applications of IT play an important role in the competitive success. The strategy of IT is the most crucial part in the competitive success of the firm. The goal is to transform the industry or the organization. The leadership includes the board of the senior executive and the project management includes the change man. Support In the future strategy and in the operations, the impact of IT is very low. In this category, the firm operates its business in which the firm has the operational failure. The main goal is to improve the local performance and the leadership includes the local level oversight. Turnaround In this category, all the firms receive the full IT support in all of its daily operations. The firms are not dependent on the cost effectiveness. The goal is to identify and then launch the new ventures. The project management includes the development of the new venture. BCG matrix of Apple Question mark The television of Apple makes some amount of money from the market but cannot reach its...
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...the software applications have been ever changed and depended on immediate user requirements. Therefore in order to satisfy customers in developing a well-designed application by means of a production process, agile methodology is adopted (Kaleel & Harishankar, 2013). After the launch of iPhone App Store in 2008, diverse other mobile companies started their advancement and launch of mobile applications. Google Company owned Android Inc. in 2005 with the aim to extend their business to include the mobile market. A critical...
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