...Printed circuit board From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Circuit board) Jump to: navigation, search Part of a 1983 Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer board; a populated PCB, showing the conductive traces, vias (the through-hole paths to the other surface), and some mounted electrical components PCB Layout ProgramA printed circuit board, or PCB, is used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways, or traces, etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate. Alternative names are printed wiring board (PWB),and etched wiring board. A PCB populated with electronic components is a printed circuit assembly (PCA), also known as a printed circuit board assembly (PCBA). PCBs are rugged, inexpensive, and can be highly reliable. They require much more layout effort and higher initial cost than either wire-wrapped or point-to-point constructed circuits, but are much cheaper and faster for high-volume production. Much of the electronics industry's PCB design, assembly, and quality control needs are set by standards that are published by the IPC organization. Contents [hide] 1 Manufacturing 1.1 Patterning (etching) 1.2 Lamination 1.3 Drilling 1.4 Exposed conductor plating and coating 1.5 Solder resist 1.6 Screen printing 1.7 Test 1.8 Populating 1.9 Printed Circuit Assembly 1.10 Protection and packaging 2 Safety Certification (US) 3 "Cordwood" construction 4 Multiwire...
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...PROJECT REPORT ON SANGUINOSCOPE Under the guidance of: Submitted by: Miss. Navdeep Kaur Harmanpreet Kaur (2009ECA1157) Bhawna Sharma (2011ECA1464) Anuradha Sharma (2011ECA1457) Aabha Bhandari (2011ECA1109) Shahbaaz Singh (2011ECA1453) CANDIDATE DECLARATION We hereby certify that the work which is being presented in this Project entitled “SANGUINOSCOPE” by our group in partial fulfilment of requirement for the MAJOR PROJECT submitted in Electronics and Communication Department. PSPICE is an authentic record of my own work carried under the supervision of “MISS. NAVDEEP KAUR” .The matter presented in this project has not been submitted by us in any other University/Institute for the award of MAJOR PROJECT. Candidate Name: HARMANPREET KAUR (2009 ECA 1157) BHAWNA SHARMA (2011 ECA 1464) ANURADHA SHARMA (2011 ECA 1457) AABHA BHANDARI (2011 ECA 1109) SHAHBAZ SINGH (2011 ECA 1453) This is to certify that the above statement made by the...
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... so that leakage can be easily detected. We can detect the presence of dangerous LPG leakage in the cars, industrial sectors and residential premises using an Ideal Gas Sensor. We can easily integrate the LPG gas leakage detector unit into a unit that can sound an alarm or give a visual suggestion of the LPG concentration. The sensor used in this Project will have both admirable sensitivity and rapid response time. This sensor can also be used to sense other gases like iso-butane, propane, LNG and even cigarette smoke. The output of the sensor goes LOW as soon as the LPG sensor senses any gas leakage. This is detected by the microcontroller and the LED & buzzer are turned ON. After a delay of few milliseconds, the exhaust fan is also turned ON for throwing the gas out and a “GAS LEAKAGE” message is sent to a pre-defined mobile number using GSM Module. MQ-5 Semiconductor Sensor for Combustible Gas Sensitive material of MQ-5 gas sensor is SnO2, which with lower conductivity in clean air. When the target combustible gas exist, the sensors conductivity is Higher along with the gas concentration rising. We use simple electro-circuit, convert change of conductivity to correspond output signal of gas concentration. MQ-5 gas sensor has high sensitivity to Methane, Propane and Butane and could be used to detect both Methane and Propane. The sensor could be used to detect different combustible gas especially Methane, it is with low cost and suitable for different application. ...
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...UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKA FACULTY OF ELECTRONIC & COMPUTER ENGINEERING BENU 2002 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING PRACTICE MODULE: MINI PROJECT (BENC) TIMER & COUNTER FOR LIGHT EMITTING DIODES PREPARED BY: COMPUTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, FKEKK SEMESTER 3 SESSION 2012/2013 1.0 OBJECTIVE * To study the structure of the basic electronic components and functionality of the timer 555 with some basic application in electronics circuit. * To provide practical experience in PCB making, soldering, trouble-shooting and applying the components. 2.0 COMPONENTS/MATERIALS * Soldering Tools-(Solder iron, solder wire, sucker) * Power supply DC 9V (or batteries) * Oscilloscope * Digital Multimeter * Resistors: 4.7 Ω, 2 Unit * Resistor 1K Ω, 2 Unit * Resistor 390 Ω, 1 Unit * Variable resistor: 500k Ω to 2MΩ, 1 Unit (Preset) * Capacitors : 10nF ceramic, 1 Unit * Capacitors: 10μF , 25 volt Electrolytes, 1 Unit * Light Emitting Diodes 8 Units * CMOS 4017, 1 Unit * 555 timer 1C, 1 Unit * 8-pin DIL socket for 1C, 1 Unit * 16-pin DIL socket for 1C, 1 Unit * ON/OFF switch, 1 Unit * Printed Circuit Board, 1 Unit 3.0 THEORY The Light Emitting Diodes circuit in Figure 1, controls 8 Light Emitting Diodes. The timing sequence is generated using a CMOS 4017 decade counter and a 555 timer. The Light Emitting Diodes will be on. The complete cycle time can be adjusted with variable resistor...
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...into microcontroller which matches the code to the correct person and increments the attendance of the particular person. CONTENTS Chapter No TOPIC Page 1. Introduction……………………………….. 04 2. Block Diagram and Description……….… 05 3.Circuit …………………… 09 Circuit Diagram ..........…….……. 10 Circuit Description……………………… 11 4.Software…………….................. 24 5.Printed Circuit Board ……………………….... 30 PCB Layout …………………….…… 43 6.Estimate……………………………………. 44 7.Conclusion ………………………………... 46 8.Bibpiography………………………………… 48 APPENDIX Data Sheets………………….. 50 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The two major problems faced by organizations are time consuming manual attendance and wastage of electrical power. Our project is going to solve these problems by using RFID technology. The project is designed to store up to 50 card IDs but it is...
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...that otherwise wouldn’t be available. After some time of working there I was assigned to work on a project that would soon become my favorite project during the entire internship. The project was to build six one-foot tall trophies that featured a glowing, 3d printed, crystal. These trophies were going to be given at an event called Venture Next hosted by Rev1...
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...into microcontroller which matches the code to the correct person and increments the attendance of the particular person. CONTENTS Chapter No TOPIC Page 1. Introduction……………………………….. 04 2. Block Diagram and Description……….… 05 3.Circuit …………………… 09 Circuit Diagram ..........…….……. 10 Circuit Description……………………… 11 4.Software…………….................. 24 5.Printed Circuit Board ……………………….... 30 PCB Layout …………………….…… 43 6.Estimate……………………………………. 44 7.Conclusion ………………………………... 46 8.Bibpiography………………………………… 48 APPENDIX Data Sheets………………….. 50 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The two major problems faced by organizations are time consuming manual attendance and wastage of electrical power. Our project is going to solve these problems by using RFID technology. The project is designed to store up to 50 card IDs but it is...
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...LCD monitors, the trainer provides easy access to the different parts of the monitor particularly the printed circuits boards (PCB). To prevent accidental short-circuits and for safety purposes, test points were provided where voltages can be measured using a voltmeter or oscilloscope, without going to the printed circuit boards. In addition, simulation switches were also included in the design to simulate the common faults that may occur in a Liquid Crystal Display monitor. Simulation of faults is essential when doing laboratory experiments on the trainer, which conventional LCD monitors cannot provide. The trainer is also accompanied by a service manual and laboratory manual that will guide the instructor and students in the proper use of the instructional device. This study is relevant and timely owing to the popularity of LCD computer monitors nowadays and the absence of instructional/training devices in teaching skills in troubleshooting LCD monitors. This project is primarily developed to be used by the following: the instructors in computer teaching LCD monitor servicing; the instructors in electronics dealing with troubleshooting and repair of communication equipment; and trainers in the field of LCD monitor repair and troubleshooting. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitor trainer is divided into six blocks namely: the Power Supply, Main Circuit, Control Key, Test-Points Module, FaultSimulation Switch Module and the LCD Panel. Figure 11 shows the...
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...create tones that that is sound thru the speaker. An electronic piano consist of several electric components that produce a voltage signal with a varying frequency. • Tools: 1. Soldering iron A hand tool that is used in the soldering process it supplies heat to melt the solder so that it can flow into the joint between two work pieces. 2. Diagonal pliers Used in trimming the excess leads closely as possible to the PCB. 3. Solder A fusible metal alloy used to join together metal work pieces and having a melting point below that of the work piece. 4. Soldering iron holder and cleaning sponge A standing iron holder is a tool that holds the soldering iron when it’s not in use. The holder also house the cleaning sponge which is used to clean off excess solder from the iron • Materials: 1. Printed circuit board Mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate. 2. NE555P integrated circuit An integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop element. 3. IC socket A socket for the IC. 4. Tact switch (8) Switches that conceptually connect or disconnect signals and communication paths between electrical devices 5. LED A two-lead semiconductor light source that resembles a basic pn-junction...
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...Abstract – Lab 5 required the use of a new circuit which was created using a printed circuit board. This board acted as an ECG amplifier to output an ECG signal. We used a soldering iron to connect all components to the printed circuit board, allowing use to practice our soldering skills. A set of three leads were attached to a teammate. The board was then connected to the leads and an oscilloscope which displayed the signal. The lab was completed with some success, as our ECG amplifier briefly displayed a signal. However, we determined that our board is generally unreliable, and must do some troubleshooting before further use. I. Introduction The purpose of this lab was to refamiliarize ourselves with soldering, which we learned in ELE 202 last semester, and to create a functioning ECG amplifier. We were provided with an empty printed circuit board and were given a schematic and a photo of the complete circuit. We used the schematics to solder components onto the printed circuit board. There were no additions made to the...
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...CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Student absences jeopardize student and school success. Academic achievement scores are correlated with school attendance. Students who are not at school cannot receive instruction. Excessive school absence is a precursor of school dropout and is related to juvenile delinquency. And, because average daily attendance rates are a common determiner of school funding, absences mean that schools have less resources to do the job. Given all this, it is not surprising that reducing school absences is a top priority for many schools. (http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu) Now-a-days intelligent automation has stepped its presence in every field all over the world. This project has a stepping in the attendance and power management of the classrooms in the colleges/schools. The use of low cost technologies for highly reliable applications with the help of newly innovated algorithms makes the automation process to reach the consumers at cheaper and reliable cost. (http://www.muxtronics.com) The widespread of embedded computer networks as part of everyday peoples’ lives is leading the current research towards smart environments and Ambient Intelligence (AmI). AmI is a new information paradigm where people are empowered through a digital environment that is “aware” of their presence and context and is sensitive, adaptive and responsive to their needs. Mark Weiser, described the smart environments as physical worlds that invisibly interact...
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...Stryker corp case study Stryker choose to manufacture its own PCB in its own facility. ... cash flows for the PCB project, as well as its NPV, IRR, and payback period. ... Option #2 was to establish a partnership with one single company, which was one of . In 2003, the Stryker Corporation is contemplating a change in their sourcing strategy for printed circuit boards (PCBs), which are used in many of their instruments. Recently, Stryker's suppliers of PCBs have become less reliable. They want to eliminate this problem by building a PCB production facility and produce the boards in house. In other words, they want to in-source the production of PCBs. This would give the company a great control over the quality of their boards. This proposal will require a total capital outlay of $6,287,258. This includes $3,030,000 for building construction, $278,000 for architectural and engineering fees, $336,000 for furnishings and IT infrastructure, and $2,643,258 for equipment. Once this facility was up and running, Stryker would transition out of buying from suppliers into complete in house production. There will be savings from not having to pay suppliers, and an increase in manufacturing cost. In the long run, the savings will be greater than the increase in manufacturing costs. In order to figure out if this proposal makes financial sense, I calculated the Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, and the Payback Period for the years 2003 through 2009. So what...
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...Study Stryker Corporation Case Study Andrew Wyatt Brett Nymeyer Brett Sundberg Josh Ihnen Executive Summary It is 2003 and Stryker Corporation is proposing to build a new facility that would be able to produce a key component (printed circuit boards) in-house instead of outsourcing that activity to suppliers. Currently, Stryker purchases PCBs from a small number of contract manufacturers but recently the suppliers have been underperforming in quality and delivery. The proposed plan would create a high degree of control over this product, ensure quality, and create an economy of scale in the long run. However, this plan also required the most capital outlay in both money and resources. The project would have an initial investment of a new building, capital equipment, and IT infrastructure totaling $6,287,258. However, there would also be cost savings in the long run from decreased purchases from suppliers even after the increased expense of Stryker’s manufacturing costs. To find out if this project offered an adequate return on investment we performed a Net Present Value Analysis and also calculated Internal Rate of Return and Payback Period for years 2003 through 2009. Analysis 1. Does this project make sense? We like the insourcing proposal and think that it makes business sense for several reasons. However, these reasons are based off of the information taken from the case before we analyzed NPV, IRR, or Payback Period, so they are strictly...
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...Requirements in Research 2 by JOSHUA EZEQUIEL O. ICARO IV-FLUORINE MARCH 2012 Research Plan Materials and Equipments Making the circuit diagram will be the first step. A temperature sensor will be obtained from Raon, Manila and the other components will be obtained from V&R Electronic Shop at Naic , Cavite. The components will be the capacitors, diode, potentiometer, transistors, resistors,PCB and other materials that will be used in making the product. General Procedure A circuit diagram will be retrieved in the net and then the PCB that will be obtained at V&R Electronic Shop will be place on that board. The making of PCB will be done by using a masking tape. After that, the PCB with the correct formation of tape will be etched. The researcher will use a FeCl solution that will dissolve the copper on the board.Next, the soldering of the components on the board will be done. Another PCB will be used for the circuit 2 or the circuit with the relays or the switch of the circuit from the microcontroller.The process on preparing the PCB is the same done on the first PCB.The components on the circuit 2 will also be soldered. After that, the microntroller will be connected to circuit 2 and then it wil be connected on the circuit . Finally, the fan will be connected on the circuit 1 and the wirings will be finalized. The testing process will be the next. Testing The product will be then tested to know if it is working...
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...design project would never reach its final form. Their beloved parents, brothers and sisters for their invaluable support that serves as our constant inspiration guiding them during difficult times of financial and moral crisis; Mrs. Karen Plaza, MSIT their research instructor for her remarkable assistance, patience and understanding in imparting her knowledge and expertise regarding research; Engr. Robert Bacarro, their research and technical adviser, for his inspiration and selfless sharing realistic ideas to acquire fulfillment of this scholastic task; Lastly, their friends for sharing their knowledge and ideas regarding theoretical aspect of the said design project. Abucejo, Jervic B. Antinopo, James Arbil E. Digamon, Rosie Gay S. ABSTRACT This study aimed to design a low cost “Laboratory Modules for Circuit Courses in St. Paul University Surigao” to help engineering students developed their skills and knowledge regarding built-in laboratory experiments. This study is entitled Laboratory Modules for Circuit Courses in St. Paul University Surigao, was aimed to developed a better understanding of electronic circuit analysis...
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