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Project Plan


Submitted By samblue31
Words 4814
Pages 20
Project Plan

Table of Contents
Charter 3
Description 3
Background 5
Scope and Objectives 85
Scope 8
Objectives 9
Success Factors 10
System Design 11
Existing Dallas Network 11
Existing Dallas Network Diagram 12
Proposed Dallas Network 13
Proposed Dallas Network Diagram 16
Proposed Santa Rosa Network 17
Proposed Santa Rosa Network Diagram 19
Transition Plans 20
WAN Connectivity and Design 22
Backup Strategy 23
Network Security Plan 23
Business Continuity Plan 23
Financials 24
Budget 24
Recurring Costs 24
Non-Recurring Costs 25
Implementation Plan 26
Implementation Overview 26
Proposed Implementation Plan 26
Table of References 29 Charter

Project Name | I-Link | Project Number | PROJ1337 | Project Manager | Kyle Schulz | Prioritization | 1 | Owner(s) | | Start Date: | January 2, 2013 | Scheduled Completion Date: | Sept.16,2013 |

Our Mission | | Our mission will include testing of the network’s function and provide adequate training to ensure more efficient network for the four branch’s and the main office. We will provide onsite and offsite backup as well as an offsite database which will help protect from data loss and down time. | Scope | (I Left spaces so you can add/ edit these area) | * Install a new network * Implement a Security plan * Implement a Backup plan * Test for issues within the network * Provide network support and training | |

Objectives | | Installing the new network will provide the following benefits: * Provide an easy way for the doctor’s offices to communicate about patience that might have to visit a different remote office that they normally wouldn’t. * Faster connection for quicker file services such as sending and receiving emails with patients file attachments. * High-speed connectivity between all 4 remote offices and the central office. * Scalable Local Area Networks. * High network reliability with backup redundancy which providing a safe offsite backup in case of any mishaps. * Flawless LAN to WAN interfaces. * A secure network. * Anti-Virus software at the desktop and server levels to help protect the entire network. * Disaster recovery planning for all network and server components. | Assumptions | (Samantha’s part) | * NutriScan Inc. will hire the required three developers and a team leader. * The development team will have frequent meetings with the executives. * The user will have a 3G smartphone with camera, we will also support 2G connectivity via EDGE (this will result in a reduced user experience). WiFi will also be perfectly acceptable. * The user will have Android 2.3 and/or iOS 4. * Ability to securely release medical data to medical personnel. | Constraints | (Samantha’s part) | * Refreshes from NTC Hosting (Database Partnership) * Shipping Issues with Product Parts * Malfunction Parts that are factory DOA | |

Deliverables | (Need to update this) | * | Cost/Financial Assumptions | (Samantha’s Part) | * Total cost this project is : ??? | | Major Risks(can we add anything?) | | * HIPPA Compliance Concerns * Project Completion Date / Delays * Insufficient Funding | Scope Statement

Project Name | I-Link | Project Number | PROJ1337 | Project Manager | Kyle Schulz | Prioritization | 1 | | |

Project Description | This Project will include installation of Servers, Workstations, VOIP, Scanner/Copier/Printers as well as a faster and efficient broadband connection between the four remote offices and the central office. We will also provide training for the current/new employees as well as offer support and backup services to help keep the system up and running. We will also provide a security plan to help protect the patients and the company’s data. I-Link’s Cost of this project is calculated to be (InsertCostHere) for the final closing date can occur on 9/16/2013. | |

Project Product | Installing a working network so that the partnerships between the doctor’s offices to have a way to communicate and access client information while providing up-to-date health services. | Project Deliverables | | Planning (Customer Agreement, Partnerships, January 2, 2013 Network Prototype,Transport)Administration (Inventory, Cooperate Cost, January 16, 2013 Overload, Forecast, Analysis, 3year Plan, Help Desk, Data Center, BOM) Networking (Hardware – Vmware, Scaling : January 16, 2013 Software – Calendars, Outlook ,Fax Security July 15, 2013 Testing/Training July 22, 2013 Walk through and final test of all applications September 16, 2013Project Completion: September 16, 2013 | Project Objectives | (Pending changes will occur during life cycle, including scope, cost and duration) | Replace outdated network January 2, 2013 – July 14, 2013 Security/Testing/Training July 15, 2013 – July 22, 2013Walk through and final test of all applications September 16, 2013Project Completion: September 16, 2013 | |

APPROVALS | Type Name | Signature | Date | Project Manager Approval: | Kyle Schulz | 10/18/2012 | Owner/Sponsor Approval: | | 10/18/2012 |

Michael Bleecher is a successful entrepreneur who manufactures precision lenses for photographic equipment. Bleecher is a physicist who specialty is optical lenses for commercial photographical use. Designing lenses is an extremely intensive and complicated technical process, which involved engineering, math, three dimensional graphics, physics and applied chemistry. Bleecher is probably one of the world’s most renowned physicists in optical lens design. Recently, he signed a contract with a company in the Silicon Valley to produce an entire new line of commercial photography equipment to take pictures of microchips.

The technical name of the photography equipment is “Stepper”. The expected cost of each stepper will be nearly $1 million dollars. Since there are so few experts in the world who understand the technology involved, the importance of completing designs on-time is of the essence. Failure to deliver the technical designs in a timely manner could cost
Bleecher and his client potentially millions of dollars. In addition, Bleecher stands to gain international recognition for this innovative and new lens design.

Bleecher Corporation is located just outside of Dallas, Texas. It is a 20 year old company that has nearly 250 employees. The company has experienced 15% per year revenue growth, on average, for the past 10 years and is expected to continue this growth pattern for at least another 10 years. It is a highly successful and highly reputable company in the industry, thanks in great part to both the technical and managerial expertise of
Michael Bleecher. Until recently, most of Bleecher Corporation’s clients were within a 200 radius of Dallas. But with growth and new product lines expanding, senior management has decided that it is time to open a new operations center in California.
This decision has received a fairly warm welcome by the Texas staff. However, new and uncertain challenges will be faced as the operations center opens.

The new operations center is expected to house the data processing functions for all
West Coast accounts, which currently represents 35% of all business revenue. This percentage is expected to increase to nearly 45% in the next five years. In addition, the operations center will feature the newest and best technology for network support.
The operations center will have high speed connectivity to headquarters based in Texas so designers in two states may communicate remotely, yet effectively together.

Mr. Bleecher strongly believes in the importance of on-line, real-time videoconferencing as a means to collaborate with colleagues “across the country” in a timely and efficient manner. The senior management of Bleecher want to pursue a very aggressive approach in making sure that all voice, data, and video communications between Texas and California take place smoothly and transparently to all users.

All LANs should be highly scalable and have considerable bandwidth upgrade capacity due to the business’s high growth. In addition, every LAN must have high reliability. and must interface with all Wide Area Networks flawlessly.

Another issue that concerns Mr. Bleecher is security. He wants to be certain that while information is being transferred and shared across state boundaries, that it won’t be intercepted or stolen by an unscrupulous third party. Consequently, Mr. Bleecher has mandated the use of anti-virus software and any appropriate hardware devices to ensure that his Wide Area Network is as secure as possible.

Currently, Bleecher Corp. in Texas uses a IBM 9000 Series Mainframe. All of the current
LANs are token ring. Thus far, the network seems to be running fine, but Mr. Bleecher’s concern is to establish a long-term network design that will keep pace with his strategy to keep his business growing at least 15% per year.
Mr. Bleecher has a Network Administrator who graduated from DeVry Institute of
Technology in 1990 as an EET (Electronics Engineering Technology) major. The administrator has heard a number of complaints about the existing network in Texas being rather slow and that as more detailed and complex applications are added to the company’s designs, that the network responds even more slowly. The administrator is concerned about how to upgrade the quality of service (QoS) of the existing network and how to integrate the Texas network with the new operations center in California.

The Network Administrator has also been made aware of Mr. Bleecher’s intense desire to complete all the design projects on-time. But the administrator is concerned that she may be stretched too far. Even if she hires additional staff, she’s not sure how quickly all of Mr. Bleecher’s plans will be realized. Regardless, Mr. Bleecher is very determined to get his new lens designs to market as quickly as possible and he knows how important the design of the new network must be. Failure to complete the network on time will cause serious communication delays that could hurt the new lens design’s success.

Budgets for this project include the following: a) California network infrastructure $500,000 b) Wide Area Network infrastructure between Texas and California $200,000 c) Texas LAN network infrastructure $1,000,000 d) Any cost overruns need to be approved by Michael Bleecher with appropriate supporting documentation and pertinent explanations.

System Design

Existing Georgia Network

The existing Georgia network was originally implemented to facilitate communication and product design work. Since its initial implementation the company network has been scaled upward following the same design strategy. The strategy included adding network routers and Mesh LANs as the needs dictated. Because of this, the existing Georgia network is experiencing severe slowdown in response time and excessive down time.

The basic design consists of a backbone made up of 5 Cisco RV016 routers. These routers are networked to 2 cisco48 port switches, which are then connected to a wireless access point for the Surface tablets. The switches are also connected ta about 10 OptiPlex end user PC’s. We choose 48 port switch for expansion use in case of 10% increase in employees. We will be running a T1 line with fiber optics for maximum band with.

End users are functionally balanced across user LANs. There is an external connection to the Internet via a Cisco Rv016 router through the firewall to the company’s Internet Service Provider. The Internet router provides packet filtering for inbound network traffic and provides a simple De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) for the corporate external mail server.

The redesign of the Georgia network will include network segmentation similar to the old Georgia network. With regards to this, and most importantly, the existing local infrastructure must be redesigned to increase bandwidth. In Addition to this new network will provide hot-swappable network modules and integrated redundant power for high-availability, field upgradeable network modules to accommodate future technologies, and simplified management and monitoring tools that will integrate into a new Network Management Operations System

Internal Network

The internal network infrastructure will be scaled down for new technology that consists of the cloud. We are going to try out

As indicated in the Project Assumptions section, the Santa Rosa network will begin with about 10 to 12 employees in each office. However, the number of employees at offices is expected to grow substantially in the near future. Because of this, the design of the Georgia network will include provisions such as extra hardware to accommodate the expected growth.

The network will be connected with 2 routers and 2 switches with one of each being a backup. I will have rapid spanning tree in place as well as access control list going on the routers. There will also be a wireless router for the tablets that are assigned to the doctors as well.

The security infrastructure for the hardware will be access control lists and firewall running for the routers. The firewalls will be configured according to the Corporate Security policy regarding Internet connectivity and will provide for a De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) between the internal network (intranet), the extranet and the internet. The switches will have VLAN’s that will separate the voice from the data of the network. There will also be mac-addressing for the ports on the switch and port-security put on the switches as well. Everything will be able to connect through outside via VPN SSH and password protected. Every user will have to be authenticated with Active Directory to be able to access network.

VoIP is a big part of this in fracture as well. We will have an asterisk server set up in the central office that will accommodate all the VoIP phones in the office. Their software will be loaded via TFTP to load the phones. This will be great for internetwork connection between offices.
The Georgia network will use a local ISP (Internet Service Provider) T1 connection for internet, ftp and WEB connectivity. In addition, the Santa Rosa network will support Corporate Network Operations Management and monitoring activities through the Cisco Works Blue Network Management System (NMS).

The proposed design of the Georgia network will provide substantial bandwidth and transmission speeds throughout the network in addition to allowing for future growth, redundancy, and easy expandability. Finally, a robust Network Management System with disaster recovery fail over capabilities was selected to monitor and ensure network reliability.

The e-mail we will be using for this upgrade is Microsoft Office 365. There are a few reasons we have chosen this route and it is archiving and access. The archiving is a great leap forward allowing e-mails to be stored on the server for seven years in case of accidental deletion or disaster. As a user of this e-mail application you will always have security and access to your e-mail anywhere you have internet access. They also provide 24/7 support in case we run into any difficulties getting access to the system. It also comes with Microsoft office suite for quick access and changes that need to made to a document on the fly. Microsoft Office 365 allows you to view all your fellow employees schedule which will help clear up any and all scheduling conflicts that might occur within the doctor’s office.

Topology Diagrams

The following pages are the diagrams of how the network is going to be set up. However some of the redundancy items and the phones are not listed on there to make the diagrams smaller and to provide a simulation of what it is going to look like. However with that being said figure one are all the buildings coming together in this partnership. In that diagram we are showing the top layer LAN-WAN connection. It shows how they are going to be connected and what it will look like when it is all done.

The next diagram we are going to talk about is diagram 2 shows the central office. This shows the most important building since most servers are located at this office. This place shows the router, switch and the access points within the network. However since we have a 48 port switch we are able to hook all the connections up to a single switch. This diagram also shows the copier/scanners/printers and fax machines hooked up within the network.

The third diagram shows the same as the central office. However this is the four remote offices and they only have 1 file and print server. However everything else is the same but for the amount of servers.

Transition Plans

Currently there are 250 employees of Bleecher Corporation located in Dallas, Texas. Of

those 250 employees, 90 have expressed an interest in moving to Los Angeles to support

the new operations center. Future projections indicate that the number of network users is

expected to grow 5 - 10% each year. Most of this growth is expected to occur at the Santa

Rosa, California Operations Center.

The following table depicts the planned personnel movement and growth projections.

Bleecher Corporation Employee Transition Plan | | Date | Dallas, TX | Santa Rosa, CA | Total number of Bleecher employees | May 18, 2001 | 250 | 0 | 250 | September 30, 2001 | 230 | 40* | 260 | December 31, 2001 | 170 | 100 | 270 | December 31, 2002 | 180 | 120 | 300 | December 31, 2003 | 180 | 150 | 330 | December 31, 2004 | 180 | 180 | 360 | December 31, 2005 | 180 | 200 | 380 |

In order to ensure a smooth transition, the relocation will occur in two phases. Phase one

of the relocation will include half of the operations personnel and their associated

administrative support staff. This equates to approximately 40 users. Phase one also

includes adding 10 new hires at the Dallas facility to perform basic operation support.

Phase one is scheduled to begin August 1st and must be completed by September 30th.

“*” Phase one personnel will be responsible for fully configuring the new operations

center, normalizing the infrastructure and staging/re-installing 6 AS/400 servers.

Phase two relocation will consist of 50 employees (40 engineers and 10 operations)

support personnel. Phase two will begin October 1st and complete by December 31st.

Server Farm #1 (6 AS/400 servers) are being relocated during phase one. Server Farm

#2 (6 AS/400 servers) will be relocated during phase two. This relocation strategy is to

ensure that there is no engineering disruptions with the AS/400 servers, as well as,

providing for AS/400 disaster recovery between Dallas and Santa Rosa. All AS/400

information will be replicated between Dallas and the Santa Rosa Operations facility.

The following table depicts the AS/400 server plans.

Bleecher Corporation AS/400 Server Projections | | Date | Dallas, TX AS/400s | Los Angeles, CAAs/400s | Total AS/400 servers | May 18, 2001 | 24 | 0 | 24 | September 30, 2001 | 18 | 6 | 24 | December 31, 2001 | 12 | 12 | 24 | December 31, 2002 | 14 | 14 | 28 | December 31, 2003 | 16 | 16 | 32 | December 31, 2004 | 18 | 18 | 36 | December 31, 2005 | 20 | 20 | 40 |

The pre-requisites for phase one are:

a) Santa Rosa facility ready for occupancy (work area and computer room)

b) LAN fully configured for at least 40 workstations and server farm #3.

c) LAN to WAN connectivity established via ATM service

Critical success factors for relocation phases one and two are:

a) Personnel and equipment relocated with minimal problems

b) LAN and WAN connectivity fully functional
WAN Connectivity and Design

The primary WAN backbone connection between Dallas and Santa Rosa will be through an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) connection with a data rate of 155 Mbps. Cutting edge companies such as Bleecher that depend upon fast and worry-free delivery of high-end, multimedia transmissions typically use ATM. ATM provides for scalability, flexible bandwidth allocation, high bandwidth utilization, and quality of service guarantees. To minimize single fault points each ATM connection must enter on opposite sides of each building. This will minimize the loss of a location due to cable cut. Additionally, two different service providers will be selected for ATM connectivity at each location.

To manage the WAN and to provide proactive fault management, a Network Management System (NMS) is essential. Because all of the network components in the proposed design are Cisco, the CiscoWorks2000 package was selected. CiscoWorks2000 and the Cisco Works Blue are a collection of software for managing various network topologies. Should Bleecher Corporation decide to alter the network design in the future, or introduce a new topology within the overall network, CiscoWorks2000 and Cisco Works Blue will be able to accommodate the network operations management needs. CiscoWorks2000 and Cisco Works Blue are based on Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and allows integration with third party tools. Cisco Works has a browser-based interface for ease of configuration. Event correlation software will be added to the Cisco Works configuration to filter network events and to provide efficient root cause analysis. The In-Charge software from System Management Arts was selected. In-Charge can swiftly and accurately locate the cause of network problems by selectively querying SNMP agents and judiciously using pings to determine network health. With these tools in place, high network reliability can be achieved through effective network operations management with a complete state-of-the-art network monitoring and management solution.

Backup Strategy

For the backing up of this network we are pairing every primary server with a redundancy server. So if one server has a hardware issue the redundancy server will take over. This will reduce the downtime of the network while providing continuous up time. However in case that is not enough we are including RAIDS on the servers. So that the data will be backed up as well spread out on the servers to make the servers run faster and to help prevent data loss. We are also installing uninterrupted power supply (UPS) in case we lose power within building or company which is due to happen. We can keep servers going to reduce downtime and any data that could be lost due to the unexpected shut down within the system.

We are going to be doing incremental backup which will involve one full back up every Friday and then a partial backup at the end of the work day everyday will happen to prevent any major data loss. The backups will only run after the offices are closed so that the network traffic will be at a minimum during the process.

We are also outsourcing the offsite backup to They will back up our systems. They encrypt the backups and transmit them over a secure socket layer (SSL). We have access to the backups 24 hours a day 7 days a week. They allow us to change the amount of storage that we need at any time so we can keep the cost down to what we need when we start the partnership out and then raise the data storage amount when needed as the company’s progress in serving the community.

Network Security Plan

To further secure the network. We are going to be using the steps guided by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA). Which will help us take steps into protecting your customers health information. This Act mainly deals with how the customers information is handled. One of the important ways that they list is to make sure that the network system is kept up to date with software updates. As well as keeping a eye on the security audits to insure that no one that isn’t allowed within the network is getting in. Theres also a section about risks that the network might have and what are the steps that we can work on with knocking some of those items off the list while providing a safe network for the customers information to be securely handled.

This plan also covers physical access and who can actually access the network. This can be controlled by a simple login name and password to actually implementing a key card or some sort. As well as managing Access Control lists to make sure people only have access to what they absolutely need and not what they think they need. This will insure that all data is kept within the hands that it needs to stay within.

Disaster Recovery Plan

Disaster recovery planning involves more than off-site storage or backup processing. Insurance alone is not adequate because it may not compensate for the incalculable loss of business during the interruption or the business that never returns. Many blended threats and worms enter the network when legitimate users connect compromised machines into the corporate network. The probability of a disaster occurring in an organization is highly uncertain. The plan should include documented and tested procedures, which, if followed, will ensure the ongoing availability of critical resources and continuity of operations.
1. End-point Security - Personal application firewall, residing on client devices, that enforces network access and security policy.
2. Internal Security Gateway - Security enforcement-point that protects the internal network from attacks which can enter from insecure or infected end-points, servers, or internal hackers.
3. Host-based Security - Protects host servers or PCs from malicious traffic, and monitors the state of the host's software and configuration.

In today's environment internal security is a requirement which compliments perimeter security. Internal security is also very different than perimeter security, and poses unique challenges for network administrators and vendors. Because of these unique challenges, internal security requires a dedicated solution that is specifically designed to deal with internal network issue. We also recommend that all employees are kept up to date with all the virus/malware that are becoming a big problem so they know what to look out for and know what to open and what not to open. This alone will cut down on a lot of chances from any security issues.

However If a problem does come into the system and we are unable to contain the situation we would also advise you to look for an outside source to take care of this. They are more experience dealing with this so that the servers can be further secure and prevent it from happening again.


The following budget figures were provided to the project team:

Location | Budgeted Amount | WAN Infrastructure between Dallas & Santa Rosa | $200,000 | Santa Rosa Infrastructure | $500,000 | Dallas Infrastructure | $1,000,000 | Total | $1,700,000 |

The total budget amount for this project is $1.7 Million. The project team will adhere to the budget guidelines. This section contains two cost tables, the first table represents the recurring costs related to this project, while the second table represents the one-tine (non-recurring) costs for the entire project.

Recurring Costs

The following table represents those recurring costs associated with the project. Description | Qty | Yearly Costs | Total Costs | T1 connections ($1,100 per line/month) | 2 | 52,800 | | ATM connections ($7,125 per line/month) | 4 | 342,000 | | Anti-virus upgrades ($20 per station) | 300 | 6,000 | | Firewall software upgrades ($1000/wall) | 8 | 8,000 | | Total Recurring Costs: | | | $408,800.00 |

Implementation Plan

Implementation Overview

This Implementation Plan is based on a starting date of July 1, 2001 and a completion date of January 1, 2002. Changes that require an interruption of network service will be minimized and only implemented during weekends as permitted by operational commitments. This is not intended to be a detailed plan, but a high-level view of the critical tasks required and the approximate time to complete. Many activities can be accomplished simultaneously. Simultaneous activities and activities with dependencies will be shown in a subsequent project management GANNT chart once the project has been accepted.

Proposed Implementation Plan

Preliminary Activities Engage AT&T Solutions (4 weeks)
Information Security risk assessment
Information Security Policy creation
Business Continuity Plan

Procure all network hardware and software: routers, firewalls, workstations, servers, cable, and anti-virus. (4 weeks)

Dallas LAN Upgrade

Replace the 7 Cisco 2613 backbone routers with 2 Cisco 7507’s and configure accordingly. (4 days)

Install and configure Cisco Catalysts 5500 Switch. (1 week)

Install and configure two Cisco Multiplexers (3 days)

Configure end user LANs and workstations (4 weeks)

Create the videoconferencing network segment and deploy the associated equipment. (4 days)

Implement the new Internet DMZ architecture. (1 week)

Reconfigure two Cisco 2613’s as screening routers.

Install the Rapid Stream Firewall appliances.

Create new secure DMZ with web server and external mail server

Configure firewall rules

Santa Rosa LAN Implementation

Install 2 Cisco 7505 backbone routers and configure accordingly. (4 days)

Install and configure Cisco Catalysts 5500 Switch. (1 week)

Establish the routed (data) network (4 weeks)

Wire infrastructure
Install network equipment (routers, switches, workstations, and servers)

Configure end user LANs and workstations (4 weeks)

Create the videoconferencing network segment and deploy the associated equipment. (4 days)

WAN Implementation

* Establish communication links between Santa Rosa and Dallas (3 weeks)

* Establish Network Management System (3 weeks) * Install software * Network Management Operations training

Network Documentation

* Update network diagrams (1 week) * Update existing Dallas network diagram to reflect implemented changes * Create new California network diagram to reflect new network * Create WAN overview diagram to reflect site interconnection and service provider information

System Testing

* Test Network (1 week) * Conduct point-to-point connectivity checks * Conduct end-to-end connectivity checks * Test data flow using transaction generators

Table of References

The following references were used in the creation of this project plan:

Reference | Description | Project Related Information | | Cisco Connection On-line | Product selection and pricing | | Tiger Direct | Product Selection and pricing | | Dell Computer Company | Product selection and pricing | | HIPAA information. | Security Plan | | Backup | Offsite backup | | Microsoft Office 365 | Email/business client | | Database | Offsite Database |

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...Project Proposal Seneca Porter February 16, 2015 University of Phoenix Seth Chaikin Memorandum February 16, 2015 Name of Project: Information Technology & Research Compliance Systems Training Description: The purpose of this training is designed to assess and implement new technologies for our employees and consumers. This training is geared towards our managers which will give insight on compliance policies along with hands-on instruction. This training will consist of 10 hours in order to fully plan, test, and implement this new system. Stakeholders: The stakeholders we are looking into will include the CEO, managers, IT facilitators. The stakeholders chosen are the front runner of this training. This training will also involve indirect stakeholders such as subordinates of each department in which the managers can provide concise information of the new system. Overall Objectives & Outcomes: The overall objective of this project is to have all managers learn the compliance policies along with IT upgrades. The plan is to have all managers on board for this training in order to better demonstrate these polices to their subordinates. The outcome of this project will serve in a positive aspect with all stakeholders in agreement, starting with the participation of this training. Feedback from this training would be considered mandatory in order for the CEO to see progression and who provided full cooperation. Once the training is set we can further...

Words: 538 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...A Preliminary Project Scope Statement is one of the outputs of the Project Initiation process group.  The purpose of the Preliminary Project Scope Statement is to identify the high level project objectives.  The objectives must be clear, actionable and measurable. Recommended sections for the Preliminary Project Scope Statement include: 1.     Project Description Explain what the project is, and how it will be accomplished.  Explain the ultimate intended outcome of the project.  This should serve as a brief introduction.  Provide some background about the history of how the project got to this point. 2.     Project Purpose State the purpose of the project.  Tie the purpose to the organization’s strategic goals and objectives if possible.  Tell the reader why this project is being started and what need it is fulfilling.  Identify if there are any specific mandates, policies or laws that are driving this change. 3.     Project Objectives Provide clear, actionable and measurable objectives of the project.  The objectives should be clear enough so that the project can be measured against the objectives once completed.  The ultimate success of a project is whether the project achieved its stated objectives.  Take time to clearly document the objectives here. An example of an objective is: * The system/product/service will cut response times in half, thus allowing the organization to process twice as many tickets. 4.     Project Requirements Identify the high level requirements...

Words: 995 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...1: Define Project and Develop Plan Project Brief Project Title MAX LIONEL REALTY – TEST IMPLEMENTATION Project purpose Business Objectives for the project are: - Define the needed functions of clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments - Implement a test MLR obligations and commitment to best-of breed client services - Make recommendations and develop a project plan for a legal and ethical obligations - Report to all stakeholders in an annual meeting Background and strategic context In order to build customer goodwill and satisfy the legal and ethical obligations, MLR has decided to implement a program to: - inform agents of legal and ethical obligations and any standards or codes of conduct followed by the organization - promote high standards in professional conduct - inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments - achieve employee and clients buy-in for initiative Priority This project is prioritized to agents, clients and tenants Related projects This project is related to other projects including Construction project, house-keeping project Project client/owner The project clients are agents highly trained and competent in selling and managing real estate, clients who are not sure of MLR obligations and tenants who sometimes feel discriminated against on basis of lifestyle, cultural background and so on. Project sponsor This project is directly sponsored by MLR Project manager Lead...

Words: 3400 - Pages: 14

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...PROJECT PLAN Cheongsam and Chinese Women: Body Image in 100 Years of Shanghai Disclaimer This project plan is created based on the business case The Secret Life of Cheongsam: History and Material Culture (Phase I). This project plan is not based on a real project. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 2 PURPOSE OF PLAN 2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2 RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY 2 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 3 PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 3 SCOPE 3 PROJECT OUTPUTS AND QUALITY STABDARDS 3 PROJECTED OUTPUTS 3 QUALTY STANDARDS 4 ASSUMPTIONS 4 PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS 4 CONSTRAINTS 5 PROJECT CONSTRAINTS 5 RELATED PROJECTS 5 CRITICAL PROJECT BARRIERS 5 PROJECT APPROACH 5 OVERALL APPROACH 5 PROJECT PHASES 6 PROJECT ACTIVITIES 7 PROJECT BUDGET 8 DETAILED PROJECT PLANNING 10 HUMAN REAOURCES PLAN 10 COMMUNICATION PLAN 11 RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN 13 PROCUREMENT PLAN 15 APPROVALS 16 SIGN-OFF SHEET 16 INTRODUCTION Purpose of Plan Cheongsam and Chinese Women: Body Image in 100 Years of Shanghai (hereafter CCW) is a museum project which will create a web-archive of memories and photographs around a series of digitized images of cheongsam taken from a cheongsam collection which owned by Shanghai Institute of Arts. This project will celebrate the history and public memories of cheongsam in Shanghai. This project plan is an opportunity to carry forward the heritage of cheongsam...

Words: 4266 - Pages: 18

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...Project Plan In appendix () you will find a Gantt chart for the further planning of the applications launch. This planning is regrouping all marketing and development actions that need to be completed to assure a successful launch. Here is an overview of all steps: 1 Internal beta testing It is clear the app has to be truly tested before we launch it . The testing will be divided into two groups. The first group will be internal persons who will test the app for technical “viability”. We ask them to pay attention to following points: o Does the app perform the tasks it was designed for? o How does the app perform when being used consistently or under a heavy load? o Is it possible to hack the app? o What happens when you push the app to its limits? o What is the sign-up process like? o Do all links work as they should? o Etc. They should test all the functionality and security issues. The second group will be external persons who test the app for usability and the end user’s work environment. We ask them to pay attention to following points: o the usability, which means does it have a user friendly interface? o is the use inside the app intuitive? o are the features and functions what they expected? o how is the app design? o Etc. 2 Creating content In order to support our marketing efforts, we will need to create some content about our app. Typically this will comprise: o Demo videos which illustrate the possibilities of the app...

Words: 463 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...Project Scope Project Purpose Organize a golf tournament for HP on 18 December 2015 within a budget of AUD 200,000. The project has been selected due to its feasibility and Golfie’s past success of executing such projects. Background We (Golfie) are a company that has expertise on 360 degree professional golf tournament management services. We provide total solution right from pre-tournament, to tournament to post tournament. Golfie has been hired by HP, a corporate client from the technology sector, to organize an exclusive one-day invitational golf tournament for its clients and potential customers. This project is of great importance to the client as it will help the client build reputation and brand image among its current client base and also help it to meet potential customers and connect with them at the event. Everything needs to be unique and high class in this tournament, may it be invitation style, game format, food & beverage, giveaways, prizes, ceremony arrangement or branding. Objectives The objective of this project is * organize a high level invitational golf tournament for HP * provide a fun filled day to be cherished by the participants * an opportunity for the client to meet potential customers * create high-value perception for HP * project completion within allocated time and budget. Key Stakeholders * HP * Golfie * HP clients * Potential customers * Venue - Golf Club * Vendors Timeframe...

Words: 1941 - Pages: 8

Premium Essay

Business Plan Project

...Chapter 1: Introduction 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Name of the Company Our company name is Friends Café. The reason we decided to come out with this name is because of:- 1.1.1 Name of Relationship It is because five of us are close friends since in college. If people came to our cafe also they make friends with us and other customer because we always serve with smiling. 1.1.2 Reputation It is because we want our café different from other café and for sure want a good reputation. Friends Café is representing our main product of business that is café while cake is representing other service that we provided in our business that is food and beverage. The used of café and picture is to make the logo more interesting, make it not look to messy as well as to make the people easy to remember Friends Café. Because we want to create something different than other café shop and bring a relaxing and simple ambiance or concept for our café shop so our customer can fell that they truly fell the relaxing experience in Friends Café. 1.2 Nature of Business Our Friends Café is exclusive and relaxing café which serve a various type of coffee and other food and beverages for consumption on our cafe. We highly specialized quality of our coffee from New Zeeland coffee bean. Along with the espresso drink and brewed coffee, we also sold some refreshment beverages in our coffee shop. We also offer fresh juice, cakes and muffins. The menu of our coffee shop will be built...

Words: 18736 - Pages: 75

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...Activity 13 As project manager my first task would be to contact the senior management ensure the firms insurance company has been called to come and do the damage evaluated so we know what is covered or not by them, while waiting on the evaluation from the insurance company, my team members would chase quotes from; Technical specialists: * to check & repair or replace any power points, phones * & computer equipment, Carpet suppliers: * to remove & replace carpet, Furniture suppliers: * for new desks, chairs, cupboards, filling cabinets, Cleaning companies: * to clean and remove any mould. Electrical company: * to check & repair or replace any power points or cables Plasters: * to check & repair or replace any damage walls Painters: * to check & repair or repaint the damage walls Web programmer: * to check & repair or replace any or lost software Removals: To remove left over materials To ensure my team understand their tasks & our project I would hold a meeting to discuss all the tasks that need to be undertaken & then hold follow up meeting to ensure everything is being taken care of & on track, all the required documentation of the contractors are confirmed and accurate to performed their tasks and recheck the documentation before presenting them to the Senior Manager and CEO of the organisaiton. The responsibilities of each team members are shown on table 1 below...

Words: 445 - Pages: 2

Free Essay

Project Work and Lesson Plan

...NAME: JUWEIRIYA SENGA COURSE: PRE AND PRIMARY TEACHER TRAINING DIPLOMA COURSE WITH SPECIALIZATION IN TEACHING ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT: THIRD PHASE: SEVEN AND EIGHT Assignment 1. Plan an activity in project form with specific instructions using appropriate material(s). 2. The Project should specify: A) The materials used B) The utility of the materials used (i.e. why such materials are being used) C) The project in detail ( i) the level the project is suitable for. (ii) The length of time required for the project. (iii) The subject(s) being taught through that project. A VOLCANO PROJECT- (SCIENCE PROJECT) The topic area is rich enough to support projects at all grade levels, but this experiment is listed as a 3rd grade science project since I believe it is the first age group that can perform the steps needed with very little supervision. Under the right circumstances, it could also be used as a 4th grade science project, or possibly even as late as 5th grade. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT This project is designed to help young students learn more about earth science by looking specifically at volcanoes. We'll also learn how common household items can be used to build useful models, with an element of creativity required to make the model realistic. Hopefully we'll discover a few new science terms along the way as well. The experiment is done in two steps. First, we figure out how to make a volcano, and then we look at fun ways to make it erupt. LENGTH OF TIME REQUIRED ...

Words: 1656 - Pages: 7