...PROJECT PROPOSAL FORM INSTRUCTIONS 1. Remove this page before submitting your Proposal Template. These instructions will help your proposal to look organized, well-thought-out, and orderly. 2. Remember the key rules about Harvard citation style and presentation: (a) All fonts must be 12 (either Arial or Times New Roman are preferred); (b) All text must be left-justified (meaning you cannot have a straight right margin); (c) All references are to be in Harvard citation format (use the UWLV web site as your primary resource for determining proper form); (d) References are never indented or right-justified. 3. Do not add or change categories in this template. Your proposal must match this template precisely. 4. Present yourself as totally unbiased in all your writings and remember to write in the third person. RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSAL FORM This template is to be used to outline your proposed research project study: no other formats will be accepted. This form is due to be completed, saved and uploaded to WOLF by the due date for your cohort. So that it is clear who the author of each proposal is, please ensure you submit your proposal saved and named as follows: Proposal_Last Name_Initial (e.g. Proposal –Smith R). This proposal should not exceed 4-5 pages in length, including references; extensive background information is not required. Wording in red is included either for purely illustrative purposes (i.e. to help...
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...THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL TEMPLATE This document has been set up to assist students in preparing the text for their research proposal. It is NOT intended as a document to guide you through your research proposal development, but to assist you in setting out the proposal, in terms of text layout, section headings and sub-sections. The Research Proposal is a complete description of the intended research, developed under the supervision of the assigned supervisor. Through the full proposal, the student needs to demonstrate convincingly that the study will make a contribution to a public health issue or problem. The full research proposal must be between 5 and 10 pages and should present the following: ▪ Title ▪ Brief Introduction ▪ Background and statement of the problem (this in the light of a thorough literature review) ▪ Research question or hypothesis, aim and objectives ▪ Study design (type of study) ▪ Study population and sampling ▪ Data collection methods and instruments ▪ Data analysis methods – if applicable statistical planning must be fully addressed, or the candidate should provide evidence that statistics are not required. ▪ Mechanisms to assure the quality of the study – e.g. control of bias, safe storage of data ▪ Study period - Timetable for completion of the project ▪ Participants in the study – all people involved in the study, and the role they play, should be identified.* ▪ Ethical considerations ▪ Resources required for the study...
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...Agency: REPP (Rural Education Program Pakistan) Subject: Request for proposal for Teacher’s Training of English Language in Southern Punjab. Project Name: Improving Quality of education in backward areas. Reference Number: 2083/ FEP/RFP/2013 Submission date The proposal is to be submitted before 30th-May-2013, by 12:00 p.m. Pakistan time, as a hard copy, through TCS or OCS courier services. Proposals received after this time and date will not be entertained. The details for submission are given in the section of submission procedure, of this announcement. Summary REPP Rural Education Program Pakistan, grants funds to the organizations working in specific regions, for the improvement of the educational system all over Pakistan. Availability of funds and quality of proposals serve as the basis of funding. The organization receiving the funds is to choose from the audience and provide the services through REPP funds. Funding Project period cannot exceed 12 months, until and unless there is a valid reason, defined in section V. the funding limit is Pakistan Rupees 40,000,000. Eligibility information All the non-governmental organizations, registered with the government of Pakistan and possess the area NOC, and have had experience of working in southern Punjab are eligible to submit their proposal, short listing however will be done on the specific criteria. Contents: 1.1 Background 1.2 Objectives of the programme 1.3 Financial allocation by contracting authority ...
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...Load http://www.hwspeed.com/Devry-ENGL-216-Complete-Lourse-Latest-2015-December-111325874.htm?categoryId=-1 IF You Face Any Problem Then E Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@GMAIL.COM Question week 1 Technical Communication at Work (graded) As you read Chapter 1, you will learn that communication skills are critical in the workplace and that technical writing is used in virtually every work environment. For this discussion, locate a technical document from your workplace or from home or the Internet, preferably one that might be found in your career field. Note that Figure 1-1 (page 4) provides a list of technical communication examples. Using the five goals and features of technical communication listed in the textbook (page 4), describe how the document addresses these characteristics. Then, discuss whether or not you feel the document is successful in its overall goal. Provide examples from the document to illustrate. If possible, share the document by posting a link or a PDF of the sample used. Audience Culture and Analysis (graded) As our text states, “one cardinal rule governs all on-the-job writing: Write for your reader, not for yourself” (page 41). This requires a solid audience analysis. As part of this analysis, you must also consider the audience's cultural background, particularly in light of today's global society. For this discussion 1. discuss some general reader characteristics and methods for analyzing the readers of various technical...
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...Executive Summary A request for a proposal was set by Jennifer Childs, Manager of a mid-size pharmaceutical company, to her three General Managers to propose on the reinvestment of an additional profit of $2,000,000 into the company. She has strained that the proposal should lead to a reduction of cost to the company and or increase in sales. The money would be allocated to one or more of the affected areas. Proposed areas to improve on are: * The Product development department needs upgrading in more laboratory equipment and scientists but the costs involved could absorbed the whole profit amount * Production department needs to be restructured by using employee teams. This could be a good idea, the reasons are as follows: * Suggestions made by employees could be implemented * Cost not too much if work spread over a period of time The only problem we foresee is that Tyler should convinced Jennifer as the things that her father built, weigh up very high for her. * Operational department needs upgrading. Computer equipment can`t handle the volume of transactions – this would require buying new software but this could led to a loss of disruption to the legacy system. It would be suggested that this project being breakdown into phases. * A proposal was made by the Marketing manager to increase his budget to employ more sales representatives, rather than allocating funds to projects as he believe that this will increase sales. What needs to be taken...
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...Pro Staffing Research for Outsourcing Payroll and Tax Services 03/15/2014 Table of Contents Project Scope 4 Requirements 4 Procurement Advantages 5 Savings Analysis 5 Procurement Disadvantages 6 Risks 6 Scoring Matrix for Procurement Proposals 8 Contractual Analysis 12 Considerations 12 Proposal Information 12 Legal Compliance Subjects 12 Proposal Questionnaire 12 Instructions to Proposers 13 Project Scope Pro Staffing research of outsourcing payroll and tax responsibilities versus in-house or new software package to evaluate which process will better meet the needs of corporation in both cost and quality of services. The analysis shows the cost savings for the procurement average 31% less than in-house management either by current processes or new software. Risk/ liability for Federal Tax withholding and reports is moved to the vendor. Requirements The solution needs to provide minimal 1. Direct deposit or mail for employees and contractual workers regular payroll, bonus pay, and expense checks 2. Handle workers compensation payment 3. Payroll withholding 4. Payroll tax management 5. Knowledge of international payments to employees or contractors 6. Online payroll management by Pro Staffing 7. Web access with required registration access for previous W2 and payroll check information for up to five years 8. Documents should be printable or delivery by mail 9. Strict documented protocol...
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...operational expenses at the same time. For the organization, the goal would be to obtain at least $15 million in funding sources within the next two fiscal years. We would pay special attention to the requirements of the competitive awards and would not attempt to complete proposals for awards that we are not currently eligible for. The throughput will be the number of grant proposals that are submitted. Our inventory is measured in open and eligible grants that we have not been completed or submitted. And the operational costs would include personnel costs, fundraising expenses and other resources that are used to complete the proposal process. The Five-Steps of the Theories of Constraints Step 1: Identify the organizational bottleneck(s). After reviewing the budgeted funding pipeline for the year, we only received 35% of the funding we expected between January and July. We found that there were grant proposals that we were eligible for that we did not compete for and some of our proposals were rejected because they were late, incomplete or did not meet one or more requirement. Due to fundraising consultants limited working hour for our organization and the variations in processing times and due dates, most of the proposals were being submitted only when the consultant was scheduled to be in the office and they did not review the guidelines for eligibility...
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...was a soup company acquired 5 years ago in order to add healthier sups, dry soups and fast to the company’s portfolio, a growing trend in the market. In terms of costumer perception of Brannigan comparing with competition, Brannigan’s falls behind in the following: - Health trends - Diet claims - Convenience offerings - Flavors-especially popular regional ones - Seasonal products outside cold weather ! Retailers perceive Brannigan to be: -Category leader -not innovative -less profitable than store brands and competition ! Over the past 3 years the results of the division have been decreasing and there are several reasons behind this: - The whole soup industry has been declining for several years. The Lisbon MBA Class 2014 Ana Amaral 1 Marketing Management - The largest and most loyal segment of soup consumers, the baby boomers, which account for 20% of American population and are the main target, have been showing increasing concerns with processed food and high sodium content shifting to healthier alternatives. - Increasing trend within working mothers who tended to prefer “convenience”. ! Bert Clark, vice-president and general manager of Brannigan Foods’ Soup Division needs to take action and present a plan to senior management to go back to growing sales within the division and...
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...Program Planning and Grant Proposal HSM 270 Program Planning and Grant Proposal Working in human service fields certain individuals within the agency will be investing their time on program planning and grant proposals. Program planning is the first step in planning of a particular program in which needs funds. Program planning is a process with objectives, setting up goals and evaluation of all statistical data is measured. In this process of program planning; the team illustrates where a program or service might be needed in the community or city. It is a plan that someone or a group puts together so that the program function thoroughly. After careful ideas are secure in laid out on paper a grant proposal is the next step. The grant proposal must address the grantor’s goals, objectives and their main priorities. Through specific and clearly defined detailed information within the proposal would it be considered by the funders to be addressed. An application for a grant should include the following detailed information: 1. Table of contents 2. Abstract 3. Specific goals 4. Targeted area 5. Evaluation plan 6. Budget and budget justification 7. Community support Grants use the same basic information as with the planning of a program so that it can be approved. This process is one of the similarities between grant proposals and program planning. One difference is that a grant is a plan for money and a program plan is ideas that someone...
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...Request for Proposal UK‐1357‐14 Proposal Due Date – 04/17/14 Environmental Health & Safety Software‐Based Research Facilities Inspection and Recordkeeping System An Equal Opportunity University REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) ATTENTION: This is not an order. Read all instructions, terms and conditions carefully. PROPOSAL NO.: Issue Date: UK-1357-14 RETURN ORIGINAL COPY OF PROPOSAL TO: 3/20/2014 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Environmental Health & Safety SoftwarePURCHASING DIVISION Based Research Facilities Inspection and 411 S LIMESTONE Title: Recordkeeping System ROOM 322 PETERSON SERVICE BLDG. Purchasing Officer: Joyce Holmberg LEXINGTON, KY 40506-0005 Phone: 859-257-9104 IMPORTANT: PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED BY: April 17, 2014 @ 3 P.M. LEXINGTON, KY TIME. 1. NOTICE OF REQUIREMENTS The University’s General Terms and Conditions and Instructions to Bidders, viewable at www.uky.edu/Purchasing/terms.htm, apply to this RFP. When the RFP includes construction services, the University’s General Conditions for Construction and Instructions to Bidders, viewable at www.uky.edu/Purchasing/ccphome.htm, apply to the RFP. Contracts resulting from this RFP must be governed by and in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Any agreement or collusion among offerors or prospective offerors, which restrains, tends to restrain, or is reasonably calculated to restrain competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from offering, or otherwise, is prohibited...
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...Research methodology 8 CHAPTER TWO TOPIC SELECTION 2.1 Learning objectives After completing this chapter, the student should be able to : 1. Examine the cyclical nature of t he development of a research proposal 2. Describe the principles underlying whet her a problem situation is researchable. 3. List the criteria for selecting a research topic. 4. Identify and select his/her own topic ( health problem) for research based on certain guidelines. 2.2 Introduction The development of a health project goes thr ough a number of stages. Formulation of the research proposal is the major task in the pr ocess of developing a research project. The proposal draws on all the preparat ory steps of the research pr ocess and pulls them together in a document describing the rationale and the methodology proposed for research. The proposal is a basis for approval and funding. After approval, the proposal is used as a blueprint during implementation of the project. It should be no ted that devel opment of a research proposal is often a cyclical process. T he process is not always linear. It is a usual practice to go up and down on the developed pr oposal and make the necessary revisions. Is there evidence to indicate that the resear ch proposal focuses on a problem of priority importance? Was the given health problem identified by rele vant groups of the health system? Was the problem adequately analysed to include all possible contributory factors from...
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...infections. The following outline contains some of the security mitigation proposals to be implemented shortly. This is just a basic plan for the moment and if security breaches continue, more stringent policies will be installed. The Seven Domains of a typical IT infrastructure are as follows, with the corresponding security proposed for each domain. 1.) User domain proposal: Track and monitor abnormal employee behavior and use of IT infrastructure during off-hours. Begin IT access control lockout procedures based on Acceptable use policy (AUP) monitoring and compliance. 2.) Workstation Domain proposal: Use workstation antivirus and malicious code polices, standards, procedures, and guidelines. Enable an automated antivirus protection solution that scans and updates individual workstations with proper protection. 3.) LAN Domain (including wireless LANs) proposals: Implement encryption between workstations and Wireless Access Points (WAPs) to maintain confidentiality. 4.) LAN-to-WAN Domain proposal: Conduct post configuration penetration tests of the layered security solution within the LAN-to WAN Domain. Test inbound and outbound traffic and fix any gaps. 5.) Remote Access Domain proposal: Apply first-level (i.e., user ID and password) and second-level (i.e., tokens, biometrics, and smart cards) security for remote access to sensitive systems, applications, and data. 6.) WAN Domain proposal: Scan all e-mail attachments for type, antivirus, and malicious software at...
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...1. The basic format for a proposal includes the following steps: Introduction Problem Analysis; major causes, Evidence and Effects of the probem. Plan for solving the problem: Major steps, Support and Deliverables. Benefits of the Plan: Costs-benefits analysis Conclusion 2. Proposals are used in college, in the workplace and anywhere you want to pitch a proposal or new project idea including grant writing. 3. The steps for inventing your proposal’s content are defining the problem, analyzing the problem, researching, inquiring, and finding similar projects. 4. The three primary sources of information for proposal writing are online, print, and empirical sources. 5. The steps to planning to solve the problem are map out the plan, explore each major step, figure out costs and benefits, and finding similar projects. 6. Costs and benefits should be listed to prove to the readers that the benefits of their investment are worth the risks. 7. In choosing an appropriate style, the steps are creating an Authoritative Tone, use metaphors and similes, pay attention to Sentence Length, and minimize the jargon. 8. Three tips for designing the proposal are creating a look, create white space and use meaningful headings. 9. The four steps in revising and editing a proposal are looking for inconsistencies in content, getting rid of extra stuff, tweaking the design and proof reading. 10. Five major problems listed are students are “paid to play”, have out of...
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...“Disclosure of Certain Contingency Losses” Exposure Draft Critique Contingencies refer to existing conditions, situations, or sets of circumstances involving uncertainty as to possible gains or losses to an entity that will ultimately be resolved when one or more future events occur or fail to occur (ASC Glossary). The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued an exposure draft in July 2010 relating to additional disclosures relating to certain loss contingencies. FASB argues the necessity of this proposal arises from concerns of investors and other financial statement users relating to disclosures about loss contingencies under the existing guidance. Proponents argue that existing guidance does not provide adequate information to assist users in assessing the likelihood, timing, and magnitude of future cash outflows associated with loss contingencies (Exposure Draft, 1). Although the exposure draft intends to improve financial statement transparency, the balance between “issuing an improved standard must be maintained against possible prejudicial impacts that could adversely affect a company and its investors” (pwc.com) The first issue of the exposure draft relates to amounts that must be disclosed based on expert testimony. The exposure draft proposes the requirement of disclosing estimated amounts of reasonably possible and remote losses based on the testimony of an expert witness (Chadbourne and Park LLP). This disclosure is flawed and may be misleading...
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...Acquisition is a process that requires teamwork with each individual and/or group working together to ensure that the customer is provided the greatest overall benefit in response to their requirements (best value). Acquisition planning should start once the need for supplies or services are identified. Integrated Product Teams (IPT) should be used when needed to help develop the acquisition strategy. The use of these teams will reduce false starts and delays resulting from unclear scopes of work. In the following paragraphs the steps in the acquisition process will be defined and discussed. The first step in acquisition planning is market research. Market research collects and analyzes information about the capabilities within the market that can satisfy the customer’s needs. It is essential to designing the acquisition strategy. The participants will depend on the organization and types of services or products needed. Teams are used depending on the complexity of the requirement. Teams may be composed of project officers, technical experts, end users, cost analysts, contract specialists and contracting officers. The market can be reviewed by publishing formal requests for information, contact knowledgeable individuals regarding market capabilities and practices, magazines, newspapers, attending trade shows, and internet searches. Market research should be utilized to acquire products or services faster, cheaper, and with better capabilities. It is also used to...
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