Premium Essay

Pros and Cons of Abortion


Submitted By anniefatimah
Words 839
Pages 4
ABORTION- it could be defined as ending a pregnancy early. There are two methods for abortion; one by taking pills i.e. medical abortion, the other is done by surgery i.e. surgical abortion. The reasons for abortion vary between the rights of choice to the rights of life. It’s a choice made when either or both partners decide not to have the conceived child. There are many arguments faced when making such a choice. The decision is challenged on the grounds of both moral and ethical.
Abortion has always been a heated subject in a society, as every individual has their own school of thoughts regarding this matter. There are many perspectives through which we can argue the grounds of going for an abortion. The debate on this is divided into two groups, on that is a pro-life group claiming that a life starts at the point of conceiving, therefore abortion is literally murder. Then there is the other group fighting for the right of choice in this matter known as pro-choice group. They both are at opposite poles with their arguments.
People supporting pro-choice work towards creating legal options for abortion. They work to make laws that allow people to choose under given circumstances whether they want to go for abortion or not. They are to some extant justified in supporting this perspective. In some cases, the pregnancy is too complicated or dire for the mother to give birth that it becomes absolutely necessary to go for such options. Sometimes there are issues like financial problems in the family. The parents find it challenging to afford the expenses of an additional family member. It also happens that becoming a mother is too much of a responsibility; perhaps the woman carrying the child is not apt or yet ready for it.
In certain cases, the pregnancy is a result of rape. The fetus in this case becomes a psychological trauma for the

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