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Prosecution Argument


Submitted By MrSlade55
Words 650
Pages 3
University of Phoenix Material

Week Three Worksheet

Match the items in the Case Summary column to the Options in the right column by entering the correct corresponding alphabetical letter next to the numbers in the first column. Not all options will be used.

| | |Case Summary | |Options |
| | | | | |
| |D |Shaun is driving home at night from work on a six-lane road, |Murder |
| | |under the speed limit. There are no streetlights. A man is |Voluntary manslaughter |
| | |crossing the middle of the street, and Shaun does not see him. |Involuntary manslaughter |
| | |Shaun hits the man and kills him. |Justifiable homicide |
| | | |Excusable homicide |
| | | |Statutory rape |
| | | |Malice aforethought |
| | | |Necessity |
| | | |Felony murder |
| | | |Suicide |
| | |

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