...STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SUMMARY 1 nama : Yenny Yuliana NIm : 2013.01.032 Environmental scanning and Industry Analysis The average temperature of the Arctic has risen at twice the rate of the rest of the planet. According to Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, a 2004 report by the eight-nation Arctic Council, the melting of the area’s highly reflective snow and sea ice is uncovering darker land and ocean surfaces, further increasing the absorption of the sun’s heat. Reductions in Arctic sea ice will drastically shrink marine habitats for polar bears, ice seals, and some seabirds. The warming of the tundra will likely boost greenhouse gases by releasing long-stored quantities of methane and carbon dioxide. Lawson Brigham, Alaska Office Director of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission and a former chief of strategic planning for the U.S. Coast Guard, examined how regional warming will affect transportation systems, resource development, indigenous Arctic peoples, regional environmental degradation and protection schemes, and overall geopolitical issues. From this, he proposes four possible scenarios for the Arctic in 2040: 1. Globalized frontier: In this scenario, the Arctic by 2040 has become an integral component of the global economic system, but is itself a semi-lawless frontier with participants jockeying for control. The summer sea ice has completely disappeared for a two-week period, allowing greater marine access and commercial shipping throughout...
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...Annex 14 Center for International Forest Research Southern Africa Regional Office Lusaka, Zambia Report Climate Change in Zambia: Opportunities for Adaptation and Mitigation through Africa Bio-Carbon Initiative By Samuel Mulenga Bwalya Peaks Environmental Management Consultants P.O Box 32632 Lusaka, Zambia January, 2010 Table of Contents Contents Page Table of Contents................................................................................................................. i List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... ii List of acronyms ................................................................................................................ iii Acknowledgements............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ v 1. Introduction................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Objectives of the study........................................................................................ 1 1.2 Approaches and methodology............................................................................. 2 2. Climate variability and impacts .................................................................................. 2 2.1 Climate...
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...publication is available online at http://www.trade-environment.org http://www.iisd.org http://www.ictsd.org http://www.ring-alliance.org Cover photos from iStockphoto. Readers are encouraged to quote and reproduce this material for educational, not-for-profit purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Trade and Environment: A Resource Book The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD, http://www.iisd.org) contributes to sustainable development by advancing policy recommendations on international trade and investment, economic policy, climate change, measurement and assessment, and natural resources management. Through the Internet, we report on international negotiations and share knowledge gained through collaborative projects with global partners, resulting in more rigorous research, capacity building in developing countries and better dialogue between North and South. IISD’s vision is better living for all—sustainably; its mission is to champion innovation, enabling societies to live sustainably. IISD is registered as a charitable organization in Canada and has...
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... Nevertheless, it has been argued that the introduction of the new law further weakened the already young and inexperienced CSO/NGO sector in general and those engaged in environmental justice in particular. The main objective of this paper is therefore to assess the impact of the legislation on NGOs/CSOs engaged in environmental justice mainly in: limiting areas of intervention; affecting access to foreign funds and other forms of support to undertake mandated tasks; retaining competence including knowledge and skills; making government answerable to felt needs of the society; advancing meaningful networking among CSOs at national, regional and global level on environmental policy reform issues; downsized change in amount of budget and skilled staff; engaging in research undertaking; conducting quality monitoring and evaluation activities. Based on the findings recommendations are forwarded with a view to improving the environmental justice situation in Ethiopia in the attainment of future sustainable development of the country. 2 I. INTRODUCTION 1. BACKGROUND Civil society organizations play pivotal role in all aspects of nation building efforts in their respective countries. These days, civil society is recognized as a diverse...
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...Insight Report The Global Competitiveness Report 2014–2015 Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum Insight Report The Global Competitiveness Report 2014–2015 Full Data Edition Professor Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum Editor Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martín Columbia University Chief Advisor of The Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network © 2014 World Economic Forum World Economic Forum Geneva The Global Competitiveness Report 2014–2015: Full Data Edition is published by the World Economic Forum within the framework of The Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network. Copyright © 2014 by the World Economic Forum Professor Klaus Schwab Executive Chairman All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of the World Economic Forum. Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martín Chief Advisor of The Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network Espen Barth Eide Managing Director and Member of the Managing Board ISBN-13: 978-92-95044-98-2 ISBN-10: 92-95044-98-3 Jennifer Blanke Chief Economist This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. THE GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS AND BENCHMARKING NETWORK Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Head of the Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network and...
Words: 80461 - Pages: 322
...Jaya Rai and Prasanna Kolte © Copyright Text – Erach Bharucha/ UGC, 2004. Photographs – Erach Bharucha Drawings – Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environment Education and Research All rights reserved. Distributed by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. 2004. ii Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses Preliminary Pages.p65 2 4/9/2004, 5:06 PM Vision The importance of Environmental Studies cannot be disputed. The need for sustainable development is a key to the future of mankind. The degradation of our environment is linked to continuing problems of pollution, loss of forest, solid waste disposal, issues related to economic productivity and national as well as ecological security. The increasing levels of global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and a serious loss of biodiversity have also made everyone aware of growing environmental concerns. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio De Janero in 1992, and the World...
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...Ecological Economics 24 (1998) 259 – 274 Scope and limits of the market mechanism in environmental management Bo Gustafsson Swedish Collegium for Ad6anced Study in Social Sciences, SCASSS, Gota6agen 4, S-75236 Uppsala, Sweden ¨ ¨ Abstract This paper tries to evaluate the role of the market mechanism in environmental management and warns against reductionist views on the causes and remedies of environmental damages. According to some of these views, proper pricing of the environment and extensive use of market mechanisms in environmental management would solve environmental problems. But various conditions tell against such simplifications, namely: the complex causality behind environmental damages; the complexity of the functions and values of nature; as well as limitations of the market mechanism in coping with the functions and services of nature. Several of those limitations — the difficulties of defining and enforcing property rights to nature’s functions and services; the pervasiveness of externalities conditioned by the public goods characteristics of many environmental functions and values; the difficulties in enticing, processing and using information about environmental goods; and the high transaction costs caused by all these circumstances—often rule out contracts and trading of environmental services. It is less known that the basic cause of market existence and extension, namely specialization and division of labour, have negative environmental effects. With respect...
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...Pollution Prevention in Corporate Strategy NATIONAL POLLUTION PREVENTION CENTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Case A: McDonald’s Environmental Strategy Susan Svoboda, manager of the University of Michigan Corporate Environmental Management Program (CEMP), prepared this case under the guidance of Stuart Hart, director of CEMP and assistant professor of Corporate Strategy and Organizational Behavior at the U-M School of Business Administration, as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an adminstrative situation. This document may be used by either students or faculty for background information. Introduction Rooted in Ray Kroc’s founding principles of Quality, Service, Cleanliness & Value (Q.S.C.&V.), McDonald’s management has always believed in being a leader in issues that affect their customers. This philosophy is evident in McDonald’s involvement in various community projects regarding education, health care, medical research, and rehabilitation facilities. These activities help the corporation to extend their image beyond fun and entertainment into social responsibility. However, in the late 1980s, McDonald’s began to face criticism for its environmental policies, especially those surrounding polystyrene clamshell containers. In 1987, McDonald’s replaced CFCs, the blowing agent used in clamshell production, with weaker HCFC-22’s after facing public criticism that CFC usage was contributing to ozone depletion. But...
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...north-east and it took 10 days to steam back to Timaru. Contents Sustainability Policy Introduction Managing Director’s Statement Key Performance Indicators About this Report and Reporting Scope Management Changes Growth and Renewal Iwi Collective Partnership Christchurch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 Team Health and Safety Team Well-being Communities 30 32 34 Economic Sustainability Overview and Highlights Financial Indicators Quota Ownership New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme Supply Chain Stakeholders Auckland Seafood School 36 36 37 40 40 40 42 44 Environmental Sustainability Environmental Profile Environmental Compliance Fishing Sustainably Sustainable Aquaculture 10 10 18 18 24 Assurance Statement Glossary of Terms Response Form Management Directory 45 46 47 Inside back cover Social Sustainability Sanford Team 28 28 Cover image GreenshellTM mussels being packed at Sanford Christchurch for overseas retail markets. Sustainability Policy This policy, and supporting quality, environmental, social and economic systems, aims to promote sustainable fishery practices, and related development initiatives, which will be productive indefinitely. Sanford is committed to operating in a sustainable manner in all aspects of the business. New Zealand’s Quota Management System (QMS) is one of the most advanced...
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...The Lauder GLobaL business insiGhT reporT 2014 rebalancing the Global economy Lauder-Report-2014.indd 1 12/18/13 12:07 PM Introduction The Lauder GLobaL business insiGhT reporT 2014 rebalancing the Global economy In this special report, students from the Joseph H. Lauder Institute of Management & International Studies examine current trends and recent developments shaping today’s global marketplace. The articles cover a wide variety of topics ranging from technology, innovation and brand building to infrastructure, entrepreneurship and social impact. A section on consumer markets looks at the popularity of e-cigarettes in France and elsewhere, efforts by Japanese firms to expand their businesses into Asia, new trends in French gastronomy, changes in Japan’s traditional food-consumption habits, and how a sector of the Chinese population is spreading, and spending, its newfound wealth. The report offers an analysis linking market-driven strategies with social impact in Peru and Colombia, as well as an article describing South Carolina’s embrace of innovative research. Other articles look at the Russian government’s attempt to reboot the city of Skolkovo as an innovation hub, the mixed success of innovation efforts in China, and the growing threat of cybercrime to businesses across the world. The challenges of infrastructure and planning are addressed in analyses of transportation in areas of Latin America, deficiencies in Brazil’s infrastructure, and real estate’s...
Words: 56733 - Pages: 227
...India-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement: Gains and Future Prospects Preface India signed a two-way Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (‘CEPA’ or ‘the Agreement’) with Japan on 16 February 2011. CEPA would provide a framework for enhanced cooperation between the two countries and is aimed to facilitate trade in goods and services and increase investment opportunities, besides protecting intellectual property rights. The Agreement is likely to be implemented from 1 April 2011. The highlights of CEPA have been provided below. CEPA The CEPA aims to reduce or eliminate tariffs over next 10 years on over 90 per cent of goods traded between the two countries. The Agreement inter alia provides ‘schedule for India’, a list detailing product wise plan for reduction/ elimination of duties for imports into India and a similar ‘schedule for Japan’. The quantum of duty reduction under CEPA will vary from product to product. Therefore, some products may see a complete elimination of duties on 1 April 2011 itself (or any other day on which the Agreement comes into force) while others may see a gradual reduction over years. Sensitive sectors for India and Japan are fully protected and will not see any tariff change. An illustrative list of goods for import into India and the time period over which basic customs duty would be eliminated is given below: |Description of goods |Period in which tariff to be reduced...
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...and Limitations of Certification Steering Committee Mike Barry Head of Sustainable Business, Marks & Spencer Ben Cashore Professor, Environmental Governance and Political Science; Director, Governance, Environment and Markets (GEM) Initiative; and Director, Program on Forest Policy and Governance; Yale University Jason Clay Senior Vice President, Market Transformation, World Wildlife Fund Michael Fernandez Director of Public Policy and Global Partnerships, Mars, Incorporated Louis Lebel Director, Unit for Social and Environmental Research, Chiang Mai University Tom Lyon Director, Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, University of Michigan Patrick Mallet (Steering Committee chair) Director of Credibility, ISEAL Alliance Kira Matus Lecturer in Public Policy and Management, London School of Economics and Political Science Peter Melchett Policy Director, Soil Association Michael Vandenbergh Professor of Law, Tarkington Chair in Teaching Excellence; Director, Climate Change Research Network, Vanderbilt University Jan Kees Vis Global Director, Sustainable Sourcing Development, Unilever Tensie Whelan President, Rainforest Alliance RESOLVE Staff Abby Dilley Vice President of Program Development Jennifer Peyser Senior Mediator Taylor Kennedy Senior Program Associate For more information, please visit www.resolv.org/certificationassessment or contact RESOLVE, the Secretariat organization, at 202.944.2300 or info@resolv.org. Citation information: Steering Committee...
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...140-day trial and given equal opportunity to perform through a uniform feeding and management regime. Record of economically important traits, adjusted 210 day weight, average daily gain adjusted 400 day weight and weight per day of age on all animals are systematically maintained. These records when statistically analyzed are used as the objective measures (indices) in selecting replacements and eliminating poor producers. 48 Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute Category Activity Description Agro-Industry/Agriculture Animal Production and Sam Motta's Goats and Sheep Demonstration and Marketing Systems Training Centre Animal Production and Hounslow Goats and Sheep Demonstration and Training Marketing Systems Centre Animal Production and Small Ruminant Production and Marketing Systems Marketing Systems Development Crop Production and Marketing Systems Livestock Feeds and Feeding systems Enhanced Hot Pepper Production Feeding Systems development for ruminants Education/Research PROCICARIBE PROCICARIBE Caribbean Integrated Pest Management Network Caribbean Small Ruminant Network (CASRUNet) Soil and Water Management Studies in the Rio Minho Valley Project Environment Hillside Farming Systems of Jamaica and the OECS Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest and Pesticides Management...
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...REPUBLIC OF GHANA THE BUDGET STATEMENT AND ECONOMIC POLICY of the GOVERNMENT OF GHANA for the 2015 FINANCIAL YEAR presented to PARLIAMENT on WEDNESDAY, 19TH NOVEMBER 2014 by SETH E. TERKPER Minister for Finance on the Authority of HIS EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT JOHN DRAMANI MAHAMA Theme: “Transformational Agenda: Securing the Bright Medium Term Prospects of the Economy ’’ THE 2015 BUDGET STATEMENT AND ECONOMIC POLICY ~ ii ~ Theme: “Transformational Agenda: Securing the Bright Medium Term Prospects of the Economy ’’ For copies of the Statement, please contact the Public Relations Office of the Ministry: Ministry of Finance Public Relations Office New Building, Ground Floor, Room 001/003 P. O. Box MB 40 Accra – Ghana The 2015 Budget Statement and Economic Policy of the Government of Ghana is also available on the internet at: www.mofep.gov.gh ~ iii ~ Theme: “Transformational Agenda: Securing the Bright Medium Term Prospects of the Economy ’’ ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABFA ACLP ADR AFCON AfDB AIDS AML AMSECs APR ATMA AVIC BACs BDS BIEPC BoG BOP bopd bps BR BRICS BSPs BVDs Annual Budget Funding Amount Ascertainment and Codification of Customary Law Project Alternative Dispute Resolution African Cup of Nations African Development Bank Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Anti-Money laundering Agricultural Mechanization Services Enterprise Centres Annual Progress Report Accra-Tema Metropolitan Area Accra Visitor Information Centre Business Advisory Centres...
Words: 63016 - Pages: 253
...Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Kenneth Fee The University of Sunderland © 2013 The University of Sunderland First published September 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission of the copyright owner. While every effort has been made to ensure that references to websites are correct at time of going to press, the world wide web is a constantly changing environment and the University of Sunderland cannot accept any responsibility for any changes to addresses. The University of Sunderland acknowledges product, service and company names referred to in this publication, many of which are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks. All materials internally quality assessed by the University of Sunderland and reviewed by academics external to the University. Instructional design and publishing project management by Wordhouse Ltd, Reading, UK. Contents Introduction vii Unit 1 The contemporary world of business and management Introduction 1.1 1.2 The global business environment The importance of developments in the global environment Case Study 1.3 Organisational decision making and performance vii 1 3 10 14 17 19 19 20 Self-assessment questions Feedback on self-assessment questions Summary Unit 2 Globalisation Introduction 2...
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