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Proteinmania Research Paper

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Pages 3
Hello there, welcome to our finest,fastest and largest protein production plant in the entire human body, Proteinmania! Proteinmania is where we create our finest proteins and we create them through one of the most fundamental biological processes by which individual cells build their specific proteins. Complicated Huh? Without these Protein production plants I can bet you would be dead because It is very important to create Proteins since have a variety of functions. For example, they lert blood to clot, oxygen to reach tissues, and and muscles to contract.Anyways, enough of the introduction let's get into this tour. The creation of the proteins all start with the D.N.A , the reason for this is simple: DNA contains the genetic information …show more content…
This is where our next step is: Translation where we take the information from the DNA and translated into the specific sequence of amino acids. Translation starts with codons. A codon is a sequence of three nucleotides in the mRNA. Codons are necessary for translation because it determines where to start translating and when to stop translating. When we hit a stop codon we know our job is done, therefore we now also know that the messenger rna is decoded. Later we go inside the ribosome and then we use this information and we use it to create a polypeptide or an chain of amino acid. These amino acids link together to form a polypeptide chain, and then folds into a three dimensional structure. This conformation is vital, because the protein cannot function until it is a certain shape. Their shapes determine their function. Proteins are made up of a sequence of 20 amino acids .Step by step, first the Mrna attaches the code to the ribosomes and then The ribosomes "reads" the copied DNA code.At every 3 base pairs Trna attaches a particular amino acid and then a peptide bond is formed and later a chemical bond

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