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How Does Caffeine Influence Emotional Responses

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Sarah consumed large amounts of caffeine in that day. She consumed just under 5 times the recommended levels for her weight and age. This lead to Sarah having side effects because of the amounts that she has consumed. One of these included anxiety. She needs to stop how much caffeine she consumes each day.

a) Explain how caffeine influences emotional responses and relate this to Sarah’s ‘overwhelming’ emotional response.
Caffeine influences emotional responses because after consuming large amounts you get side effects and they make you grumpy, tired and mean. You get little sleep and are tired the next day. You also possibly will then go on to relying on the caffeine and then it will hard to get out of the habit. This is why she had an overwhelming response because these side effects started to kick in. Other side effects include headaches and depression.

b) …show more content…
Justify each change that you suggest.
(Refer to the data in the table and your research in your response.)
Sarah needs to drink more water each day because water doesn’t contain caffeine and would help headaches and other effects from the caffeine. She should Track the amounts of caffeine she has and not go over the suggested limits. This will mean she then won’t experience the side effects of a caffeine overdose. She needs to consume less foods a drinks with caffeine in them. This will help with the amounts she consumes. If this Changes than the long term and short term effects won’t have an effect on her. As it is a stimulant it will speed her body

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