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Essay Comparing The Use Of Force And Many Rivers To Cross

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In both “The Use of Force” and “Many Rivers to Cross”, communication plays an important role. Both stories show that one must communicate efficiently to accurately depict their problems. In “The Use of Force”, the characters do not accurately communicate the problem. Mathilda does not cooperate when the doctor investigates her illness. She refuses to obey orders and open her mouth to reveal her true sickness. Anger builds within the doctor as he tries to conquer the little girl’s persistence and immaturity. Mathilda’s parents try to coax their child into talking with the doctor. However, they only dictate a few words themselves. The doctor continues to get mad as he tries to unlock the secret the child is holding in her mouth. In the end, the doctor wins and pries the girl’s mouth open to take a throat culture as she is screaming and resisting. …show more content…
The story illustrates a young divorcee who is a mother of a boy named Christopher. She struggles to find a job and a place to call home. She decided to move back in with her parents. In the beginning, the narrator’s mother accepted her daughter back home while the father rejected her for her decisions. Later on, as the story progresses, the audience learns that the narrator’s mother had a stroke. The father switched between the emotions of pity and anger, due to his wife’s conditions after the stroke. In the end of the story, the mother commits suicide. The father found her and woke his daughter up in a monotone-voiced way. He didn’t appear startled as the daughter fled down the stairs. The father and daughter physically fought about insurance papers before being stopped by people in their

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