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Book Of Mormon Research Paper

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The role of the Book of Mormon in my life is to bring me closer to Christ-like attributes and to leave behind everything that is not Christ-like for my benefit and growth in this life. The Book of Mormon has brought truths of the Gospel that were lost within the Bible due to many years of change and Satan’s hand in it. The Book of Mormon makes clear the precious truths that are not clear in the bible. The Book of Mormon is primarily meant to help us come unto Christ. There are plenty of blessings for those who study the Book of Mormon, and I will mention the blessings that have been given to me. First of all, I am not worried about getting the reading for the Book of Mormon done as I was before. I no longer feel that awful feeling of not having …show more content…
I have seen experiences in which the spirit has made things clear based on my understanding or on his understanding. Third, I feel a lot stronger- spiritual strength- when facing day-to-day temptations. It is a lot easier to follow the commandments when we really study the Book of Mormon. Fourth, I have come to the realization that our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of his children. Good or bad, he loves them. This does not mean we don’t have to correct our mistakes, because we do. However, the Book of Mormon affirms to us that our Heavenly Father will love us the same way no matter what. Our Father in Heaven only wants the best for us which is why He has provided commandments. He rejoices when we do what is right, and is upset when we do what is wrong. It is so important to understand the divine origin of the Book of Mormon so that we can follow the commandments. The moment we understand that the Book of Mormon is a book of God, it has the power to change us completely. For some people it may be hard to believe that the Book of Mormon is a book of God after reading it. The reason why is because they have a spirit of …show more content…
Blessings I have seen by studying the Book of Mormon in this course is greater wisdom. I am not a returned missionary like most students, I just graduated from High School. However, because many in the class are returned missionaries, I have learned a lot about the Book of Mormon. I have understood so much more of the fall of Adam and Eve and about the Atonement. I’ll learned so much about the Atonement and it is hard for my head to wrap around it. It is an infinite atonement, it is what our religion is based on. We are based on the teachings of Our Savior and his Atonement. I have felt spiritually stronger through the conversations we have in class because the people in class have wonderful, strong testimonies of what we are talking about. People in class are so positive and willing to learn. Everyone is welcoming, just like the Savior. My study and application of the Book of Mormon will improve, based on my experience in this course. How I plan to do so is: if I feel inspired to write, then I will. We can learn from what we write, and it can summarize what we read. What I also plan to do is more

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