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Psychodynamic Theory Of Crime Research Paper

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Over the years crime has gotten better many don’t think so because many have their own meaning of what should be a crime. The Criminal justice system keeps crime under control from my point of view. Some crimes are plan and some are not. People commit crimes due to different circumstances. Some people get a thrill out of committing crimes and those are the people that most likely commit more than one crime. There are many theories of why crimes are committed. Behavioral Theory, Cognitive Theory and Psychodynamic Theory are three of the many theories of why people think that crimes are committed. Behavioral Theory, Cognitive Theory and Psychodynamic Theory are psychological views of cause of crime. They all describes the mentally reasons why a person commits a crime. The following theories describes that a person younger life might has some kind of impact of their violent lives. All of the theories see human actions based upon the interaction of drives and forces within the person, particularly unconscious and between the different structures of the personality. …show more content…
Psychodynamic theory shows how some people encounter problems when they are younger that causes their personality to become unstable. Some have mood disorders and are extremely anxious, fearful, and uncontrolled impulsive. Behavioral Theory are habits that are pick up by others or surroundings. Some people look at what others do and pick up as a habit of their own. I guess its follower the leader to them in this theory. Social learning theory is a branch of Behavioral theory. Social learning theory states that people act aggressively because, as children, they modeled their behavior after the violent acts of adults. Being antisocial is a trait is social learning. Antisocial can come from verbal taunts and threats, experience of direct pain, poverty and social

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