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Psychodynamic Theory Research Paper

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The Psychodynamic Theory And Its Inability To Meet The Requirements Of The Scientific Method

La Trobe University

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The Psychodynamic Theory And Its Inability To Meet The Requirements Of The Scientific Method
According to the psychodynamic theory, composed by Sigmund Freud, personality is a combination of conscious and unconscious processes. The Oedipus complex describes the process in which a child undergoes a developmental stage where they despise the parent of the same sex, but adore the parent of the opposite sex (Ahmed, 2012). Although the psychodynamic theory provides a framework for personality, it does not meet the requirements of the scientific method. The scientific method refers to a series of steps used to collect and interpret data as well as to test predictions. Limitations of the theory include its unfalsifiable nature, due to its inability to be proven wrong (Popper, 1983), as well as the presence of inconsistencies within the study, making the theory …show more content…
For example, if a child displays libidinal feelings towards the parent of the same sex and hostility towards the parent of the opposite sex, then psychoanalysts may conclude that the child is repressing his/her feelings towards the parent of the opposite sex. Thus the theory cannot be refuted since all behaviors can be explained and confirmed through the use of observations, which correspond with the ideas proposed by the theory (Dienes, 2008). Furthermore, the psychodynamic theory adopts ad hoc Hypotheses to minimize falsifications. This process involves making amendments to the original hypothesis in order to explain the refutes made against the theory. Thus, the usage of an Ad Hoc hypothesis does not have any testable outcomes, and reinforces the idea that the psychodynamic theory does not follow the scientific method (Blackburn,

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