Premium Essay

Psychosocial Stages of Developmet


Submitted By brum800
Words 550
Pages 3
The first stage is infancy. This is the stage of less than a year of age, from birth to about 18 months old. According to Erikson, at this stage the crisis that an infant must face is the crisis of trust versus mistrust. Infancy is the most fundamental stage of development because the child will emerge feeling the world will be safe or unpredictable. The most significant social influence is the mother (or primary caregiver). The child will be able to develop a sense of trust through the consistent and regular care provided by the mother. This is achieved by providing a degree of familiarity, consistency, and continuity in the care, the child develop a feeling that the world is a safe place to be, that people are reliable and loving. But if the child cannot resolve this crisis, the child will leave the infancy stage with a sense of mistrust. The child will be apprehensive and suspicious around people. This sense of mistrust will be carried over to the next stage and the child would have a lot of struggles in the next stages of their life. The second stage is the stage of Toddlerhood of 1 to 3 years of age. In this stage the crisis that child needs to resolve is the crisis of autonomy versus shame and doubt. This stage is important because the child will emerge feeling confident and capable or will have self doubt and shame. The most significant social influence at this stage is the parent. The caregiver should be able to show tolerance and firmness. The child should be able to develop a sense of independence through exploration. This is manifested by the child making choices for himself/herself in regards to her food, toys, and clothes. Erikson believed that toilet training is important in this process. Learning to control one’s body functions will lead to a feeling of control and a sense of independence. According to Erikson, this is important if we would want the

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