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Psychotropic Drugs In The Foster Care System

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Psychotropic drugs are a serious issue in the foster care system in America. As the need for more medication for adolescents affected by psychological disorders and behavioral issues increases the government provides an additional excess in psychotropic drugs for proper dosage. In light of this, the foster system tends to overdose hyperactive or poorly behaved children in order to control their erratic mood swings and behaviors. These children are prescribed these drugs because they were likely treated improperly and now suffer with psychological issues. In most cases it is evident that the most misbehaved children are the ones who tend to be prescribed a surplus of these medications because prescribers believe that more medication implements more control over the child and their behaviors. Policies have been implemented …show more content…
The problem with excessive psychotropic drug use and the overdosing of these medications are that there is not much information or research yet provided as to what long term effects these prescriptions can have on individuals especially when started at such a tender age. When children, especially in foster care, are given coping agents such as Adderall or Ritalin to induce a controlling state of focus, it begins the start of a long life for a need such a coping mechanism. That coping agent helps to control their behavior, thus providing a much easier and relaxed child to attend to. These drugs are often prescribed in most foster homes for children whose parents were drug abusers or addicts, parents who were neglectful and uninvolved, children who were never raised with a supportive family, or with proper care and nurture. ”… the environment of sexual exploitation and violence in which female addicts often lived; made no provision for care of the addicted women's children and thus

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