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Ptsd: Causes and Symptoms


Submitted By pmtz
Words 940
Pages 4
Pristael Martinez
Summary for HES 1

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Causes and Symptoms Every individual has gone through some sort of danger. Everyone, at some point, has been afraid. Fear triggers many instant changes in the body. These changes help the body prepare itself to defend against danger or to avoid it. This is taught as the “fight or flight” response. It is a healthy reaction meant to protect an individual from harm. But in post traumatic stress disorder, this reaction is changed or damaged. Traumatic events bring out a reaction from an individual that may be different from that of another. Everyone is unique to their own ability to manage fear or stress and to cope with any threats posed by a traumatic event. This is why not everyone who experiences or witnesses a trauma will develop post traumatic stress disorder. It is not known why traumatic events cause PTSD in some individuals and not in others.
In a time a traumatic event, the body will release stress hormones and chemicals. Generally, the body will recover after the event, and hormone and chemical levels will return to normal. For some reason the body of an individual with PTSD will continue to release the stress hormones and chemicals. Whether or not an individual will develop PTSD depends on many contributing factors. Some of these factors can be genes, emotions, and family settings, the intensity or duration of the trauma, any injuries or deaths as a result of the traumatic event, the distance from the scene of the event, the strength of the individual’s reaction, the control or lack of control over the event, and how much help and support an individual receives after an event. All of these factors may influence the development of PTSD. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), PTSD affects about 7.7 million American adults. The disorder was first

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