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Public Budgeting


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Describe Public Budgeting system in Kosovo from preparation to implementation

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Public Administration
Edition 2015/2016
Public Budgeting Essay


The budget is one state’s most important economic policy instrument; as such it reflects its development priorities. The budget controls or regulates its revenues and expenditures over one fiscal year; budgeting process is continuous and circular. In general Kosovo budgets are prepared and presented based on past budgets, modelling future expenditures and revenues on ongoing programmes. Kosovo is still a country that learns from the past experiences on budgeting, controlling and managing the income and outcome of the means that are in disposal of the government.

List of abbreviation:

AoK Assemble of Kosovo
BFC Budget and finance committee
COPF Committee of Oversight of Public Finance
MoF Ministry of Finance
MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework
RoP Rules of Procedure


When preparing the annual budget the MoF issues a so called budget circulars to the institutions or department within the government. This document contains clear instructions for budget preparation with expenditure limits for the next fiscal year, and also provides information about the coordination process between these organizations and MoF.

Additionally to the annual budget the government develops financial medium-term planning document, the MTEF seeks to improve the predictability and sustainability of the budget, this document aims to cover the coming fiscal year and estimates of the two coming fiscal years.

Budget formulation
According to the law on Public Financial Management and accountability, ‘’ budget organization means any authority or public undertaking that directly receives any appropriation’’.
According to the Law No. 05/L-001 on budget of Republic of Kosovo for year 2015, in article 1.4. Budgetary Organizations are considered - all Ministries, Municipalities or Agencies which receive budgetary appropriation from the Kosovo Fund under this Law on Budget of Republic of Kosovo.

The process of drafting the budget is in close relation between MoF and budgetary organization and it has the relation from bottom to up, when the organizations have the freedom of preparing their budgets according to their strategies and work plan. Second relation is from up to bottom is when the MoF plans to allocate the same amount of means as in previous year, where are not included the new needs of the organization. As in many countries Kosovo uses a mixed system of two directions which means the budget organizations prepare and propose the budget according to their plans and activities (bottom –up) relation, but are limited on this process due to the budgetary limitations or better said (up to bottom) relation.

When the MoF receives all budgets from relevant institutions, the minister of finance prepares the proposed Kosovo budget together with appropriate laws for consideration by the government. Laws that need to be taken in consideration from the government are Article 21 on Law No. 03/L-221 on Amending and Supplementing of the Law No.03/L-048 on Public Management and Accountability of 13 March 2008, 12 July 2010. These laws contain detailed provisions on the budget, its allocation to budget organizations and its execution. The government is required to submit the draft law for consideration to the Assembly by 31 October of the current fiscal year.

In summary the budget process in Kosovo goes through four stages which are depicted in the diagram below:
2.Budget entacment: The budget is being reviewed by the BFC of the AoK, while functional commites review the budgetary allocations for line ministries and agencies. The Assembly accepts or rejects the budget in the plennary session.
Budget formulation: The budget is developed by the government.MoF issues the budget circulars to all budget organizations, then MoF puts together the proposed budget sending it togovernment for approval. Then it is forwarded to the Assembly.

3. Budget execution:
The MoF continuosly monitors the implementation of the budget and reports to the assembly on quartlerly basis. These reports are considered by the BFC, but do not require approval by the assembly .

4. Budgetary oversight and auditing:
The Auditor General audits the accounts of all budget organizations for the past year. The assembly’s COPF reviews the audit report and holds the government to account

Table 1:
Important dates and activities that are followed in order to prepare the budget until its approval in the Assembly.

15 April | MoF prepares the MTEF for the next three years | 30 April | The last deadline when MoF sends the budget circulars to the relevant budget organizations and MoF submit MTEF to the assembly. | 15 June | The last deadline when budget organizations send their proposals for budget, based on Ministry guidelines, expenditure priorities and budget limits. | 15 June-31 October | MoF consults proposals from budget organizations and organise public hearings with budget organizations. This process is usually conducted during July –August. Subsequently, the MoF sends a proposed budget appropriation to each budget organization and together with MTEF sends it to the government for approval. | 31 October | The government adopts the proposed budget and sends it to the assembly * MoF submits draft law on budget to the assembly (Art.22 LPFMA) * Before 1st reading in the plenary , the budget shall review the draft in principle ( Art. 56 Nr 2 Rules of procedure RoP) * The draft law is submitted to the plenary for the first reading * Main committees present reports on draft law within 10 days (Art .57 Nr.8 rules of procedure) * Budget and Finance committee (BFC) submits reports on draft law at least 5 days prior to the second reading (Art .57 Nr .9 RoP) | 31 December | The last date when the Assembly adopts the Kosovo budget. |

The Assembly reviews, amends and approves the budget while budget and finance committees is the lead committee for the laws. The budget and finance committee compiles reports and receives proposed amendments from the standing committee and other functional committees.
During the period of two months November and December the budget and finance committees also is obliged to process direct budgetary interventions by Kosovo independent institutions which report solely to the Assembly and do not interact with Ministry of Finance. Independent institutions have the right to lobby for their priorities with budget and finance committees only after the final budget was presented to the Kosovo government. In the end it is the Assembly that decides whether to adopt or reject the budget.

2.1 The role of functional committees in budget oversight.
Budget and finance committee is tasked with reviewing the quarterly and annual financial reports of the government and independent institutions. This review is a routine since the Committee neither has the time or the subject expertise to review the reports in details, due to the large amount of material respectively budgets.
As per the committee of oversight of public finance they review 100 audit reports prepared by the office of auditor general each year. These reports are mainly focused on financial management structures of line ministries and independent institutions, drawing their conclusions on a review of processes and a narrow sample of financial documents such as invoices and procurements contracts. In reviewing over a 100 reports each year committee of oversight of public finance may discover instances of mismanagement, but does neither have the time or the sectorial expertise to scrutinise any of these institutions in detail.
For the purpose of ensuring that the functional committee does not overlap with COPF in its oversight work, it should consult with committee of oversight of public finance when preparing its oversight expertise.
The advantage that functional committees have in budget oversight is their ability to focus on a specific issue within their mandate and spend the time necessary to get to the roots of any problem that they may find. Functional committees have a great advantage over committee of oversight of public finance because they have more insight into ministry’s affairs that they are responsible for. In addition, functional committees do not have specified annual oversight targets and may conduct investigations in their own space. They may and should return to cases of interest within months of years in order to ensure that identified problems have been properly addressed. If the committee believes that there are systemic problems surrounding a particular issue that requires a technical review, it has the ability to request the office of general auditor or another oversight institution to conduct a thorough review of identified problem.
When scrutinizing budget performance of line ministries under their review, functional committees will make some important considerations:
Ministries establish programs to implement the laws approved by the assembly. Committees should review what funds have been allocated to which programmes, they should inquire which targeted results in terms of service delivery were defined by these programmes and whether the funds were sufficient to meet these results. Finally, the committee should asses how efficient the ministry was in achieving these results. When looking at the budget implementation of a line ministry for the first time, a committee should try to get an overview of how this institution has performed over time. The committee will look for changes over the year, by studying the numbers from one year to next. This step will let the committee understand better policy changes significant increases and decreases in range of 10 percent or more, the 10 percent is a clear indicator in a budget line the change of priorities have been made. Committees need to be convinced that the changes are justified in light of the targeted results of relevant programmes.
While conducting a budget oversight the committee take these routine considerations: * Did the institution accomplish its annual planned activities? If not which are the obstacles that prevented full implementation of plan? * How was the budget spent by category- goods, services or capital investments? * Is the budget spent equally throughout the year, or is additional budget needed in the following year? * In case of budget surplus, it is explained by the inability of the institution to manage its budget, or should the institution operate with lower budget? * What are the reports of the office of the auditor general, as well as the opinions of committee of oversight of public finance? * Is a comparison of audit reports with financial reports from the government conducted regularly?
Following a first routine review of financial statement and audit reports of the committee’s respective line ministry, a committee can proceed to initiate a study which will examine a certain issue in detail, for instance the committee could review the ministry’s procurement or allocations. The selective approach ensures also that the functional committee does not duplicate the work that the budget and finance committee and committee of oversight of public finance perform.

Conduct a review of budgets, financial reports and other relevant documents.

In preparation of the budget oversight study the committee reviews the relevant section of the government programme and any strategic documents for the ministry to be overseen to determine the ministry priorities in the monitored period. The committee will then observe both main and supplementary budgets of the ministry to be overseen. The medium term expenditure framework together with ministry annual work plan and the quarterly and annual financial reports, all this is done with aim of determining whether the priorities are reflected in their expenditures. All documents should be reviewed in at least past two year period. Attentions are focused mainly in large decreases and increases in budget spending lines. Big changes in line item spending that do not correspond to declared ministry policies, might be an indicator of poor management practices and might influent on decreasing the budget of the relevant ministry for the coming year. Looking at the budget, it is important to examine the procurement activity for the year which by the law should be completed 60 days prior to new fiscal year, and compare them to the procurement activity that have already take place and notices the procurement the current situation. Another significant item for analysis is the annual regularity audit report for the line ministry which is prepared by the office of the auditor general. This report examines the financial performance of the ministry, identifies shortfalls and makes recommendations. The report should be examined for the past two years and the committee should pay special attention to the recommendations for the current year and any failure to implement recommendations from the previous year.
In many cases the committee will have to rely on external expertise when planning a budget oversight study. The funding for this can be allocated from the fund of recruiting external experts available to committee. The duty of identifying relevant experts should be carried out by the committee co-ordinator. The assembly data base of expert consultants that is maintained by the assembly directorate of research, library and archive contains the contact for vides range of local experts that can be hired on a short time basis.

In addition there are a number of independent institutions reporting to the assembly that have internal expertise that could be accessed by the committees. Several of these institutions have a watchdog function in relation to the government. These institutions can be an valuable and resourceful asset for the committee engaged in budget oversight. Committees that planes to make study of an area that requires specific expertise held by independent institutions could request support from these experts throughout the oversight process.
1. Advisory Board for Protection of Environment (ABPE)
2. Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA)
3. Civil Aviation Authority of Kosovo (CAA)
4. Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK)
5. Central Census Commission (CCC)
6. Central Election Commission (CEC)
7. Committee on Bar Examination
8. Energy Regulatory Office (ERO)
9. Independent Board for Review of Tax Appeals (ITARB)
10. Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals (ICMM)
11. Independent Media Commission (IMC) 12. Kosovo Competition Commission (KCC)
13. Kosovo Council for Cultural Heritage (KCCH) 14. Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC)
15. Kosovo Judicial Institute (KJI)
16. Kosovo Pension Savings Trust (KPST)
17. Kosovo Property Agency (KPA)
18. Legal Aid Commission (LAC)
19. Office of Auditor-General of Kosovo (OAG) 20. Ombudspersons Institution in Kosovo (OIK)
21. National Agency for Protection of Personal Data (NAPPD)
22. National Council of Science (NCS)
23. The Privatisation Agency of Kosovo (PAK)
24. Procurement Review Body (PRB)
25. Public Procurement Regulatory Commission (PPRC)
26. Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK)
27. Railways Regulatory Authority (RRA)
28. Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA)
29. The Water Council of Kosovo (WCK)
30.Water and Waste Regulatory Office (WWRO
Pass a motion:
When the committee has identified a topic for its study it will pass a motion outlining what this particular exercise with encompasses. The motion should be precise and focused and not for example: ‘’the committee undertakes a study of the finances of Kosovo’’, that is far too wide ranging and generic, or ‘’the committee commences a study of the hours the driver for the minister of finance was paid last year; which is to detailed and easily answered. An example of a reasonable of a reasonable motion would be ‘’ this committee undertakes a study of the use of ministry vehicles, drivers and other related expenses’’. It is essential that the committee ensures the scope of its study complies with its mandate as specified in the rules of procedure of Kosovo assembly.
Inform the public:
The transparency of the budget oversight exercise is also important. Out of principle , committee meeting should be open to the public and media so as to achieve the fullest possible exposure. Once the committee has decided to conduct a study into a matter , it should issue a short media advisory. This will showcase the work of the committee and may result in the information from external sources being available to the committee. Once a schedule of meeting has been set the committee should notify the media in a fast and clear manner. Inform the media with proper material of the subject matter in order to have the right audience meaning independent institutions, international stakeholders etc. A close working relationship with the media will help ensure that factual information is reported and unfounded allegations can be refuted before they become public. If the media and the public are in attendance at a committee meeting the chairperson should make every effort to keep the meeting open.
Conduct site visits:
It is common for the committees in fulfilling their duties to conduct site visits to gain greater understanding of the ministry work. In general, site visits are arranged in advance with notice given as to the time and place when the committee will visit. On exceptional occasions a committee may organize unannounced visits. This should be done when a compelling reason for doing so is determined. A site visit can be useful in number areas, but it is not a replacement for a normal committee meeting.
Request documents:
Prior to calling any witness to testify the committee should make a request for document of the ministry. It is important to specify that the ministry should provide documents in electronic format.
If for example the issue is about the vehicle usage in the relevant ministry then the questions would be: * The number of drivers employed and their benefits * The make and model of vehicles that purchased and what cost * The cost of fuel and repairs in each past years * If trips were made for outside of government business provide names of those driven and the purpose of the trip.
The request for documents should include a deadline for response from 7 to 10 days.

Review of documents and questions:

After receiving and reviewing the documents, the committee should look for anomalies such as very high or very low costs year over year. Documentation gathered by the committee should not be released to the public by the committee members until after the report of the committee has been tabled in the assembly.
Based on the review of documents the committee will generate questions for the minister or responsible senior public officials in ministry and external institution that may have relevant information regarding the subject study.

Prepare and hold an oversight hearing
The committee coordinator will prepare written invitations and circulate them to all witnesses to be invited to the hearing. The hearing will be scheduled not sooner than one week after the invitation is sent in order to leave the witness to prepare the proper documents. The committee coordinator will take notes on every testimony of all relevant sections. Committee members will determine the credibility of the evidence provided when they decide its inclusion in the final study report.
Draft and publish the report/ study
Once all documentation has been received the committee will begin writing the report of study. The report should be comprehensive and readable by actors outside of the assembly, or those with limited knowledge of the committee work and subject area.
It is a good practice for the committee to submit a draft of the report to the ministry for their review granting the ministry 7 to 10 days for submission of their comments.
Once the final draft is produced the committee will vote each section of the report and on each recommendation separately to ensure all stages.
Upon the report competition the chairperson of the committee will present the report to the assembly during plenary session.

Review of document and questions:
Record keeping is of a paramount importance in oversight. All evidence gathered testimony heard as well the final study report should be kept in a easily accessible manner. It is common for a committee to revisit the same issue within a year or two the records can prove to be very important in this regard.


GAP, I. (2013 ). Kosovo budget trasnaperency and forms of buget reporting . Prishtina : GAP Institution.

Government, K. (2008, 3 13). Law No 03/L-221. Prishtina , Kosovo.

Kosovo, G. o. (Law is approved by Assembly, 2014). Law No. 05/L-001. Prishtina.

[ 2 ]. Budget circulars are published by the MoF on its website at
[ 3 ]. Table refers to data of GAP Institute, Kosovo budget: transparency and forms of budget reporting (March 2013), AnalizaperbuxhetinENGfinal.pdf, (accessed January 31, 2016).

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...exclusive projects. It has inspired many research scholars and is primarily concerned with sizable investments in long-term assets, with long term life. The growing internationalization of business brings stiff competition which requires a proper evaluation and weight age on investment appraisal issues viz. differing project life cycle, impact of inflation, analysis and allowance for risk. Therefore financial managers must consider these issues carefully when making capital budgeting decisions. Inflation is one of the important parameters that govern the financial issues on capital budgeting decisions. Managers evaluate the estimated future returns of competing investment alternatives. Some of the alternatives considered may involve more risk than others. For example, one alternative may fairly assure future cash flows, whereas another may have a chance of yielding higher cash flows but may also result in lower returns. It is because, apart from other things, inflation plays a vital role on capital budgeting decisions and is a common fact of life all over the world. Inflation is a common problem faced by every finance manager which complicates the practical investment decision making than others. Most of the managers are concerned about the effects of inflation on the...

Words: 1206 - Pages: 5

Premium Essay

Business Ethics

...(3) parts. The purpose of this assignment is to help the students to understand how an organization demonstrates key areas of financial management in practice. The students will also learn to identify the corporate goals that are important to an organization and therefore, be the main objective of financial managers. Besides, students will also be familiarizing with the financial market especially capital market. Students will have a better understanding on importance of efficient market hypothesis to financial management and ability to explain the difference between the various forms of market efficiency. Lastly, students will identify and distinguish the differences between security valuation and capital budgeting together with the importance of capital budgeting to an organization. Project Outline: Part 1 * Each student is required to choose 2 listed companies that operate in different sectors of the economy. The companies should be quoted on either the London Stock Exchange or Bursa Malaysia. * Examine the annual report for the 2 companies, and briefly describe the background of the 2 companies. * Examine the chairman’s statement from the latest annual report. Are the corporate goals clearly specified? What specific references are made to financial management? Part 2...

Words: 673 - Pages: 3