...PUBLIC SECTOR ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE 1.0. Introduction: One of the main distinguishing factors between public and private sector organisations lies in their objectives and sometimes funding structure. While public sector bodies have a more social objective and focus more on the allocation or distribution of public goods and services within the country, private sector bodies have the main objective of increasing the wealth of their shareholders (IFAC, 2011). However, both private and public sector bodies face similar operational and business challenges brought on by the economic environment and climate. A crucial question therefore is how to account for the activities of private sector bodies and public sector bodies in a way that reflects the operational structure of the organisation and yet their varying objectives (Barton, 2000). There exist two main schools of thought on the nature of accounting in the public sector, each of which is formulated by the view of the role of the public sector within the economy (Evans, 1995). The traditional method of accounting within public sector organisations has often advocated the use of the cash basis of accounting, with larger emphasis rather placed on compliance with the rules and regulations governing the sector (Wynne, 2003). However, weaknesses in public sector management have brought to the fore the importance of efficiency and hence the adoption of the accrual method of accounting within the public sector. According to...
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...statements? • …..how do you assess the quality of public sector financial information? • Should we improve public sector reporting? 4 Presentation outline… Quality of reporting - Africa IPSAS…why, what , adoption Role of the Profession Zimbabwe Conclusion Quality of financial information in Africa… PFM …. Key dimensions per PEFA Budget credibility Comprehensiv eness and transparency Policy-based budgeting Six critical dimensions of PFM system performance Effective audit and External scrutiny Accounting, recording and reporting Control and stewardship in budget execution 7 PEFA Assessments results..Africa (Oct 09) Link to economic growth… 8 PEFA overall results… Significant variability in average scores. Africa Region PEFA Scores (October 2009 data) 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 9 What about financial reporting? PEFA – Accounting Performance Indicators Indicator Description P1 22 Timeliness and regularity of accounts reconciliations P1 24 Quality and timeliness of in-year budget reports P1 25 Quality and timeliness of annual financial statements P 1 26 Scope, nature and follow up of external audit 10 c. Performance in other areas External audit time, standards, AG issues Size of reports Completeness of information: standards 11 So, what should we do? …adopt IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards...
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...Forensic accounting may not be a new field in accounting. However it becomes so important recently and has been an interest to various stakeholders, from the government, investors, and practitioners to regulatory bodies. In public sector, the increment in frauds, money laundering, corruptions, illegal or unethical acts and other wrongdoings are the main factors to support the needs of forensic accounting skills in public sector working environment especially in public sector accountants. The need for forensic accountant has been ascribed to the fact that the audit system in an organization had failed to detect certain errors in the system.Demand for Forensic Accountants (FAs) is growing fast because of the use of information technology to commit crimes, growing corruption, and harsh economic times that are making some workers to steal from their employers or assets of organization. In more recent years, Accountants (FAs)who worked in public practice were often called after owners suspected that fraud had been committed.This research is to study the needs of good forensic skills in public sector working environment especially within public sector accountant. | Problem Statement | The public sector constitutes the largest sector of the economy of any nation, It employs the largest population of the labor force and controls the bulk of financial resources of any country. It therefore calls for a proper financial resources management to ensure proper use of public funds...
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...Introduction to Public Sector Accounting Public sector is the government organizations which are set up to governance the activity of citizens and power to set up the rule to enable the citizens can live with harmony and also help them to resolve the problem more efficiency. Public sector accounting is the information system that records, analysis, classifies, summarizes and communicates public sector entity financial and economic events, and their impacts, in term both which are emphasis in proper accounting maintenance of books and all records, compliance with the related laws, rules and regulations and comprehensive and accurate reports to help the related parties to make decision. (Syed Soffian Syed Ismail, 2011) Private sector is the organizations that are develop by individuals which purpose is to get profit and is not state controlled. The private sector is included all for profit business that is not operating by the government and not more social responsibility. Private sector accounting is consists of three basic activities that is identifying, recording and communication the economic event of a company. That is identify economic event such as transactions and investments, uses bookkeeping to systematic record the economic event and also use the financial statement to present their report to the people who are using that accounting information. (Roslyn Frenz) Differences between Public Sector Accounting and Private Sector Accounting | Public Sector Accounting | Private...
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...Academic Year Semester/Term 2012 / 2013 1 / 2 Course Code Course Title Credit Medium of Instruction Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum Requirement(s) CBEB 3305 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 3 English None Main Reference 1. Charles W. L. Hill, Chow-Hou Wee, Krishna Udayasankar (2012), International Business: An Asian Perspective, Singapore: McGraw hill. Additional References: 2. Charles W. L. Hill (2009), International Business, 7th edition, Singapore: McGraw-Hill 3. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2007), Globalization Debate, UM Press. Teaching Materials/ Equipment Text Book, Journal Articles, Case Studies Learning Strategies Lecture, Tutorial, Discussion Student Learning Time 120 Hours Face to face: 41 Hours (lecture, tutorial) Independent learning: 75 Hours (preparation before and after lecture, preparation for final examination) Assessment : 4 Hours (Test, Final Exam) (Refer to Student Learning Time form) Soft Skills Communications Skills : CS1 – CS3 Critical Thinking : CT1 – CT3 Team Work : TS1 – TS2 Entrepreneurship : KK1 Ethics and Professional Moral : EM1 – EM2 Leadership : LS1 – LS2 Lecturer Room Telephone/e-mail Prof. Dr. Mohd Nazari Ismail A2-25 mdnazari@um.edu.my Lecture Session: Day/Time Venue Tutorial/Practical Session: Day/Time Venue Isnin 2.00 – 4.00 ptg DK1 Monday 4 – 5 pm; Tuesday 2 – 3 pm; 3 – 4 pm; Thursday 9 – 10 am; Thursday 12 pm – 1 pm; 1pm – 2 pm. BSB 2 Important Dates ...
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...I. KARAKTERISTIK DAN LINGKUNGAN SEKTOR PUBLIK A. Pengertian dan ruang lingkup akuntansi sektor publik Istilah sektor publik memiliki pengertian yang bermacam-macam, hal ini merupakan konsekuensi dari luasnya wilayah publik, sehingga setiap disiplin ilmu (politik, ekonomi hukum dan sosial) memiliki cara pandang dan definisi yang berbeda-beda. Dari sudut pandang ekonomi sektor publik dapat dipahami sebagai suatu entitas (kesatuan) yang aktivitasnya berhubungan dengan usaha untuk menghasilkan barang dan pelayanan publik dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan dan hak publik. Sejalan dengan perkembangan maka di negara kita Akuntansi Sektor Publik didefinisikan sebagai mekanisme teknik dan analisis akuntansi yang diterapkan pengelolaan dana masyarakat di lembaga–lembaga tinggi negara dan departemen dibawahnya, pemerintah daerah, BUMN,BUMD, LSM dan yayasan sosial, maupun pada proyek-proyek kerjasama sektor publik dan suasta. Beberapa tugas dan fungsi sektor publik sebenarnya dapat juga dilakukan oleh sektor suasta misalnya untuk menghasilkan beberapa jenis pelayanan publik seperti layanan komunikasi, penarikan pajak, pendidikan, transportasi publik dll, akan tetapi untuk tugastertentu tugas sekotr publik tidak dapat digantikan oleh sektor suasta, misalnya fungsi birokrasi pemerintahan. Sebagai konsekuensinya akuntansi sektor publik dalam beberapa hal bebeda dengan akuntansi padasektor suasta. Tujuan Akuntansi Sektor Publik * Memberikan informasi yang diperlukan untuk mengelola...
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...7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FINANCIAL CRIMINOLOGY 2015 13-14 April 2015,Wadham College, Oxford, United Kingdom Enhancement of the Accountability of Public Sectors through Integrity System, Internal Control System and Leadership Practices: A Review Study Mohamad Azizal Abd Aziza, Hilmi Ab Rahmanb, Md. Mahmudul Alamc, Jamaliah Saidc* a Faculty of Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia b Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kelantan Campu, Malaysia c School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia c Accounting Research Institute (ARI), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia Abstract Currently, governance in public administration has become a global issue as a result of the continuous stream of governance failures, fraud, inefficiency, corruption, and poor internal control and financial management. Public sectors worldwide are now under pressure to justify the sources and utilizations of public resources as well as improving the performance in their services delivery. Now it is considered as public rights to monitor the transparency and efficiency of public administration. To ensure good governance, understanding the way to improve accountability in public sector is very essential. Therefore, to enhance the accountability in the public sector, based on the literature review this study discusses on the organizational internal factors that has influences on accountability; integrity system, internal...
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...I have over 20 years experience in accounting , management and auditing gained from : • Post conflict and conflict geographical locations in Burundi ( specifically Ngozi, Sudan, Uganda : • Environmental disasters in Tanzania; Mozambique and Kenya • HIV affected and infected communities in Botswana and The Zambia • Donor-funded projects, financial institutions and Government organizations. I have been involved in Financial management and management audits of various organizations. This include Project Planning and Management, development of Accounting Systems and internal control systems, Budget Management on Donor funded Non-Governmental Organizations, Project Management, Finance and Management Accounting and Staff Performance appraisal, both private and public sector Organizations. Currently am managing the Regional Finance and Administration as supervisor in the East and Southern Africa Region and I have been responsible for coming up with policies and procedures that are in line with the organizations’ long term strategies. This involved review of existing structures, and Advising management on possible implementation procedures and processes and the costs/benefits associated with them. I have therefore had to work with consultants and different authorities in order to accomplish these goals. The job is based in Uganda but I receive reports from all the above mentioned countries through email on a monthly basis by the 5th of every month, import into ACCPAC ...
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...Managing Change Initiatives: Fantasy or Reality? The Case of Public Sector Organisations Ebrahim Soltani University of Kent Business School, Canterbury, UK Pei-chun Lai University of Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow, UK Abstract It is becoming a commonplace statement that change initiative programmes are key tools to organisational long-term success. To this end, the last two decades have witnessed a surge of interest in the take-up of various change initiative programmes. Organisational change initiatives, we are told by many commentators, can maximise shareholder value (i.e. economic value theory) and develop organisational capabilities (i.e. organisational capability theory). Specifically, in recent years, as companies have been confronted by the conditions of heightened competition, globalisation, advancements in communications and information technologies, economic recession and simultaneously search for excellence, so the desire to take up change initiatives has interested the majority of leading organisations. At the same time, however, the analysis of the prospects for the majority of change management tools reveals so many deep-seated barriers to change with the consequence of little success in practice. This paper explores this apparent contradiction, arguing that, despite a heightened interest in the take-up of change initiatives, very few change programmes produce an improvement in bottom-line, exceed the company’s cost of capital, or even improve service...
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...Privatization on Service Sector Preface We know that the countries which are developed today are getting very strong in service sector day by day. Without having a very significant service sector it is impossible to retain the development of the economy of a country. Service sector is the accelerator of an economy. And Bangladesh is one of the least developed countries of the world with a huge number of different problems but most importantly with an emerging service sector. Really this is a great tonic for this underdeveloped country on the way of development. So to utilize this potential setting up of a lot of service organization is needed. But the service organization should not be public rather private. Because we all know about the poor service quality and negative profit of the public service organizations of Bangladesh. So the privatization of service sector is one of our desired initiatives. It is one of the leading aspects with a very bright potential to boost-up the economy of this third-world poor country. Prepared by: Md. Abdul Hai – 07882860 Essence of Privatization Despite a significant degree of public ownership in health, education, communication, utilities and energy sectors in the pre-independence period, Bangladesh inherited basically a private sector dominated economy at the time of independence in 1971. A set of three inter-related reasons are put forward as rationale for privatization in Bangladesh. These are: • Improvement of the governments’ fiscal...
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...TABLE OF CONTENT No. | Content | Page | 1. | Introduction | 2 | 2. | Main findings and discussions: * Outcome-Based Budgeting * Objectives of OBB * Importance of OBB * Fundamentals of OBB * Components of OBB * Potential benefits of implementing OBB * Implementation of OBB in other countries | 356671011 | 3. | Conclusions | 12 | 4. | Recommendation | 14 | 5. | References | 15 | 6. | Appendices | | INTRODUCTION Budgeting in the public sector has evolved over the years. After Independence, we started with line-item budgeting that focused on expenditure. Under this approach, ministries and agencies were assessed on their ability to spend the approved allocation within a given year. Moreover, it lacked coordinated planning, performance measurements and systematic evaluation. Subsequently, a more results oriented Programme and Performance Budgeting System (PPBS) was adopted in 1969, where the focus shifted to outputs, with resources allocated for specific programmes and activities based on priorities. Systemic problems, however, continued to persist. There was lack of accountability, while decision making was highly centralized. To address these problems, the PPBS was improved and introduced as the Modified Budgeting System (MBS) in 1990. The system expounded the concept of “let managers manage” and held them accountable for their performance. However, even under this system, the emphasis was still on output, with each ministry and agency focusing...
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...Discuss the concepts of centralized vs. decentralized purchasing authority, identify their relative advantages and disadvantages, and provide examples of when each may be appropriate. Centralized purchasing authority relies on one person to make decisions and direct the company. Sometimes in small businesses this is used because the owner is typically responsible for the operations of the company. The person held accountable in centralized authority structures is held accountable by the top management for proper performance of the purchasing activities. Often in smaller businesses this is necessary to attain a high operating efficiency and to maximize profits. The power of decision making is in just a few positions and there is typically little input from other positions. In large organizations this can be a good tactic if there is little segmentation among the business. In decentralized structures there are several people making decisions and running operations. In decentralized styles there is a team of people and different levels in the business. With having a larger team making decisions employees are usually empowered to make business decisions. Centralized authority can create extreme efficiency for a business. Usually the owner of the business can develop a mission and vision and set specific objectives for the managers to follow to achieve the desired goals. There is potentially a reduction of potential duplication of effort and the ability to leverage...
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...Government Richard J. Fox School of Business and Management Temple University Privatization of public services to reduce cost and improve quality has a long history. Peter Drucker, the Austrian born management professor, was the first to suggest contracting out of local services to private companies. Indeed many municipal services were already contracted out by 1980 in Great Britain. But the most significant drive for privatization in Great Britain, which signaled the way to the rest of the world, came about with the election of Margaret Thatcher in 1979. In the following decade a host of state owned enterprises were privatized including British Petroleum, British Aerospace, Jaguar, Rolls Royce, National Freight Corp., Cable and Wireless, British Airways, British Gas, British Telecom, several water and electric utilities. In addition, public housing was sold to the residents and compulsory competitive bidding of local services was initiated. By the late 1980’s, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and Argentina elected presidents who adopted privatization initiatives. But the trend toward privatization was not confined to western countries. The collapse of Communism in the Soviet Bloc prompted the sale of many state owned enterprises as well as other forms of privatization. Even earlier, China in 1978 allowed private farming and later private sector manufacturing and retail operations. And Vietnam allowed private businesses and Cuba allowed homes to be sold to their...
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...Traditional cost accounting has been based on allocating a subjective or calculated range of indirect expenses to direct costs. Activity Based Costing (ABC) offers an alternative approach. Much of the textbook work on ABC refers to examples from large-scale manufacturing and yet in the UK total public spending is expected to be some £759 billion in fiscal year ending 2016 of which 12% (£89 billion) will be spent within the education sector (www.ukpublicspending.co.uk). REQUIRED: Discuss how a UK university might use ABC to (a) produce costs for services, and to (b) evaluate the internal efficiency and profitability per service line. Both benefits and drawbacks must be considered. Your answer must be supported by extensive reference to relevant literature, logical argument, and may, but not necessarily, include worked examples to illustrate your arguments attached as appendices to your work. All reference to literature must be referenced in Harvard Style. The validity and reliability of all literature must be considered except where its source is a peer-reviewed journal. The literature you refer to does not need to be about UK public sector organisations: you may find journal articles from other countries, or articles about small or large private enterprises. Such articles might help you to discuss applying the principles of ABC from one type of organisation to another, from one country to another, or to discuss differences between private and public sector organisations. FEEDBACK...
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...IIPDF India Infrastructure Project Development Fund The Union Finance Minister in the Budget Speech for 2007-08 announced in the parliament the setting up of a Revolving Fund with a corpus Rs. 100 Crore to quicken the process of project preparation. Accordingly the corpus fund titled India Infrastructure Project Development Fund (IIPDF) has been created in Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India with an initial corpus of Rs. 100 Crore for supporting the development of credible and bankable Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects that can be offered to the private sector. The IIPDF has been created with initial budgetary outlay by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. The procurement costs of PPPs, and particularly the costs of Transaction Advisors, are significant and often pose a burden on the budget of the Sponsoring Authority. Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) has identified the IIPDF as a mechanism through which Sponsoring Authority will be able to source funding to cover a portion of the PPP transaction costs, thereby reducing the impact of costs related to procurement on their budgets. From the Government of India’s perspective, the IIPDF must increase the quality and quantity of bankable projectsthat are processed through the Central or States project pipeline. The IIPDF will be available to the Sponsoring Authorities for PPP projects for the purpose of meeting the project development costs which may include the expenses...
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