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Punishment Versus Rehabiliation


Submitted By mickeyd1
Words 1434
Pages 6
Punishment Versus Rehabilitation
Isabel Nevarez
University of Phoenix
Nicholas Russo
August 17, 2015

This paper, I will discuss the issues of punishment versus rehabilitation. I will point out issues on how punishment and rehabilitation affects deterrence of crime, how it affects victims and their family. I will also discuss how it affects offenders, the impact it has on society, and the fiscal impact upon society. Punishment and rehabilitation helps the inmate in different ways. This will show both pros and cons to punishment and rehabilitation.
Punishment versus Rehabilitation
The criminal justice system uses two objectives, these are punishment and rehabilitation. Society looks at these two with high prospects but the question is will the justice system live up to these expectation? The justice system and the community have beliefs on punishment and rehabilitation and how they should or should not work. Each one of these objectives will be addressed.
Deterrence of Crime
Deterrence theory comes down to if an offender commits a crime the benefit should outweigh the crime itself, if not, the offender will think twice before committing another crime. The deterrence theory does not explain criminal behavior. To prevent crime from happening again the criminal justice system use punishment, but the punishment should outweigh the potential crime. Crime has been a part of society for centuries. The most common form of punishment for the offender is to be put in prison. Many times imprisonment is a temporary fix for offenders.
Some people think that rehabilitation is a permanent fix. Rehabilitation can have lasting effect on offenders since it would prevent future crime from happening. Also rehabilitation can changes the way the offender thinks and get them adapted back in to society by giving them an education or trade. Many offenders have the

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