...Purchasing and Supply Management Key points and terms Chapter 1 Supply chain management: "The design and management of seamless, value-added processes across organizational boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer. The development and integration of people and technological resources are critical to successful supply chain integration." (ISM definition, www.ism.ws) Purchasing, supply management, and procurement: are used interchangeably to refer to the integration of related functions to provide effective and efficient materials and services to the organization Supply management: the identification, acquisition, access, positioning and management of resources the organization needs or potentially needs in the attainment of its strategic objectives Lean purchasing or lean supply management: refers primarily to a manufacturing context and the implementation of just-in-time (JIT) tools and techniques to ensure every step in the supply process adds value, that inventories are kept at a minimum level, and that distances and delays between process steps are kept as short as possible. Logistics management: According to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, "Logistics management is that part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet...
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...edition of Purchasing and Supply Management focuses on decision making throughout the supply chain. Based on the conviction that supply managers, in concert with suppliers and distributors, have to contribute to organizational goals and strategies, this edition continues to focus on how to make that mission a reality. Fourteenth Edition Highlights of the Fourteenth Edition: More than 40 real-life supply chain cases afford the opportunity to apply of the acquisition process. Criteria for supply decisions have been organized into three categories: (1) strategic, (2) operational, and (3) additional. In this third category, new factors such as balance sheet and income statement considerations, dimensions of risk, and environmental and social considerations are considered. Visit the text’s Online Learning Center at www.mhhe.com/Johnson14e Michiel R. Leenders, D.B.A., PMAC Fellow Professor of Purchasing Management Emeritus Richard Ivey School of Business The University of Western Ontario Anna E. Flynn, Ph.D., C.P.M. Formerly Clinical Associate Professor Supply Chain Management Thunderbird School of Global Management Formerly Associate Professor Institute for Supply Management TM Johnson Leenders Flynn Purchasing and Supply Management Johnson Leenders Flynn MD DALIM #1093963 06/05/10 BLUE GREEN P. Fraser Johnson, Ph.D. Leenders Purchasing Management Association of Canada Chair Associate Professor, Operations Management Richard Ivey...
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...Research Paper David A. Horvath INF 336 – Project Procurement Management Beverly Williams May 9, 2011 Purchasing and supply management holds a position of great importance to the business world. Within purchasing and supply management, there are the steps of the creation of project supply, service, and material budget from detailed requirements. It shows how to select the most qualified suppliers and strategies for negotiating prices. Along with this, there are also benefits and costs of outsourcing. This includes the growth of outsourcing. Various organizations will be evaluated on their benchmarks in purchasing and supply management, along with their best practices in this. There are specific companies out there that who show market leadership in purchasing and supply management. The term, “purchasing,” is often limited to what its actual definition is. It is limited to just buying and this refers to the location and selection of suppliers, learning of the need for whatever it is to be bought, price negotiation and any terms of agreement, and finally, the payment and delivery. In this particular case it is something much bigger this is not the definition that should be used for it. “Purchasing, supply management, and procurement are used interchangeably to refer to the integration of related functions to provide effective and efficient materials and services to the organization. Thus, purchasing or supply management is not only concerned with the standard steps in the procurement...
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...ARTICLE IN PRESS Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 15 (2009) 187–197 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/pursup Supplier involvement in new product development and innovation: Taking stock and looking to the future Thomas E. Johnsen à Purchasing & Supply Management, Audencia Nantes School of Management, 8 route de la Joneliere, BP 31222—44312 Nantes Cedex 3, France a r t i c l e in fo Article history: Received 18 November 2008 Received in revised form 19 March 2009 Accepted 25 March 2009 Keywords: Supplier involvement New product development Supplier relationships abstract This paper provides a comprehensive and critical review and synthesis of the current state of empirical research into supplier involvement in new product development (NPD). The paper begins by defining supplier involvement in NPD and evaluating the rationale for supplier involvement in NPD. This suggests that early and extensive supplier involvement in NPD projects has the potential to improve NPD effectiveness and efficiency, however, existing research remains fragmented and empirical findings to date show conflicting results. The paper takes stock of the research on supplier involvement in NPD, tracing the origins of the literature to the late 1980s, and evaluating the development of the field up to the present day. From this broad base of empirical research the analysis identifies a set of factors...
Words: 8850 - Pages: 36
...examines purchasing and supply chain management in an organization. Over the years, the role of purchasing and supply chain in an organization has continued to evolved, changed, and developed in response to changes witnessed in business environment. The increasing numbers or world-class competitors in local and international trades are a direct driver of increase in purchasing and supply chain roles and demands. Many management scholars have defined the notion and significance of supply chain management in detail across the globe. Many times, theoretical definitions of what purchasing and supply is are provided. But This term paper will firstly, suggest that purchasing and supply chain management is a developing field that constantly changed based on happenings in business environment. And secondly, suggest that individual firms’ purchasing and supply chain is base on such firms’ type of business, size, and mission. Evolution of supply chain management. Supply chain management involves the management of all activities in order to satisfy the ultimate consumer. It covers almost all business activities, including marketing, manufacturing (or service provision) purchasing, logistics and arguably is an all-inclusive concept that create a world-class culture and continue economic development. (Quayle, Michael 2006) In a nutshell, purchasing and supply chain management is a series of interwoven activities that cut across every departments of on organization. Purchasing and supply...
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...1 Chapter One Chapter Outline Purchasing and Supply Management Supply Management Terminology Supply and Logistics The Size of the Organization’s Spend and Financial Signifi cance Supply Contribution The Operational versus Strategic Contribution of Supply The Direct and Indirect Contribution of Supply The Nature of the Organization Supply Qualifications and Associations Challenges Ahead Supply Chain Management Measurement Risk Management Sustainability Growth and Infl uence Effective Contribution to Organizational Success The Organization of This Text Conclusion Questions for Review and Discussion References Cases 1–1 Qmont Mining 1–2 Erica Carson 1–3 Southeastern University Purchasing and Supply Management 2 Purchasing and Supply Management Key Questions for the Supply Decision Maker Should we • Rethink how supply can contribute more effectively to organizational goals and strategies? • Try to find out what the organization’s total spend with suppliers really is? • Indentify opportunities for meaningful involvement in major corporate activities? How can we • Align our supply strategy with the organization’s strategy? • Get others to recognize the profit-leverage effect of purchasing/supply management? • Show how supply can affect our firm’s competitive position? Every organization needs suppliers. No organization can exist without suppliers. Therefore, the organization’s approach to suppliers, its acquisition processes and policies, and its relationships with...
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... With the development of business, we can easily find that the role of purchasing and supply management has become increasingly important. Over the past years, as a discipline, purchasing and supply management has largely changed many companies. The significance of supply chain management is mainly due to the large cost on supply chain. ()On average, fully 70% of a firm’s sales revenues are spent on supply chain-related activities from material purchases to the distribution and service of finished products on the final customer. Other than that, there are several factors resulting in the evolution of supply chain management. First of all, in order to gain more market share, it is vital for companies, especially for multinational companies, to focus on building stable and effective supply chain as each segment of supply chain are likely to influence the products or service of companies. Moreover, the development of communications and transportation technologies, such as mobile communication and Internet, have forced the evolution of supply chain management. The purpose of this essay is to explore the influence of supply chain management on companies. Also, both sustainability and risk management are crucial in supply chain management, Objectives Through journals, monographs and related theories and articles on the website of the search, organize and summarize, discussed the importance of the supply chain in the contemporary business. In addition, based on the case of Adidas...
Words: 521 - Pages: 3
...and suppliers nowadays. The sourcing model of global apparel brands within its ethical purchasing and supply chain management functions have been critically analysed to evaluate their effectiveness and value they add throughout their supply chain and in overall organisational operation. This report has emphasised on three key areas such as general sourcing model and its components in the context of global buyer’s perspective i.e. Transnational Corporations, a clear scenario about current ethical situation of Bangladesh’s apparel sector, and relevant supply chain theories and its implications related to ethical purchasing in apparel industries. At the end, a proper conclusion has been given by evaluating all the three sections critically based on the theoretical lens of purchasing and supply chain management. Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 Introduction 3 Section-1: General Discussion on Sourcing and its Components 4 Sourcing and its Role in Supply Chain 4 Sourcing Needs of the Companies and its Impact on Supply Chain 4 Steps of Making Sourcing Decisions by Transnational Corporations 5 Ethical Sourcing 6 Ethical Sourcing by TNCs in Apparel Sector 6 Importance of being Ethical in Sourcing 8 Section-2: Current Situation of Bangladeshi Apparel Sector and its Ethical Perspectives 9 Section-3: Supply Chain Theories and its Implications Related to Ethical Purchasing in Apparel Industries 11 Theory of Value Chain and Global Value Chain 11 Corporate...
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...pag.: 1 van 13 code: LEV-PORT-art-013-bl Purchasing must become Supply management Bron: Auteur(s): Harvard Business Review, september-oktober 1983 Peter Kraljic Purchasing Must Become Supply Management Peter Kraljic Harvard Business Review No. 83509 SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER 1983 HBR Peter Kraljic Purchasing Must Become Supply Management The stable way of business life many corporate purchasing departments enjoy has been increasingly imperiled. Threats of resource depletion and raw materials scarcity, political turbulence and government intervention in supply markets, intensified competition, and accelerating technological change have ended the days of no surprises. As dozens of companies have already learned, supply and demand patterns can be upset virtually overnight. How can a company guard against disastrous sup- ply interruptions and cope with the changing economics and new opportunities brought on by new technologies? What capabilities will a profitable international business need to sustain itself in the face of strong protectionist pressures? Almost every kind of manufacturer will have to answer these questions. Some companies have already responded to the growing pressures. For example: o Finding that purchasing outlays had increased in less than one year from 40% to 70% of the cost of goods sold, one European office-equipment manufacturer began to rely more heavily on American and Japanese suppliers, revise its materials planning system...
Words: 5656 - Pages: 23
...lOMoARcPSD Summary: Book " Purchasing and Supply Chain Management ", Arjan J. van Weele Purchasing Management (Maastricht University) Distributing prohibited | Downloaded by Paulina Gali?ska (p.s.galinska@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD No one cares if you are fair or not. Use this summary, share it with you friends and good luck studying for your exam. Summary Purchasing and Supply Chain Management – Van Weele 6th Edition Jonas Heller Distributing prohibited | Downloaded by Paulina Gali?ska (p.s.galinska@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD Summary: Purchasing and Supply Chain Management 10/19/14 TABLE OF CONTENT Chapter 1: The Role of Purchasing in the Value Chain ............................................................................................................... 5 The role of Purchasing and in the Value Chain (P.5) .............................................................................................................. 5 Main differences between buying for primary activities and buying for support activities (P. 7): ........................................ 6 Definition of the concepts (p.7) ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Importance of Purchasing to Business (P.12): ....................................................................................................................... 7 Classification of purchasing goods (p. 15): ........
Words: 13195 - Pages: 53
...The importance of supply and purchasing management to a business organization Supply and purchasing management has become increasingly prominent in a world where supply is a major determinant of corporate survival and success. Supply chain performance influences not only operational and financial risks but also reputational risk. Interest in supply and purchasing management is growing at an increasing rate. There are a lot of factors why supply and purchasing management are important to a business organization. Companies are becoming more profitable by increasing the quantity of raw materials processed within a given time. They have been used for lowering inventories and especially minimizing operational expenses. Supply chain data and information is becoming the primary driver throughout the supply chain management system. Every organization needs a supply of materials. Purchasing is responsible for organizing this supply so purchasing is an essential and crucial operation within every organization. If purchasing is done poorly and materials do not arrive, or the wrong materials are delivered in wrong quantities at the wrong time with poor quality and at a high price with a low customer service and so on, the business organization will be a disaster. If it is done well, it can give a major significant competitive advantage. To become a strategic competitive contraption, supply and purchasing management must abandon disintegrated approaches. The purchasing function is rapidly...
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...Chapter 1--Introduction to Purchasing and Supply Chain ManagementChapter 1--Introduction to Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Student: ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. The development of progressive purchasing approaches and strategies can only help a company maintain its competitive position. True False 2. Global sourcing is no longer a requirement and is a luxury for most firms. True False 3. Sophisticated customers, both industrial and consumer, no longer talk about price increases; they demand price reductions. True False 4. An abundance of competitors and choices have conditioned customers to want higher quality, faster delivery, and products and services tailored to their individual needs albeit at a higher total cost. True False 5. The availability of low-cost domestic supplier alternatives has led to the shift away from outsourcing and offshoring. True False 6. Competition today is no longer between firms; it is between the supply chains of those firms. True False 7. In the manufacturing sector, the percentage of purchases to sales averages 55%. True False 8. The traditional approach to purchasing and supply management is to build relations with suppliers to jointly pull costs out of the product or service and expect suppliers to contribute innovate ideas that continually add value to a firm's products and services. True False 9. Virtually all of...
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...of Purchase and Supply management INF 336 Instructor: Lori Deere In my time of jobs, I’ve had some experience of dealing with projects, vendors (suppliers) and some of the business. When I worked for Whole Foods, I dealt with different vendors and dabbed in some of the project aspect of the work. In later time, I became the bulk buyer and got more involved. At that time I really didn’t know how vital purchasing and supply management were in business. In an organization, buying supplies and keeping them in order is very important to help the business run correct. For this paper, I’ll discuss the aspects of purchasing and supply management and why it’s important. It will go over some of the important parts with explanation. In the process, I’ll do my best to give examples from my past experiences and other examples. SO that being stated, let’s go into what exactly is purchasing and supply management. “Supply management is focused on the acquisition process recognizing the supply chain and organizational contexts” (Johnson, P. F., Leenders, M. R., & Flynn, A. E. 2010). Purchasing and supply management is a complex matter that requires more than what most think. It’s stated that there is no easy way to organize the functions of supply, integrate suppliers correctly, and conduct the activities involved. It’s actually more of challenge of anything. In addition, each organization needs its own unique method. “It is also challenging because every supply decision depends...
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...Understanding supply chain management: critical research and a theoretical framework I. J. CHENy* and A. PAULRAJy Increasing global cooperation, vertical disintegration and a focus on core activities have led to the notion that firms are links in a networked supply chain. This strategic viewpoint has created the challenge of coordinating effectively the entire supply chain, from upstream to downstream activities. While supply chains have existed ever since businesses have been organized to bring products and services to customers, the notion of their competitive advantage, and consequently supply chain management (SCM), is a relatively recent thinking in management literature. Although research interests in and the importance of SCM are growing, scholarly materials remain scattered and disjointed, and no research has been directed towards a systematic identification of the core initiatives and constructs involved in SCM. Thus, the purpose of this study is to develop a research framework that improves understanding of SCM and stimulates and facilitates researchers to undertake both theoretical and empirical investigation on the critical constructs of SCM, and the exploration of their impacts on supply chain performance. To this end, we analyse over 400 articles and synthesize the large, fragmented body of work dispersed across many disciplines such as purchasing and supply, logistics and transportation, marketing, organizational dynamics, information management, strategic management, and...
Words: 17828 - Pages: 72
...The Impact of Purchasing Capabilities on Delivery Performance Astrid Hanghøj Risskov, Denmark, astridhanghoej@gmail.com This article aims to integrate capability-based theory into purchasing management. The research model presented in the article focuses on the effect of supplier evaluation capability and risk management capability on delivery performance. Further, the article explores the moderating effect of demand and technological uncertainty. The methodology relies on a multiple informant survey design with responses from purchasing and production managers in Danish manufacturing companies. Hypotheses are tested using regression analysis based on data collected from 197 firms. Risk management capability is found to increase delivery performance. Unexpectedly, supplier evaluation capability was found to decrease delivery performance. Demand uncertainty has a negative effect on delivery performance. Technological uncertainty had no effect on delivery performance. The results are discussed in detail in the final section of the article. Keywords: purchasing capabilities, delivery performance, environmental uncertainty Supply Chain Forum An International Journal © Copyright KEDGE BS ISSN print 1625-8312 ISSN online1624-6039 Supply Chain Forum An International Journal Purchasing and supply management (PSM) continues to become an increasingly more important activity for firms. Purchasing managers need to demonstrate that they make a...
Words: 7735 - Pages: 31