Premium Essay

Purpose of Organisation


Submitted By kitu19
Words 7676
Pages 31
Table of Contents Task 1 2 Different types of organizations and the purpose 2 1.1 Purpose of organization 2 1.2 Meeting Stakeholders objectives 4 1.3 The responsibilities that the Sainsbury organization has and the strategies they employ to meet these responsibilities. 6 Task 2 8 2.1 Different economic systems and resource allocation 8 2.2 Impact of fiscal and monetary policies in Business Organization 11 2.3 Impact of Competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the business 12 Task 3 14 Behaviour of Organisation in the Market Place 14 3.1 Market structure to determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses 14 3.2 Market forces shape organizational responses 15 3.3 The business and cultural environments shape the behaviour of an organization 16 Task 4 19 4.1 The significance of international trade to UK business organizations 19 4.2 The impact of global factors on UK business organizations 21 4.3 The impact of policies of the European Union on UK business organizations 25 Conclusion 28 References 29

Task 1
Different types of organizations and the purpose
1.1 Purpose of organization
Before we learn about the types of organizations, we need to learn the basic purpose of setting organizations. The main purpose of organization is to provide a pathway to their business setup and to set the main objective for their business. Organizations help in making profit in a standard way. The different purpose of organizations helps in building the structure of company. Different types of organizations
There are three types of organizations in business field. We will discuss each one by one. * PLC (Public Limited Company) - It is headed or guided by the government for the benefits of citizens. The main source of finance of public sector is the taxes that are paid by people. The main aim of public sector is

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