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Pursuing A Career In Marine Biology

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How would it feel to swim in the ocean and look at the interesting animals and plants it has to offer? Exploring the deep blue sea to find coral reefs, swimming with dolphins, whales and many types of fish is an incredible . Having the achievement of finding a new species of animal or plant is touching knowing that the world knows more about the ocean because the discovery. That is the joy of marine biology. Swimming with sharks are only part of the thrill of a marine biologist. Environmental science states that a typical schedule is working 40-50 hours a week is usual but you could be working more or less depending on the project you are working on (Environmental science 48). This often leaves marine biologist very busy and often times can not spend time with their family. Just in case marine biology does not work out their are …show more content…
So if you don't get employed as a marine biologist the education you receive will allow you to do other jobs that involve science. To become a marine biologist you must understand the working environment. Bryce Hall states “Marine biologists may spend a significant amount of time outdoors when conducting research. Fieldwork often involves working on ships to locate, tag, and monitor marine animals and their movements, and to collect seawater samples.” while Jenifer Aicher states “work is usually office and lab-based, although these roles may include short or long-term expeditions abroad.” (Environmental science what is marine biology). So the working environment varies depending on the job you are doing if you are collecting data

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