EST 1-320.2.3-08 Lisa Jeffries
Code of Ethics
In the outline below, I have listed some of the company’s codes of ethics. The company has the obligation to enforce the code of ethics, procedures, training, and to set up meetings for the employees and employer to discuss better ways of serving clients and providing a safer environment for employees.
Mission statement: To be the leading systems, services and solutions provider in the world by exceeding customers' expectations through superior service delivery, world-class talent and applied technological innovation, making this the most profitable business s company. The company makes the customer service experience the "Best in Class". Maximize shareholder value through focus on revenue growth, return on capital and retention of our customers and employees. Introduce new technology to satisfy the current and future needs of our customers.
A. Code of Ethics
• All employees shall follow all applicable local, state, and federal codes, standards and licensing and permitting laws and ordinances regarding regulations for service and installations and any requirements for such. This includes, but is not limited to all local and state permitting, local and state licensing and local and state adopted codes and standards where required
• Employees will not accept gifts from clients
• Employees must sign a commitment to confidentiality contract
• Employees will be treated with respect and dignity
• No disruptive non-business conversation will be tolerate
• Excessive absenteeism without notice including unauthorized absence
• Employees must follow OSHA guidelines for the company and other employees safety, Safety is first
• Falsification of Company records including, employment applications or timekeeping records
• Unsatisfactory performance or conduct or performance which in the Company’s opinion does not meet the requirements of the position including but not limited to sleeping in the workplace, vehicle, or customer’s premises during work time, and failure to follow practices and procedures provided via formal training or instruction
• Employees must follow the chain of command
• Theft or possession of property. Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of Company-owned or customer property or misappropriating Company funds or assets
• Unauthorized possession of Company or employee’s property, fraud, gambling, or violation of criminal laws on Company premises
• Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials, such as explosives or firearms, or other weapons in the workplace
• All employees will follow OSHA guideline, not wearing required safety equipment, tampering with company property or safety equipment
• Horseplay is a conduct that is counter to the expectations and professionalism of our employees, and serious injury can result from that type of behavior on the job
• Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of property. Improper conduct leading to damage of Company-owned or customer-owned property or misappropriating Company funds or assets
• Harassment (including sexual), threatening, intimidating, coercing, invasion of personal effects or workspace, using abusive language, or interfering with the performance of fellow employees, repeated incidents or a pattern of behavior that intimidates, offends, degrades or humiliates a particular person or group of people.
B. Ethics training programs
• Handbook will be passed out and signed for
• State and federal laws will be posted in the break room, lounge or any other employee area
• Follow guidelines and procedures outlined in the handbook
• Implement all rules, regulations, and guidelines for employees
• Monthly meetings to go over ethical/unethical behavior
A. First on the agenda for the meeting is a sign in log for attendance
B. Second on the agenda the 20 minutes going on any issue that have occurred that month and how to prevent them from happening again
C. Third on the agenda will be role play and discussion
D. Forth on the agenda will be overview handout that will be signed and dated
E. Last will on a positive quote
• All training is mandatory
• Employee will have to sign required procedures and code of ethics
• A copy of all forms will be in the employees permanent file
• It is always preferred to have the original signature of all parties on the original contract, including that of the manager approving the order.
• It is a requirement that all Customer signatures must be originals, and it is expected that all Sales Manager signatures will be originals.
C. Systems to monitor, audit and report
• Employee survey, given on a biannual basis
• Verbal warnings, write-ups, suspension and termination with violations of rules
• Monitor the personnel records every month to make sure that all write-ups, suspension are accounted for
• All email will be monitor at all the different time throughout the day for inappropriate discussions/images
• Management will monitor all employees behavior on their shift
• If management is in fault of breaking the stated rules, an owners meeting will take place
• Staff will have open floor at the last ten minutes of meetings
• Quarterly audits will take place during the fiscal year end
• Audits will be done from an outside source
• All data will go into a data base to monitored
• Manager will compete a report on incident if reprimand is necessary then manager will go by disciplinary action plan and the levels the employees is on
• Supervisor will be notified of incident and course of action plan will be put into place. Incident will be discussed at next ethical training meeting
D. Plan to review and improve ethic program overtime
Reviewing of the code of ethics will happen annually. The board will go over the last year taxes, stocks, bonds and renvue. The review of the code of ethics will have an allotted time frame. Improving ethical program will take place daily. After reviewing the code of ethics annually, the board will need to update all laws and regulations. The new laws and regulations need to be passed to all employees. The regulations may have to be post in for all employees to see. All employees must sign and date new regulations and laws. The records go directly into the employee files.
In conclusion, as an owner of this company, I understand that ethical training on situations can be very useful for employees. I will implement changes as issues occur to the code of ethics. It is my goal as a business owner to make sure that we maintain open communication with our clients and employees. It is important to maintain a safe work environment. I will keep employees trained and notify of all information required to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. This company’s codes of ethics are founded on trust, integrity, and dignity and will be passed to our employees and my clients. I hope this company is of invaluable service to its employees and this community.