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Quality Management and Customer Care


Submitted By felimheduvan
Words 3003
Pages 13
Quality is a familiar word. However it has a variety of interpretations and uses, and there are many definitions. For example when searched on the internet it produces ISO 8402-1986 standards defining Quality asthe totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs." (2013)Many people today claim they understand what is meant by quality and claim they know quality when they see it. In fact quality is a very difficult concept to grasp or understand and many experts have spent many years in defining quality and improving quality in their products and services and they believe there is always room for improvement. However the simplest way of explaining it is ‘meeting customer requirements’ Oakland J. S (1996). We have to therefore look at quality as something good and worth having.

To examine quality and how it improves the organisation, we must explore the theorists and their findings. Quality Management was first introduced by the Father of Scientific Management Fredrick Taylor. Until the late 19th century there were little or no principles or theories for management. A manager was of superior importance who told the workers what they wanted done; the worker then went about his duty with little or no training, no motivation and little pay. Everything up until now was made in one unit form, usually from start to finish by the one person (craftsmen). ). From the late 1800’s the Industrial Revolution took hold and with the first production lines were rolling out new and exciting products like Henry Ford and his Model T.It was from this point that it was noticed and that for organisations like Henry Fords, large scale factories with large economic factors a different type of management style and manager was needed. Men like Taylor started exploringways of

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