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Simple Rules for a

Complex Quantum World
An exciting new fundamental discipline of research combines information science and quantum mechanics
By Michael A. Nielsen

Updated from the November 2002 issue



Over the past few decades, scientists have learned that simple rules can give rise to very rich behavior. A good example is chess. Imagine you’re an experienced chess player introduced to someone claiming to know the game. You play a few times and realize that although this person knows the rules of chess, he has no idea how to play well. He makes absurd moves, sacrificing his queen for a pawn and losing a rook for no reason at all. He does not truly understand chess: he is ignorant of the high-level principles and heuristics familiar to any knowledgeable player. These principles are collective or emergent properties of chess, features not immediately evident from the rules but arising from interactions among the pieces on the chessboard. Scientists’ current understanding of quantum mechanics is like that of a slowlearning student of chess. We’ve known the rules for more than 70 years, and we have a few clever moves that work in some special situations, but we’re only gradually learning the high-level principles that are needed to play a skillful overall game. The discovery of these principles is the goal of quantum information science, a fundamental field that is opening up in response to a new way of comprehending the world. Many articles about quantum information science focus on technological applications: research groups “teleport” quantum states from one location to another. Other physicists use quantum states to create cryptographic keys that are absolutely secure from eavesdropping. Information scientists devise algorithms for hypothetical quantum-mechanical computers, much faster than the best known algorithms for conventional, or classical, computers. These technologies are fascinating, but they obscure the fact that they are a by-product of investigations into deep new scientific questions. Applications such as quantum teleportation play a role similar to the steam engines and other machines that spurred the development of thermodynamics in the 18th and 19th centuries. Thermodynamics was motivated by profound, basic questions about how energy, heat and temperature are related, the transformations among these quantities in physical processes, and the key role of entropy. Similarly, quantum information scientists are fathoming the relation between classical and quantum units of information, the novel ways that quantum information can be processed, and the pivotal importance of a quantum feature called entanglement, which entails peculiar connections between different objects. Popular accounts often present entanglement as an all-or-nothing property in which quantum particles are either entangled or not. Quantum information science has revealed that entanglement is a quantifiable physical resource, like energy, that enables information-processing tasks: some systems have a little entanglement; others have a lot. The more entanglement available, the better suited a system is to quantum information processing. Furthermore, scientists have begun to develop powerful quantitative laws of entanglement (analogous to the laws of thermodynamics governing energy), which provide a set of high-level principles for understanding the behavior of entanglement and describing how we can use it to do information processing. Quantum information science is new enough that researchers are still coming to grips with its very nature, and they disagree about which questions lie at its heart. From my point of view, the central goal of quantum information science is to develop general principles, like the laws of entanglement, that will enable us to understand complexity in quantum systems.

Overview/Quantum Information
Information is not purely mathematical. Instead it always has a physical embodiment. In traditional information science the embodiment follows classical, or nonquantum, physics. The burgeoning field of quantum information science puts information in a quantum context. ■ The basic resource of classical information is the bit, which is always either a 0 or a 1. Quantum information comes in quantum bits, or qubits (pronounced “cue-bits”). Qubits can exist in superpositions, which simultaneously involve 0 and 1, and groups of qubits can be “entangled,” which gives them counterintuitive correlations. ■ Quantum computers processing qubits, particularly entangled qubits, can outperform classical computers. Entanglement behaves like a resource, similar to energy, that can be used to do quantum information processing. ■ The goal of quantum information science is to understand the general high-level principles that govern complex quantum systems such as quantum computers. These principles relate to the laws of quantum mechanics in the way that heuristics for skillful play at chess relate to the game’s basic rules.

Complexity and Quanta

in complexity concentrate on systems, such as the weather or piles of sand, that are described by classical physics rather than quantum physics. That focus is natural because complex systems are usually macroscopTHE EDGE OF PHYSICS




SLIM FILMS (preceding pages)

MUCH OF INFORMATION SCIENCE, both classical and quantum,

can be summed up by analyzing variants of a basic question: “What quantity of an information resource is needed to perform a specific information-processing task?” For example: “How many computational steps are needed to find

the prime factors of a 300-digit number?” The best classical algorithm known would take about 5 × 1024 steps, or about 150,000 years at terahertz speed. By taking advantage of innumerable quantum states, a quantum factoring algorithm would take only 5 × 1010 steps, or less than a second at terahertz speed.

Classical computer

300-digit number

2:30:00 P.M. Year: 2012 Quantum computer

2:30:01 P.M. Year: 2012

2:30:00 P.M. Year: 154,267

ic, containing many constituent parts, and most systems lose their quantum nature as their size is increased. This quantumto-classical transition occurs because large quantum systems generally interact strongly with their environment, causing a process of decoherence, which destroys the system’s quantum properties [see “100 Years of Quantum Mysteries,” by Max Tegmark and John A. Wheeler; Scientific American, February 2001]. As an example of decoherence, think of Erwin Schrödinger’s famous cat inside a box. In principle, the cat ends up in a weird quantum state, somewhere between dead and alive; it makes no sense to describe it as either one or the other. In a real experiment, however, the cat interacts with the box by exchange of light, heat and sound, and the box similarly interacts with the rest of the world. In nanoseconds, these processes destroy the delicate quantum states inside the box and replace them with states describable, to a good approximation, by the laws of classical physics. The cat inside really is either BRYAN CHRISTIE DESIGN

alive or dead, not in some mysterious nonclassical state that combines the two. The key to seeing truly quantum behavior in a complex system is to isolate the system extremely well from the rest of the world, preventing decoherence and preserving fragile quantum states. This isolation is relatively easy to achieve with small systems, such as atoms suspended in a magnetic trap in a vacuum, but is much more difficult with the larger ones in which complex behavior may be found. Accidental laboratory discoveries of remarkable phenomena such as superconductivity and the quantum Hall effect are examples in which physicists have achieved large, well-isolated quantum systems. These phenomena demonstrate that the simple rules of quantum mechanics can give rise to emergent principles governing complex behaviors.

Resources and Tasks

understand the highlevel principles that govern in those rare instances when the quantum and the

complex meet by abstracting, adapting and extending tools from classical information theory. In 2001 Benjamin W. Schumacher of Kenyon College proposed that the essential elements of information science, both classical and quantum, can be summarized as a three-step procedure: 1. Identify a physical resource. A familiar classical example is a string of bits. Although bits are often thought of as abstract entities— 0’s and 1’s— all information is inevitably encoded in real physical objects, and thus a string of bits should be regarded as a physical resource. 2. Identify an information-processing task that can be performed using the physical resource of step 1. A classical example is the two-part task of compressing the output from an information source (for example, the text in a book) into a bit string and then decompressing it— that is, recovering the original information from the compressed bit string. 3. Identify a criterion for successful completion of the task of step 2. In our example, the criterion could be that the



A BIT can have one of two states: 0 or 1. A bit can be represented by a transistor switch set to “off” or “on” or abstractly by an arrow pointing up or down.
N 23º 34′ 41.4422...″ E 32º 48′ 10.3476...″

A QUBIT, the quantum

version of a bit, has many more possible states. The states can be represented by an arrow pointing to a location on a sphere. The north pole is equivalent to 1, the south pole to 0. The other locations are quantum superpositions of 0 and 1.



A QUBIT MIGHT SEEM TO CONTAIN an infinite amount of information because its coordinates can encode an infinite sequence of digits. But the information in a qubit must be extracted by a measurement. When the qubit is measured, quantum mechanics requires that the result is always an ordinary bit— a 0 or a 1. The probability of each outcome depends on the qubit’s “latitude.”

output from the decompression stage perfectly matches the input to the compression stage. The fundamental question of information science is then “What is the minimal quantity of the physical resource (1) we need to perform the information-processing task (2) in compliance with the success criterion (3)?” Although this question does not quite capture all of information science, it provides a powerful lens through which to view much research in the field [see box on preceding page]. The data-compression example corresponds to a basic question of classical information science— namely, what is the minimum number of bits needed to store the information produced by some source? This problem was solved by Claude E. Shannon in his famous 1948 papers founding information theory. In so doing, Shannon quantified the information content produced by an information source, defining it to be the minimum number of bits needed to reliably store the output of the source. His mathematical expression for the information content

is now known as the Shannon entropy. Shannon’s entropy arises as the answer to a simple, fundamental question about classical information processing. It is perhaps not surprising, then, that studying the properties of the Shannon entropy has proved fruitful in analyzing processes far more complex than data compression. For example, it plays a central role in calculating how much information can be transmitted reliably through a noisy communications channel and even in understanding phenomena such as gambling and the behavior of the stock market. A general theme in information science is that questions about elementary processes lead to unifying concepts that stimulate insight into more complex processes. In quantum information science, all three elements of Schumacher’s list take on new richness. What novel physical resources are available in quantum mechanics? What information-processing tasks can we hope to perform? What are appropriate criteria for success? The resources now include superposition states,

like the idealized alive and dead cat of Schrödinger. The processes can involve manipulations of entanglement (mysterious quantum correlations) between widely separated objects. The criteria of success become more subtle than in the classical case, because to extract the result of a quantum information-processing task we must observe, or measure, the system— which almost inevitably changes it, destroying the special superposition states that are unique to quantum physics.


science begins by generalizing the fundamental resource of classical information— bits— to quantum bits, or qubits. Just as bits are ideal objects abstracted from the principles of classical physics, qubits are ideal quantum objects abstracted from the principles of quantum mechanics. Bits can be represented by magnetic regions on disks, voltages in circuitry, or graphite marks made by a pencil on paper. The functioning of these classical physical states as bits does not depend on the deTHE EDGE OF PHYSICS





tails of how they are realized. Similarly, the properties of a qubit are independent of its specific physical representation as the spin of an atomic nucleus, say, or the polarization of a photon of light. A bit is described by its state, 0 or 1. Likewise, a qubit is described by its quantum state. Two possible quantum states for a qubit correspond to the 0 and 1 of a classical bit. In quantum mechanics, however, any object that has two different states necessarily has a range of other possible states, called superpositions, which entail both states to varying degrees. The allowed states of a qubit are precisely all those states that must be available, in principle, to a classical bit that is transplanted into a quantum world. Qubit states correspond to points on the surface of a sphere, with the 0 and 1 being the south and north poles [see box on opposite page]. The continuum of states between 0 and 1 fosters many of the extraordinary properties of quantum information. How much classical information can we store in a qubit? One line of reasoning suggests the amount is infinite: To specify a quantum state we need to specify the latitude and longitude of the corresponding point on the sphere, and in principle each may be given to arbitrary precision. These numbers can encode a long string of bits. For example, 011101101... could be encoded as a state with latitude 01 degrees, 11 minutes and 01.101... seconds. This reasoning, though plausible, is incorrect. One can encode an infinite amount of classical information in a single qubit, but one can never retrieve that information from the qubit. The simplest attempt to read the qubit’s state, a standard direct measurement of it, will give a result of either 0 or 1, south pole or north pole, with the probability of each outcome determined by the latitude of the original state. You could have chosen a different measurement, perhaps using the “Melbourne–Azores Islands” axis instead of north-south, but again only one bit of information would have been extracted, albeit one governed by probabilities with a different dependence on the state’s latitude and longitude. Whichever measurement you choose erases all the information in the qubit except for the single bit that the measurement uncovers. The principles of quantum mechanics prevent us from ever extracting more than a single bit of information, no matter how cleverly we encode the qubit or how ingeniously we measure it afterward. This surprising result was proved in 1973 by Alexander S. Holevo of the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow, following a 1964 conjecture by J. P. Gordon of AT&T Bell Laboratories. It is as though the qubit contains hidden information that we can manipulate but not access directly. A better viewpoint, however, is to regard this hidden information as being a unit of quantum information rather than an infinite number of inaccessible classical bits. Notice how this example follows Schumacher’s paradigm for information science. Gordon and Holevo asked how many qubits (the physical resource) are required to store a given amount of classical information (the task) in such a way

that the information can be reliably recovered (the criterion for success). Furthermore, to answer this question, they introduced a mathematical concept, now known as the Holevo chi (represented by the Greek letter χ), that has since been used to simplify the analysis of more complex phenomena, similar to the simplifications enabled by Shannon’s entropy. For example, Michal Horodecki of the University of Gdansk in Poland has shown that the Holevo chi can be used to analyze the problem of compressing quantum states produced by a quantum information source, which is analogous to the classical data compression considered by Shannon.

Entangled States

are interesting, but more fascinating behavior arises when several qubits are brought together. A key feature of quantum information science is the understanding that groups of two or

QUANTUM INFORMATION SCIENTISTS are still mapping out the broad topography of

their nascent field. Some simpler processes, such as teleportation and quantum cryptography, are well understood. In contrast, complex phenomena such as quantum error correction and Peter W. Shor’s factorization algorithm are surrounded by large tracts of terra incognita. One effort to bridge the gaps between the simple and the complex is work on a comprehensive theory of entanglement, analogous to the theory of energy embodied in thermodynamics.











IF DICE COULD BE “entangled” in the manner of quantum particles, each entangled pair would give the same outcome, even if rolled light-years apart or at very different times.



The Standard E-Bit
WHEN TWO QUBITS are entangled, they no

Weighing Entanglement
INCOMPLETELY ENTANGLED PAIRS carry less than one e-bit. If Alice and Bob share two partially entangled pairs, they can try to “distill” the entanglement onto a single pair. If distillation produces a maximally entangled pair, then Alice and Bob know their pairs originally carried a total of at least one e-bit of entanglement. BEFORE Bob Alice Bob AFTER Alice

longer have individual quantum states. Instead a relation between the qubits is defined. For example, in one type of maximally entangled pair, the qubits give opposite results when measured. If one gives 0, the other returns 1, and vice versa. A maximally entangled pair carries one “e-bit” of entanglement.

Incompletely entangled pair

Maximally entangled pair

By using distillation (and the inverse process, entanglement dilution), one constructs a virtual set of scales for weighing the entanglement of various states against the standard e-bit.



⁄ 3 e-bit

Quantum Teleportation
IF ALICE AND BOB share one e-bit, they can teleport one qubit. The shared e-bit is “used up,” in that they no longer share it after teleporting.





Qubit to be teleported








If Bob teleports a member (b) of an entangled pair to Alice, that particle’s entanglement with its original partner (c) is transferred to Alice’s particle (a). Alice and Bob cannot use teleportation, however, to increase their stock of shared e-bits.

Qubit to be teleported


Entangled quantum systems behave in ways impossible in any classical world. more quantum objects can have states that are entangled. These entangled states have properties fundamentally unlike anything in classical physics and are coming to be thought of as an essentially new type of physical resource that can be used to perform interesting tasks. Schrödinger was so impressed by entanglement that in a seminal 1935 paper (the same year that he introduced his cat to the world) he called it “not one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought.” The members of an entangled collection of objects do not have their own individual quantum states. Only the group as a whole has a well-defined state [see box on opposite page]. This phenomenon is much more peculiar than a superposition state of a single particle. Such a particle does have a well-defined quantum state even though that state may superpose different classical states. Entangled objects behave as if they were connected with one another no matter how far apart they are— distance does not attenuate entanglement in the slightest. If something is entangled with other objects, a measurement of it simultaneously provides information about its partners. It is easy to be misled into thinking that one could use entanglement to send signals faster than the speed of light, in violation of Einstein’s special relativity, but the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics stymies such efforts. Despite its strangeness, for a long time entanglement was regarded as a curiosity and was mostly ignored by physicists. This changed in the 1960s, when John S. Bell of CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics near Geneva, predicted that entangled quantum states allow crucial experimental tests that distinguish between quantum mechanics and classical physics. Bell predicted, and experimenters have confirmed, that entangled quantum systems exhibit behavior that is

ble in a classical world— impossible even if one could change the laws of physics to try to emulate the quantum predictions within a classical framework of any sort! Entanglement represents such an essentially novel feature of our world that even experts find it very difficult to think about. Although one can use the mathematics of quantum theory to reason about entanglement, as soon as one falls back on analogies, there is a great danger that the classical basis of our analogies will mislead us. In the early 1990s the idea that entanglement falls wholly outside the scope of classical physics prompted researchers to ask whether entanglement might be useful as a resource for solving information-processing problems in new ways. The answer was yes. The flood of examples began in 1991, when Artur K. Ekert of the University of Cambridge showed how to use entanglement to distribute cryptographic keys impervious to eavesdropping. In 1992 Charles H. Bennett of IBM and Stephen Wiesner of Tel Aviv University showed that entanglement can assist the sending of classical information from one location to another (a process called superdense coding, in which two bits are transferred on a particle that seems to have room to carry only one). In 1993 an international team of six collaborators explained how to teleport a quantum state from one location to another using entanglement. An explosion of further applications followed.

Weighing Entanglement
A S W I T H I N D I V I D U A L qubits, which can be represented by many different physical objects, entanglement also has properties independent of its physical representation. For practical purposes, it may be more convenient to work with one system or another, but in principle it does not matter. For example, one could perform quantum cryptography with an entangled photon pair or an entangled pair of atomic nuclei or even a

photon and a nucleus entangled together. Representation independence suggests a thought-provoking analogy between entanglement and energy. Energy obeys the laws of thermodynamics regardless of whether it is chemical energy, nuclear energy or any other form. Could a general theory of entanglement be developed along similar lines to the laws of thermodynamics? This hope was greatly bolstered in the late 1990s, when researchers showed that different forms of entanglement are qualitatively equivalent—the entanglement of one state could be transferred to another, similar to energy flowing from, say, a battery charger to a battery. Building on these qualitative relations, investigators have begun introducing quantitative measures of entanglement. These developments are ongoing, and researchers have not yet agreed as to the best way of quantifying entanglement. The most successful scheme thus far is based on the notion of a standard unit of entanglement, akin to a standard unit of mass or energy [see box on opposite page]. This approach works analogously to measuring masses by using a balance. The mass of an object is defined by how many copies of the standard mass are needed to balance it on a set of scales. Quantum information scientists have developed a theoretical “entanglement balance” to compare the entanglement in two different states. The amount of entanglement in a state is defined by seeing how many copies of some fixed standard unit of entanglement are needed to balance it. Notice that this method of quantifying entanglement is another example of the fundamental question of information science. We have identified a physical resource (copies of our entangled state) and a task with a criterion for success. We define our measure of entanglement by asking how much of our physical resource we need to do our task successfully. The quantitative measures of entanTHE EDGE OF PHYSICS



Classical Repetition Code Error Correction for Qubits
THIS SIMPLE CLASSICAL scheme for reducing errors encodes each bit as a triplet of identical bits. If noise flips one bit, the error can be corrected by fixing the minority bit of a triplet. THE REPETITION STRATEGY IS IMPOSSIBLE for qubits for two reasons. First, qubits in unknown states cannot be perfectly cloned (a). Even if duplicates are produced (for example, by running multiple copies of the computation), a simple measurement will not reveal errors (b).





ONE QUANTUM ERROR-CORRECTING CODE works by entangling each data qubit with two preset 0 qubits. These three qubits are in turn entangled with six others. Joint measurements on pairs of qubits will reveal whether one of these nine qubits suffers an error and, if so, how to correct it without disrupting the qubits’ individual states.

Data qubit Error correction

Entangled qubits

Preset 0 qubits

Preset 0 qubits

Entangled qubits

glement developed by following this program are proving enormously useful as unifying concepts in the description of a wide range of phenomena. Entanglement measures improve how researchers can analyze tasks such as quantum teleportation and algorithms on quantum-mechanical computers. The analogy with energy helps again: to understand processes such as chemical reactions or the operation of an engine, we study the flow of energy between different parts of the system
MICHAEL A. NIELSEN is associate professor in the department of physics at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Born in Brisbane, he received his Ph.D. in physics as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of New Mexico in 1998. He is the author, with Isaac L. Chuang of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, of the first comprehensive graduate-level textbook on quantum information science, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information.

and determine how the energy must be constrained at various locations and times. In a similar way, we can analyze the flow of entanglement from one subsystem to another required to perform a quantum information-processing task and so obtain constraints on the resources needed to perform the task. The development of the theory of entanglement is an example of a bottom-up approach— starting from simple questions about balancing entanglement, we gradually gain insight into more complex phenomena. In contrast, in a few cases, people have divined extremely complex phenomena through a great leap of insight, allowing quantum information science to proceed from the top down. The most celebrated example is an algorithm for quickly finding the prime factors of a composite integer on a quantum computer, formulated in 1994 by Peter W. Shor of AT&T Bell Labs. On a classical computer, the best algorithms known take exponentially more resources to factor larg-

er numbers. A 500-digit number needs 100 million times as many computational steps as a 250-digit number. The cost of Shor’s algorithm rises only polynomially— a 500-digit number takes only eight times as many steps as a 250-digit number. Shor’s algorithm is a further example of the basic paradigm (how much computational time is needed to find the factors of an n-bit integer?), but the algorithm appears isolated from most other results of quantum information science [see box on page 29]. At first glance, it looks like merely a clever programming trick with little fundamental significance. That appearance is deceptive; researchers have shown that Shor’s algorithm can be interpreted as an instance of a procedure for determining the energy levels of a quantum system, a process that is more obviously fundamental. As time goes on and we fill in more of the map, it should become easier to grasp the principles underlying Shor’s and other quantum algorithms and, one hopes, to develop new algorithms.





Quantum error correction might improve the precision of the world’s best clocks.
One final application, quantum error correction, provides the best evidence to date that quantum information science is a useful framework for studying the world. Quantum states are delicate, easily destroyed by stray interactions, or noise, so schemes to counteract these disturbances are essential. Classical computation and communications have a well-developed assortment of error-correcting codes to protect information against the depredations of noise. A simple example is the repetition code [see box on opposite page]. This scheme represents the bit 0 as a string of three bits, 000, and the bit 1 as a string of three bits, 111. If the noise is relatively weak, it may sometimes flip one of the bits in a triplet, changing, for instance, 000 to 010, but it will flip two bits in a triplet far less often. Whenever we encounter 010 (or 100 or 001), we can be almost certain the correct value is 000, or 0. More complex generalizations of this idea provide very good error-correcting codes to protect classical information. quantum computation but that the standard classical techniques could not be used in the quantum world. The field owes a great debt to Landauer’s skepticism for pointing out problems of this type that had to be overcome [see “Riding the Back of Electrons,” by Gary Stix; Profile, Scientific American, September 1998]. Happily, clever ideas developed independently by Shor and Andrew M. Steane of the University of Oxford in 1995 showed how to do quantum error correction without ever learning the states of the qubits or needing to clone them. As with the triplet code, each value is represented by a set of qubits. These qubits are passed through a circuit (the quantum analogue of logic gates) that will successfully fix an error in any one of the qubits without actually “reading” what all the individual states are. It is as if one ran the triplet 010 through a circuit that could spot that the middle bit was different and flip it, all without determining the identity of any of the three bits. Quantum error-correcting codes are a triumph of science. Something that brilliant people thought could not be done— protecting quantum states against the effects of noise— was accomplished using a combination of concepts from information science and basic quantum mechanics. These techniques have now received preliminary confirmation in experiments conducted at Los Alamos National Laboratory, IBM and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and more extensive experiments are planned. Quantum error correction has also stimulated many exciting new ideas. For example, the world’s best clocks are currently limited by quantum-mechanical noise; researchers are asking whether the precision of those clocks can be improved by using quantum error correction. Another idea, proposed by Alexei Kitaev of the California Institute of Technology, is that some physical systems might possess a type of natural noise tolerance. Those systems would in effect use quantum error correction without human intervention and might show extraordinary inherent resilience against decoherence. We have explored how quantum information science progresses from fundamental questions to build up an understanding of more complex systems. What does the future hold? By following Schumacher’s program, we will surely obtain novel insights into the information-processing capabilities of the universe. Perhaps the methods of quantum information science will even yield insights into systems not traditionally thought of as information-processing systems. For instance, condensed matter exhibits complex phenomena such as high-temperature superconductivity and the fractional quantum Hall effect. Quantum properties such as entanglement are involved, but their role is currently unclear. By applying what we have learned from quantum information science, we may greatly enhance our skills in the ongoing chess match with the complex quantum universe.

Quantum Error Correction

to be impossible to develop codes for quantum error correction because quantum mechanics forbids us from learning with certainty the unknown state of a quantum object—the obstacle, again, of trying to extract more than one bit from a qubit. The simple classical triplet code therefore fails because one cannot examine each copy of a qubit and see that one copy must be discarded without ruining each and every copy in the process. Worse still, making the copies in the first place is nontrivial: quantum mechanics forbids taking an unknown qubit and reliably making a duplicate, a result known as the no-cloning theorem. The situation looked bleak in the mid1990s, when prominent physicists such as the late Rolf Landauer of IBM wrote skeptical articles pointing out that quantum error correction would be necessary for

Quantum Theory and Measurement. Edited by John A. Wheeler and Wojciech H. Zurek. Contains reprints of landmark papers, including a translation of Erwin Schrödinger’s 1935 “cat paradox” paper. Princeton University Press, 1983. The Fabric of Reality. David Deutsch. Penguin Books, 1998. The Bit and the Pendulum. Tom Siegfried. John Wiley & Sons, 2000. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang. Cambridge University Press, 2000. The Center for Quantum Computation’s Web site: John Preskill’s lecture notes are available at See for Scientific American articles related to quantum information science. THE EDGE OF PHYSICS



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...SUSTAINABILITY REPORT: QANTAS AIRWAYS LTD By Student’s Name Course Name Professor Name City, Location Project Name Date of Submission Table of Contents 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………...…..3 2. Financial……………………………………………………………………………..………4 3. Social Responsibility…………………………………………………………………..……..6 4. Environmental Responsibility……………………………………………………….………7 5. Conclusion………………………………………..………………………………… ………8 6. References List……………………………………………………………………………..9 Sustainability Report: Qantas Airways Ltd Introduction The paper seeks to provide a corporate social responsibility report on Qantas to understand the impacts of financial operations of the company on the environmental and social responsibility initiatives of the company. Qantas Airways ltd identifies a flag carrier airline located in Australia and it is recognized to be the largest airline in terms of fleet size, international flights and international destinations. After KLM and Aviance, Qantas is the third oldest airline across the world as it was founded in the late 1920. Today, the airline is headquartered in Sydney within its main airport being Sydney Airport. The company owns 65 percent of the Australian domestic market and ferries 14.9 per cent of all passengers travelling from and in Australia. Some of its subsidiaries include Jetconnect and Qantaslink...

Words: 2327 - Pages: 10

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Quantas Business Report

...Evaluate the marketing strategies used by Qantas Qantas has been largely effective in marketing the business in such a way that the marketing objectives have been achieved. Strategies involving the marketing mix of price, promotion, place and product have generally been accomplished it’s goals of increasing market share and geographic range, improve customer service and profitability. Qantas’ effective marketing strategy is evident in its success of possessing the newest fleet of planes, remains to be regarded at a premium airline, whilst offering cheaper flights with Jetstar and targeting the mass market. Marketing Segmentation Qantas primarily focuses on customer orientation and satisfaction to attract and develop a relationship with its customers and intensively marketing its products. Qantas therefore cleverly targets multiple segments of the consumer market. The use of its ownership of Jetstar allows the business to target consumers from its mass market through to niche. Jetstar is a low cost carrier which competes on a cost based strategy, whilst Qantas offers first class seatings and is generally aimed at more affluent and business travellers. However to further segment its market, Jetstar has recently offered premium economy seats which have larger seat and meals included. The effectiveness and success of this strategy is shown in Jetstar’s increasing profitability and market share. To encourage customer loyalty and retention, Qantas introduced the loyalty program...

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Quanta’s Dilemmas and Issues in Companies That Offshore to It

...companies that offshore to it Quanta was started in 1988 by Barry Lam and C.C. Leung and was located in Taipei, Taiwan. “Lam’s vision was to design and develop notebook computers.” (1) However at this time the desktop computer industry was growing due to the fact that Taiwanese manufactures quickly captured global market shares in computer components such as keyboards, computer mice and computer monitors. (2) This made it easy for Quanta to get into these manufacturing companies at a low price. During this time firms such as Dell, IBM, HP and Apple were undergoing fierce competition and were looking to offshore their expensive manufacturing from the United States to somewhere else. This is when they started to outsource assembly and design to Quanta; in 2008 the main customers of Quanta were HP, Dell, Apple, Acer and Lenovo. (3) By 2011, Quanta manufactured all 13.4 million of Apple’s laptop computers that were shipped for that year. (4) And Quanta had a 35% worldwide market share of notebook computers. The main issues that Quanta had with all of the companies that offshored to it were primarily tied to competition. Price competition was very intense in Taiwan because of all these companies trying to cut costs that margins for profit were being consistently lowered. Quanta took a different approach and “focused more on the design-intensive work to escape the low-margin trap becoming an early leader among Taiwan’s ODM firms.” (5) This led Quanta to focus on design to put together...

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...The word "quantum" comes from the Latin "quantus", meaning "how much". "Quanta", short for "quanta of electricity" (electrons) was used in a 1902 article on the photoelectric effect by Philipp Lenard, who credited Hermann von Helmholtz for using the word in the area of electricity. However, the word quantum in general was well known before 1900.[2] It was often used by physicians, such as in the term quantum satis. Both Helmholtz and Julius von Mayer were physicians as well as physicists. Helmholtz used "quantum" with reference to heat in his article[3] on Mayer's work, and indeed, the word "quantum" can be found in the formulation of the first law of thermodynamics by Mayer in his letter[4] dated July 24, 1841. Max Planck used "quanta" to mean "quanta of matter and electricity",[5] gas, and heat.[6] In 1905, in response to Planck's work and the experimental work of Lenard (who explained his results by using the term "quanta of electricity"), Albert Einstein suggested that radiation existed in spatially localized packets which he called "quanta of light" ("Lichtquanta").[7] The concept of quantization of radiation was discovered in 1900 by Max Planck, who had been trying to understand the emission of radiation from heated objects, known as black-body radiation. By assuming that energy can only be absorbed or released in tiny, differential, discrete packets he called "bundles" or "energy elements",[8] Planck accounted for the fact that certain objects change colour when heated...

Words: 351 - Pages: 2

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Virgin Australia

...Case Scenario 2 1. Introduction to Virgin Blue – Low Cost leisure travel for Australians. - The airline was developed to service the Australian domestic leisure travel segment as a low cost airline with low prices, one class of ticket, and minimal on-board, complementary services. - In 2003, virgin blue holdings floated on ASX with core business being provision of travel services to leisure travellers in Australia and overseas - Pacific Blue in 2004 - Polynesian Blue in 2005 - Virgin Australia 2009 long haul airline servicing the trans-pacific 2. Introduction to Australian Domestic Airline Industry 1. Industry Product Segments Business Travel (57.1%) - Full fare Passenger transport by business and government travellers - Demand is based on business conditions and the need to travel - The cost of airfares is not necessarily an important factor - Video conferencing has a negative impact on growth in this segment. Leisure Travel (29.4%) - Comprises of low fare passenger transport by leisure travellers - Price is an important factor and is normally the first issue considered when planning a trip - Heavily discounted tickets are a strong driver of passenger growth in this segment Freight and others (13.5%) - Freight transport – time sensitive and high value to weight items - Others – excess luggage, late fees...

Words: 431 - Pages: 2

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...* What does that mean? * Theory: Explanation * Atomic: Of atoms * How did we develop this theory? * Began with the Greeks * Democritus- 470-380 B.C. * Matter cannot be broken down indefinitely. At some point you end up with a piece that cannot be divided. That smallest piece he called an atom, from the Greek word atomos, which means “indivisible” * All matter is composed of atoms, which are bits of matter too small to be seen. These atoms cannot be further split into smaller proportions. * There is a void, which is empty space between atoms. * Atoms are completely solid. * Atoms are homogeneous, with no internal structure. Atoms are different in size, shape and weight. * Democritus’ theory held until John Dalton * Leucippus * Aristotle * John Dalton * English chemist * “Father of the modern atomic theory” * All elements are composed of atoms, which are indivisible and indestructible particles. * All atoms of the same element are exactly alike; in particular, they have the same mass. * All atoms of different elements are different; in particular, they have a different mass. * Two or more elements are joined together to form a compound. * Atoms are joined together in definite whole #ratio’s * “Law of Definite Proportions” * J.J. Thomson * 1897 ...

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Photoelectric Effect

...pg17-21rad-NEW.qxd 4/12/2005 11:00 AM Page 1 Einstein’s Quanta, Entropy, and the Photoelectric Effect E LEGANT C ONNECTIONS IN P HYSICS “On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light”[1] was the first of the five papers published by Albert Einstein in his 1905 “miraculous year.”[2] In that paper, Einstein introduced the concept of “light quanta,” or “photons” as we call them today. The quantum of action was introduced into physics by Max Planck in 1900.[3] Planck derived the thermal equilibrium energy distribution for electromagnetic radiation (also called the “blackbody problem” because of the experimental apparatus). The quantity of interest was dr/df where r denotes the energy density and f the frequency (Fig. 1). No one had been able to derive dr/df from the first principles of statistical mechanics. One serious problem was in the high frequencies, which contributed infinite energy when one integrated over all frequencies to obtain the total energy! Planck thought about the charged particles whose simple harmonic motion generated harmonic electromagnetic waves of the same frequency. He discovered that if he assumed a particle oscillating with frequency f could carry only the discrete energies 0, hf, 2hf, 3hf..., where h was a constant, he could derive the distribution function: dr/df = (8ph/c3) f 3 (e hf/kT − 1)−1 , where c denotes the speed of light in vacuum, k Boltzmann’s constant, and T the absolute...

Words: 3838 - Pages: 16

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...• A strategic analysis report relating to Jetstar Airlines o A competitive analysis of the market/s including:  A brief description of the history of the company and a history of the main competitors. Include joint venture alliances where applicable. History of the company Jetstar’s mission is to offer all day, every day low fares to enable more people to fly to more places, more often. The Jetstar Group is a value based, low fares network of airlines operating in the leisure and value based markets. The Group consists of: Jetstar Airways in Australia and New Zealand (wholly owned by the Qantas Group). Jetstar Asia based in Singapore. The company is managed by Newstar Holdings, majority owned by Singapore company Westbrook Investments (51 per cent), with the Qantas Group holding the remaining 49 per cent. Jetstar Pacific based in Vietnam (majority owned by Vietnam Airlines with the Qantas Group holding 30 per cent). Jetstar Japan, a partnership between the Qantas Group Japan Airlines, Mitsubishi Corporation and Century Tokyo Leasing Corporation. Jetstar Hong Kong, a partnership between China Eastern Airlines and the Qantas Group (subject to regulatory approval). The Jetstar Group is the largest low cost carrier in the Asia Pacific by revenue and has flown over 100 million passengers since it launched in 2004. In the past financial year ended June 2012, the Jetstar Group carried more than 20 million customers. The Jetstar Group has grown from providing...

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Quantum Mechanics

...Quantum mechanics Rohan Agarwal It is common knowledge that matter is comprised of particles. Or is it? We all think that light consists of waves. How true are these claims? Although it may seem counterintuitive on the surface, various experiments and supporting theories have proved that the line between what is particulate and what is wavelike is finer than we imagine. At a fundamental, sub-atomic level, matter and light are both wavelike and particulate; it is only on the macroscopic scale that the divisions become better defined. The study of the physical laws that govern the realm of the very small, such as atoms, protons, and the like; developed from Planck’s quantum principle and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle are termed as quantum mechanics. The principles of quantum mechanics revolve around two major theories- the wave-particle duality, and, in extension to this, the theory that it is possible for absolutely small particles to be in two different states at the same time. Theoretical physicists have arrived at these conclusions after powerful observations of experiments, and these will be discussed in due course. Before doing so, it is imperative to understand that this quantum strangeness does not transfer to the macroscopic world, and so some claims in this article will seem absurd. In order to demonstrate this, Erwin Schrodinger published a paper in 1935, containing a thought experiment, now popularly known as Schrodinger’s cat. A cat is put in a steel chamber...

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...From Followers to Market Leaders: Asian Electronics Firms in the Global Economy Henry Wai-chung Yeung Department of Geography, National University of Singapore, 1 Arts Link, Singapore 117570 (Tel: 65-6516 6810; Fax: 65-6777 3091; Email:; Homepage: Forthcoming in Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Vol.48(1), pp.1-30, 2007. Acknowledgement An earlier version of this paper was presented as the Asia Pacific Viewpoint Lecture at the International Geographical Union Regional Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 3-7 July 2006. I would like to thank Asia Pacific Viewpoint and the editor, Warwick Murray, for inviting and funding me to deliver the lecture. Conference participants also offered some useful comments. The paper was subsequently revised and reworked while I was a Visiting Researcher at the International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development (ICSEAD), Kitakyushu, Japan, 10 July to 9 September 2006. I am very grateful to ICSEAD for its generous Visiting Researcher scheme and ICSEAD colleagues for their comments on an earlier version of this paper that was presented at an ICSEAD public seminar and appeared as an ICSEAD Working Paper (No.2006-16). Further helpful comments from anonymous reviewers are much appreciated. The NUS Academic Research Fund (R-109-000-050-112) supports the research project underpinning this paper. I am grateful to all corporate and institutional interviewees for their generosity and helpfulness...

Words: 14480 - Pages: 58

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...Apple Supplier Problems Assignment Number Andri Smith Strayer University BUS 508 Professor Hase October 21,2014 Apple Supplier Problems Apple corp. is the business to make a profit, they buy products and services that meet their specifications from the lowest bidder. With the globalization of the business world, ease of doing transactions overseas, companies now does business in foreign lands. In these foreign lands they don’t have the same labor laws that are in the United States. What Apple is doing along with most companies is buying products and services from these countries. Apple has taken some criticism for doing business with some of these countries. I am going to talk about Apples position on ethical and social responsibility Apple supplier (2014). Question #1 Apples current position is fair and ethical treatment to employees by ending excessive work hours and limiting workweeks to a 60 maximum. Empowering workers by giving training on safety, rights. Providing free classes on language, computers skills and other subjects. Apple also has polices on underage workers, they don’t except it. If there is an underage employee under Apples policy they will be returned to the school of the families chose and paid the wage of the employee while in school by the supplier. While the employee is in school Apple follows up on the employee to ensure they remain and finishes school. The company has an equal opportunity hiring policy, ensuring the suppliers do not discriminate...

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