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Queerness Vs Neoliberalism

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In this class, certain words appeared again and again, whether that be in class discussion or with in the text by nevertheless, the three words that I found to be most important in this class are queerness, neoliberalism, and revolution. First, I’d like to begin with queerness because the class is a queer studies class, but what does that really mean? I’ve found it to mean groups or individuals that are often looked at as different or other. Now, I know that you probably think of queer as homosexual and that could be true but it is not limited to only homosexual individuals. What is important here, is that these queer individuals are pushed aside but they are often fighting for the same kinds of goals. “My politics as a queer person have always …show more content…
Neoliberalism is the force that protects certain things such as capitalism and privilege. This connects with the idea that you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps, making the individual responsible for their current status when the system clearly has a lot to do with it. We are all stuck under the effects of neoliberalism without even realizing it. “The point isn’t to feel guilty, but rather responsible, to recognize how our out-of-control consumption creates the logic of and need for clear cutting, creates our belief in endlessly renewable resources”(Clare 62). The author is talking about how we all have some part to the bigger picture but we need to realize what our part is actually doing. In this case, it is the destruction of trees to make a profit but the trees will run out eventually. We have accepted this but without fully understanding what the implications are behind it. “It won’t matter if you’re homosexual, not a faggot lesbian, not a dyke gay not queer it won’t matter” (Parker 2). Those fighting against neoliberalism will be subjected and those apart of it will still have to go through the challenges day to day. Those seen as queer are seen as unwanted and the discrimination and oppression will continue to thrive as long as capitalism and privilege do. I chose this term because I believe it was the biggest term to connect nearly everything we discussed in this class. It was also the …show more content…
After reading and talking about these issues, the next step seems to be take action. While I know it won’t be easy and it make not come quick, it feels like we need to challenge power. “and I can’t tell you who the hell set things up like this but I can tell you that from now on my resistance my simple and daily and nightly self-determination may very well cost you your life” (Jordan 3). June Jordan writes about what she feels like she needs to do next. This won’t be easy and people have been risking their lives to challenge issues of race, class and sexuality. Some of this individuals have died or been locked up in the process. “How much of your lives are you willing to spend merely protecting your privileged status? Is it more than you are prepared to spend putting your dreams and beliefs for a better world into action? That is what creativity and empowerment are all about. The rest is destruction. And it will have to be one or the other” (Lorde 215-216). By saying this Lorde is calling people out who feel that they cannot help a situation. We can no longer stand by because in doing so we are contributing to capitalism, to white supremacy and neoliberalism. We might have to change what we find comfortable in order to drastically change what we want. “The reality is that revolution is not a one step process: you fight-you win-it’s over. It takes years. (Parker 270). When I read this quote, I think

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