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Plasmids: Transformation And Conjugation In E. Coli Cells

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Plasmids are small pieces of double stranded circular DNA found in the nucleoid region of mostly prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria. Plasmids benefit their host by serving as vectors and providing them with genes that benefit its survival. Some examples of genes carried by plasmids include antibiotic resistance, special enzymes, and toxic encoding. In bacteria, chromosomes serve as carriers for information that is essential for its survival, plasmids on the other hand, only supply additional information that though beneficial is not needed. The simple role that they serve allows them to be small in size, replicate more easily, and suffer less damage when being handled. This allows plasmids to transfer from one bacterium to another by three processes: transformation, transduction, and conjugation.
In conjugation, one bacterium transfers a gene to another by …show more content…
These two vectors were used separately in order to compare their efficiency in transporting the genes into the E.coli cells. The host cells were first mixed with CaCl2 in order to increase the chances of plasmid uptake and make the cells more competent. Competent cells have a better chance to obtain the available plasmids. A heat shock must also be applied in the form of a preheated hot water bath in order to open up the pores of the cells and increase the chances of a plasmid getting through the cell. The E.coli cells must then be fed with nutrient broth in order to increase growth. Liquid broth is used as the first medium in the experiment. It facilitates the growth of E.coli because it is composed of powdered beef containing peptones, also known as pieces of protein. The agar plates have to be used as a second medium for bacterial growth, because colonial growth cannot form in the liquid broth

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