Daisy Doyon-Part 1
1. What was the date and time of the collision?
2. Do you recall what day of the week it was?
3. What was the weather like that day?
4. Where did the collision occur?
5. What were you doing just prior to the collision?
6. Are you on any medication?
7. Do those 3 photographs fairly and accurately show the appearance and condition of your car immediately after the collision?
8. What was traffic conditions like?
9. Describe what happened just before the collision.
10. What condition was your car in before the collision?
1. Do you have any personal involvement in the case? 2. Have you received any information on this case before this interview? 3. Have you participated in cases like this before? 4. Do you have any issues being under oath? 5. How did you get started in this field, and what do you think has made you successful throughout your career? 6. What degrees, certificates, or licenses do you have? 7. How many years have you worked in this field? 8. Are you a member in any professional organizations/societies? 9. How many cases involving [subject matter] have you handled? 10. What is your occupation/profession?
1. Where were you at the time of the accident? 2. What were you doing at the time? 3. What did you see or hear? 4. What were the environmental conditions (weather, light, noise, etc.) at the time? 5. What was (were) the injured worker(s) doing at the time? 6. In your opinion, what caused the accident? 7. How might similar accidents be prevented in the future? 8. Were any other witnesses around? 9. Do you know the names of other witnesses? 10. How are you connected with others involved in the accident? Part II
What is the time limit within which an appeal must be filed?
No more than 30 days after entry of judgment