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Quito Research Paper

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The capital of my country is Quito. Quiot is the largest political part of Ecuador. This is located on the equator in north-central Ecuador, it has the second largest population. Guayaquil has the largest population in Ecuador, and is located near the southern border. Another very popular place in Ecuador is Cotopaxi. It is the second highest mountain peak and is also a beautiful snow covered volcano. It is located very near to the capital and is awesome day trip to be able to explore and see the volcano up close. An amazing place to go and see breathtaking water is Quilotoa. This is crater lake set high in the Andes. This was formed when a volcano erupted close to 800 years ago. The lake is more than 250 meters deep and hold gorgeous waters. …show more content…
The temperatures normally range from 48*F too 69*F it rarely get below 45* and above 72*. The warm season is from September to October with the average daily temperature being 67 in some cases the hottest day being 69 and the low of 49. The cold season is from February to March with the high temperature of 66. Oddly, the coldest day of the year is July 18th with the low average of 48 and the high being 67. Precipitation is most likely to occur around April with it occurring 73% of the days and least likely to occur in August with occuring 29% of the …show more content…
The Galapagos Islands is a small volcanic island in the eastern pacific ocean. This island is world renown for its unique ecosystem. Giant tortoises, sea lions, penguins, marine iguanas and different bird species can all be seen and approached. Strict control over tourist have to be maintained. Tena is in the Amazon region of Ecuador. This is a great point for jungle adventures. Missionaries founded this town and a cinnamon industry helped it survive. Tena is one of the best places in the world for whitewater rafting and kayaking. Banos is a small city that lies at the base of a volcano named Tungurahua. This is one of the most popular tourist spots known as “Gateway to the Amazon.” This is a famous place to start the jungle tours. Waterfalls can be found here going thousands of feet deep. Also the natural hot

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