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Physical Manipulatives

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Physical Manipulatives
Manipulaitves can be classified into two: concrete or physical manipulatives and virtual manipulatives. Domino (2010) categorized these physical manipulatives in three types. First, manipulatives can be objects that are familiar in everyday life, such as beads, buttons, coins, dice, and popsicle sticks. Second, manipulatives can be objects that are commercially manufactured and have multiple possible educational applications but exist primarily for some other purpose such as children’s building blocks, jigsaw puzzles, Legos, and Tinker Toys. Third, manipulatives can be objects that are specifically designed to be used in teaching mathematics, such as attribute blocks, base-ten blocks, color tiles, Cuisenaire rods, geoboards, …show more content…
It is crucial for instructional materials to include hands-on learning materials (Hawkins, 2007). Hawkins further stated that the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (in NCTM 2000) advocates the significance of using manipulatives, visual representations and mathematical modeling. In the study conducted by Hawkins (2007) to examine the use of mathematical manipulatives in learning fraction concepts, four experimental group classes used manipulatives and textbooks and four control group classes did not use manipulatives. However, the results of the study revealed that there is no significant difference on the mathematics achievement between the experimental and the control groups on the posttest …show more content…
can allow young children to extend physical experience and to develop an initial understanding of sophisticated ideas like the use of algorithms”. In essence, virtual manipulatives have some of the advantageous properties of several different forms of representation, as well as some additional advantages brought about by their technological properties (Moyer-Packenham, P.S., Salkind, G., & Bolyard, J.J. (2008). Virtual manipulatives often provide explicit connections between visual and symbolic representations, a feature which was found to benefit learning (Suh & Moyer,

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