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Manual Therapy Research Paper

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Manual therapy is a term that is not typically used in the language of an average individual, unless your specialty is related to the actual use of manipulation of the body. As you reflect on the word, it only makes sense that the word is fitting to its name. Manual therapy is a specific type of physical therapy that is used with the hands instead of a machine or a device (Daul, 2006). With the use of the hands, therapists can minimize the level of discomfort for those who suffer from chronic pain related issues, such as the back and joints (Daul, 2006). Manual therapy is offered through many forms of services that can be accessed by a client, that is tailored for everyone. Several examples of manual therapy are osteopathic medicine, chiropractor, …show more content…
The difference is that in osteopathic medicine, not only is traditional medical practice incorporated, but being able to diagnose and treat with the hands, which is called osteopathic manipulative medicine is now used. Nowadays, patients are not only interested in seeking traditional health care, but rather a program that includes the patient holistically, such as incorporating the cultural practices. This includes restoring motion and alleviating pain. Several benefits of this practice are that with the variety of locations that a practitioner can practice, there are endless opportunities. Several locations include surgery, family medicine, obstetrics, etc. (American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic, 2018). What makes them stand out is the type of areas most physicians serve once they begin to practice, such as underserved or rural areas. In education, it includes the path of becoming a physician, including two hundred extra hours of practicing osteopathic manipulative medicine. It is a four-year course at an osteopathic medical college that also have internships that are merged with …show more content…
Common symptoms Betty complained about was fatigue, arthritis pain and to the feet (Jackso, 2018, p.1). There were also feelings of numbness in the pelvis, soreness and burning, generalized pain. Betty only was prescribed Zoloft, however she declined to take it. Based on the evaluation with cranial sacral therapy, it was noted that she was restricted severely in the triad of compression (Jackso, 2018, p.1). There were also constrictions in the fascia and the thoracic diaphragm. She was prescribed with nine treatment sessions for one hour, greater than three months duration. After the first treatment, the patient reported improvement in her bladder function, which was not noted initially in the evaluation (Jackso, 2018, p.1). She also reported of not noticing the pain that presented throughout her entire body, and was willing to focus now more on the emotional trauma she encountered. She had somatoemotional release during a pelvic diaphragm release which allowed betty to elaborate about previous guilt she held onto from being in college about involvement with sex, guilt and abandonment. After each session, betty experienced more relief and each time she could share more emotionally to determine the primary cause of her pain (Jackso, 2018,

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