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Teenage Drinking And Driving Research Paper

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Teenagers drinking and driving is an unfortunate reality. There’s no reason pretending it doesn’t exist. The teenage years often lead to an unfortunate combination of things that lead to an increased drinking and driving rate. Sometimes the newfound freedom is too much to handle responsibly and other times it’s as simple as peer pressure. Since teens usually have a low tolerance for alcohol and since they are also inexperienced drivers, all of these factors coming together creates a very dangerous situation. Most teen accidents are alcohol related, and many teens lose their lives in these accidents. As stated in> 60 percent of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol-related. In other words, teenagers that drink and drive have a greater chance of getting in an accident than when they are sober. So teens are putting their lives on the line while drinking and driving People today are well aware of the health problems caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Health problems can include stomach ulcers, liver problems, heart problems, and malnutrition. These …show more content…
Teens are influenced by the media and their peers. When surrounded by so many toxic influences, they are bound to make stupid decisions like driving drunk. The media has shows playing that show drinking under the influence isn’t a bad thing to do. For example, Jersey Shore shows teens that drinking beyond your limits can end up an entertaining night. The new show Skins shows all kinds of drugs being presented to teens, and it shows teens making poor choices when it comes to D.U.I. To some teens, drunk driving may seem rebellious and cool, or maybe they just don’t know how to avoid it. Whatever the case may be, teenage drunk driving is the most concerning issue in today’s society. Although the causes of this dilemma are mainly psychological factors, the effects can be observed from outside the teenage

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