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Nashville Tennessee Research Paper

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Nashville Tennessee is often referred to Music City because of a rich history in the music industry. Nashville is also the state capitol and has a lot of political history as well. The city of Nashville is located in the center of Tennessee. When you visit Nashville you will see a lot of live music as well as several Nashville tourist attractions. Here are some that you may enjoy.

Grand Ole Opry

The Grand Ole Opry started as a radio broadcast back in 1925 and is still providing live entertainment to millions of people today. It is still the number one Nashville Tourist Attractions today. You can still hear the radio broadcast on the radio, the internet and see the show on (GAC) Great American Country television. You can only see the Grand Ole Opry live here in Nashville Tennessee. Most of the time the Grand Ole Opry is performed at the Grand Ole Opry house but sometimes you can catch the show at the Ryman Auditorium. You never know who is going to drop in and play a few tunes. One thing that you can't plan on in …show more content…
You can take a self-guided tour through two floors of the exhibits. One of the permanent exhibits portrays the story of country music all the way back to the 19th century. Along the way you will see case after case of themed exhibits about Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson and more. You can read about the story of country music and see the instruments, costumes and photos that make the story come to life. You can even hear original recordings of country music stars. At the end of the self-guided tour you will find yourself in the Hall of Fame Rotundra, the space that honors the Hall of Fame members. If you are there at the right time you can see the taping of the show "The Master Series" that airs on GAC television. Stars like Reba McEntire and Garth Brooks are often the subject of the show so you may just get to see

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