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Short And Long Term Effects Of Drug Abuse On Children

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Drug use is on the rise is no surprising fact but drug use is being used at younger ages. It’s now being discovered that children as young as nine are now experimenting with drugs. There are many problems arising in new generations with maturing being one. Kids are becoming more aware of trouble and adult activities earlier than in the past. According to child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg when questioned by Matt Johnson (2013) in the article “Kids using drugs at 9”, “What was happening when kids were perhaps 15, it's now happening a lot earlier. Previously they were talking about their Barbie dolls, now they are talking about alcohol and marijuana” (Johnson, para. 3). To turn youth around; public schools, charter schools, and even homeschooling programs will begin teaching at 5th-7th grade the effects of drug use. To persuade them to resist experimentation, the short and long term effects on the body and financially will be taught. …show more content…
A study conducted in 2013 by the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that between the ages of 12-17 23% said in their lifetime they have already tried illicit drugs. January 17, 2015 in Pakistan, two teenage girls ages 16 and 17 died after taking tranquilizers. Tranquilizers are a drug that depresses the system, slowing down activity that occurs in the brain and spinal cord. Using drugs while still growing causes problems to the brain, heart, and other important organs. Drugs make it harder to think clearly make good decisions often causing failure in; school, sports, and other

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