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Plato: The Man Behind The Prisoners

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Plato describes a cave, in which there are three prisoners. The prisoners are tied down to rocks, arms and legs bound and their head is tied so that they can only see the stonewall in front of them. These prisoners have been here since birth and no nothing about the world outside of this cave. Behind the prisoners is a fire and a walkway to separate them. People walk along this walkway daily carrying a lot of things: animals, plants, wood, and stone. The prisoners obviously cannot see these objects, yet only the shadows because they cannot look above or to the side of them, but only in front to that old gray stonewall. Because of the fact that they know nothing other than this cave, they have not seen any of these objects in real life. These shadows that they see seem real to them and they believe that is so. Plato suggest that the prisoners would play a game to see who could guess this next object, or “shadow” in there case. If one of the prisoners were to guess the object correctly the others would praise him as if he were a god of nature. …show more content…
He is astounded at the discoveries he makes and does not believe this real world is real at all. As he becomes accustomed to his new surroundings he realizes that his former view of reality was wrong and distasteful. He starts to understand his new world and that the sun is the form of all energy and life and he goes on an intellectual journey and finds his true beauty and meaning. He realizes his former life and the guessing game he played was useless. He wants to share this with his other prisoners so he returns to the cave and describes to them this real world out there. They do not take it as he thought they would have. They threaten to kill him and do not believe him. They want to keep their life the way it

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