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Yellow Fever: How Men Are Asian Women

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Men who have yellow fever. The concept of yellow fever. These men are putting all these Asian women in one category which is they’re submissive, Geisha-like, quiet, etc. When they do that it belittles them. They would like to marry or date an Asian woman. [“All my ex-girlfriends were Asian so I can relate to you people” is basically saying that love me for whatever reason… I appeal to them.] Guys who have an affinity toward Asian women. Do they just like the qualities or the person as a person. Is calling the affinity toward Asian women your “type” justifiable? There are the types of guys who watch a little too much anime and have fantasies of “owning” their very own character. “Do you have a maid outfit?”
Everything on the media is drummed up. It’s extreme and also stereotyping. When you look at a group of women and say that “I wanna marry this group of women because I saw on an anime that they bring me a hot tail at night.” When you’re looking for an actual relationship, you shouldn’t be judging on the stereotypical view of a group of people. …show more content…
I don’t condone loving Asian women for all the wrong reasons.
The men who try to greet you or catcall with “Ni Hao/Konnichiwa. Love me long time.” When they don’t know what kind of Asian the woman actually is. At this point, she could be adopted or have no cultural relation to her heritage. She could be from a country where you just don’t bow to each other. One can assume that those types of men treat all women poorly regardless of their race, however, they believe Asian women will not call them out/punish them for their misogyny

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