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Cold War Containment

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The cold war was an era of great tension between the United States and Russia spanning from 1947 to 1991 which caused many changes in our nation’s foreign policy and views of communism on the Homefront. Some of our nation’s most significant changes in foreign policy that shifted towards containment of communism include the creation of the Truman Doctrine, implication of the Marshal plan, creation of the NATO group, and the use of the CIA in espionage and ensuring the safety of the United States. Furthermore, the citizens of the United States had to cope with major societal changes including the fear of nuclear warfare and the civil rights movement. Ultimately, these changes in government policy and society helped mold the nation into a …show more content…
Kennan, who worked for the United States embassy in the Soviet Union as he stated that the Kremlin was grasping for power to maintain its autocratic control over the nation (Nash 781). Such necessity for control spurred from the fact that the new-formed Russian government was forged in such a volatile manner that it needed to maintain absolute control or else the government would collapse. Furthermore, the United States feared the spreading of Communism and was willing to turn its once ally during the world wars since they no longer had a common enemy. In order to curb the spread of communism, the first step the United States made was the drafting of the Truman Doctrine. Designed to monetarily aid foreign countries so they would not turn to the Soviet Union for assistance, the Truman Doctrine signaled the beginning of the Cold War ( Staff). President Truman had drafted a $400 million bill that focused mainly on preventing Greece and Turkey from falling into communist hands. However, despite the fear of communism proliferating, there was a significant amount of opposition to the bill. Many stated that there was no evidence in the Soviets being the cause of Greek and Turkish turmoil; though the bill still passed and the two counties did not succumb to the communist

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