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Eulogy Of Mr Wilge

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Pages 4
Mrs.Wilge in one word I don’t know how you could describe a wonderful person like her, but I had to choose one it would be radiant because she always had a smile on her face and she never got mad. I would like to take a moment and realized what has happen in the past last month at Stone two deaths in one of each other, it has been a sad time at stone but we are getting back on your feet. Mrs. wilge died couple days after Mrs.Nidz, I’m here to talk about Mrs.Wilge.Mrs. Wigle was one of the best teachers I ever had, she made me, and a lot of kids actually like history. Mrs.wigle was a positive person; she was engaging , compassionate, and the happiest teacher that I knew. We will miss her deeply.
Mrs.Wigle ran a lot of marathons, she qualified the Boston Marathon. She even ran during her time that she was really sick, she was a is fighter. Running was a big part of her life she even worked at a running store before she became a teacher. She went on 5-10 miles runs before school every day. Her kids like to run too! She ran with some of the teachers at Stone including, Mrs. Vadala ran with her when she was so post to be resting at home and Mrs. Vadala. …show more content…
She got her teaching degree there, and She was willing to teach any subject. She wanted to the best teacher and she could be. Her college was an established in 1889 as university, and was still in the New York her home state. She loved her college; every much, she would talk about it sometimes in class and during. I’m glad she became a teacher at

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