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Electoral College Advantages

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Electoral College: A Vote for the Nation
In 1787, the Electoral college was created to ensure that every vote counted was the choice looking out for the better of the nation. To this day, the Electoral college is still used during presidential elections, and it is still as effective as it were over two centuries ago. However, many people root for the popular vote instead, and while it does have a few perks to it, it just doesn’t measure to the efficiency and effectiveness as the Electoral college and vote. This essay will help readers to understand what the Electoral college is, why it is relevant, how it can be improved, as well as a briefing on what would happen if the poles were solely based on the popular vote.
For starters, it would be best to explain what the Electoral vote is as well as what the Popular vote is. The Electoral college is a group of elected representatives …show more content…
It helps to understand the other side and therefore become a better debater. The opposing side in this essay, would be the popular vote. While some do not support the popular vote, many people still do and they do for good reason. One benefit is the fact that the vote would be simple and fast, only an American voter’s ballot would be counted. There would be no middle man or extra voting which would lead to a shorter voting time. Another reason is the fact that an American’s vote going directly to the results would mean that Americans get exactly what they want, with no problem since they made their vote. However there are some dangers of using the popular vote, such as leaving the fate of American leadership in the hands of those that could not be fit for voting. Another, as mentioned earlier, is the effect smaller states would have on an election, virtually none. That would be catastrophic because it could lead to sectional division due to angered states that had no say in the

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