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Pros And Cons Of The Voting By Mail System

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There are certain things about voting by mail we know to be true. Voting by mail is safe; voting by mail is fair; and voting by mail is cost efficient. We can look to the states currently using a universal vote by mail system as proof of these claims.

Let’s start with the statistics. Oregon’s Secretary of State reported there were two cases of voter fraud in 2016; neither required prosecution. (Source: Washington’s Secretary of State said there was no evidence of voter fraud anywhere in the state during the 2016 general election; (Source:; and in Colorado there were 32 voting offenses recorded from 2012 to 2016, but only four resulted in convictions.

In terms of execution every state using a vote by mail system requires ballots to be sealed inside a series of security envelopes with a signature on the outside-most envelope. Upon receipt, trained officials verify the signature to confirm the sender is in fact who they say they are, and that they are a registered voter. Only after successful authentication is the enclosed ballot electronically tabulated. This maintains voters’ confidentiality. …show more content…
The overwhelming decentralization of the risk. When decision making takes place off site in the privacy of homes and results are recorded electronically into an encrypted system, “…an organized effort to defraud mail-based [voting] and its safeguards must involve hundreds (if not thousands) of separate acts, all of them individual felonies, that must both occur and go undetected to have any chance of success” (Washington Monthly,

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