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Will Smith Research Paper

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Will Smith
Named the most powerful actor in Hollywood, according to Newsweek, Will Smith makes a hug impact with his fame. He is a very hard working guy that gets a lot of money from all his movies, as well as being a producer, rapper, comedian, and songwriter. Will Smith can also be looked at as an idol because of what he does outside of his career. Will Smith continues to spread his love and help around the world through charity work. Through his own foundation, WJSFF, Will helps children in low-income areas. “Will created their family foundation to help those living in adverse areas by improving local schools and recreation centers and fostering supportive, sustainable communities” (“Will Smith's Charity Work With WJSFF”). With this money, the schools and communities were able to improve organizations, build new schools, and improve healthcare in the inner cities. Will Smith created this foundation and helped these areas. Because of this foundation, he is able to provide more opportunities to people who need it. …show more content…
That’s a hefty raise from the $140,000 he gave them the previous year. Another $200,000 went to a Christian ministry outside Los Angeles called Living Waters” (“Will Smith Gives $1.3 Million to Charities”) With Will and Jada’s help this Christian organization was able to rebuild and got even more money than last year when Will Smith helped. The effect of this was that place like this can come back and make a religious organization and can spread whatever they believe in to other

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