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John Smith Research Paper

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John Smith, an English born author was one of the first settlers in North America responsible for establishing the Jamestown settlement. He originally went with the settlers as a soldier in the army, but in his older years became an author. Although the earliest years of captain smith’s life are shrouded by the horrible record keeping of the time it is known he was born either in 1579 or 1580 in Lincolnshire, England to his father, George Smith, and mother, Alice Smith. His baptism was on January 9th, 1580. It was conducted in Saint Helena's Church in Willoughby, England. He was placed in a local Grammar school to learn reading, writing, arithmetic, and Latin. Not wanting to be a farmer like his father he ran away when he was 13 and became a sailor. His father caught him and made him work for a local merchant as his apprentice.
When his father died when he was 16 he joined volunteers in France to join the Dutch in the the fight for independence from Spain. Two years later he went to the Mediterranean Sea to sail on a merchant ship. In the year 1600 he joined the Austrian forces to fight the Turks in “The Long War”. While fighting in Hungary he was promoted to Captain for his valiant sailing abilities. When he was fighting in Transylvania he was wounded, taken prisoner, and sold into slavery. The Turkish man who bought …show more content…
As a lifelong adventurer John Smith was not content sitting in England doing nothing so in 1615 he undertook a voyage to explore Northern Virginia. On his voyage he mapped out most of the new world and renamed it New England in 1615. On his way back to England he had to escape pirates in the Atlantic. When he returned to England he wrote extensively about his fascinating life. In 1620 he was nearly selected as the military adviser for the pilgrims but in the end he was not chosen, they did use his maps

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