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Salvia Research Paper

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Salvia (Salvia divinorum) is an herb in the mint family native to southern Mexico. It is used to produce hallucinogenic experiences. Usually salvia has been ingested by chewing fresh leaves or by drinking their extracted juices. The dried leaves of salvia can also be smoked in rolled cigarettes or pipes or vaporized and inhaled.
What it does to your brain
The main active ingredient in salvia, salvinorin A, is a potent activator of nerve cell targets called kappa opioid receptors. These receptors differ from the receptors activated by commonly known opioid drugs such as heroin and morphine. Although salvia is generally considered a hallucinogen, it does not act at serotonin receptors that are activated by other hallucinogens like LSD or psilocybin, and its effects are reported by experienced users to be different from those drugs. …show more content…
Depending on body weight, sensitivity, dose taken, method of ingestion and the strength of the salvia that is used, the effects range from subtle to extremely strong. Salvia can not be considered a party drug in any way. On the contrary, people that under the effects of salvia are usually not interactive, but have a very personal hallucinating experience.
While salvia does activate opioid receptors in the brain, it's important to draw a distinction between the mu-opioid receptor (activated by narcotics like heroin) and the kappa(1)-opioid receptor (activated by salvinorin A). Drugs that work on the mu-opioid receptor cause sedation, pain-relief, and euphoria, but drugs that work on the kappa(1)-opioid receptor generally cause hallucinogenic, but often unpleasant, or even dysphoric effects. This explains why many people describe the Salvia experience as being unpleasant compared to the effects of the tryptamine psychedelics (such as psilocybin, DMT and LSD), which activate other receptors in the

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