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Chapter 3 Selecting and Using Assessments


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This chapter will address three issues: (a) the institutional assessment needs of workforce development organizations, (b) the assessment needs of individual youth to help make informed choices about their careers, and (c) the practical needs of practitioners for information about how to select and use different assessment tools. At the end of this chapter, Exhibit 3.1 contains information that can be used to help with the selection and use of assessments, including a directory of commonly used published tests.

Meeting Institutional Assessment Needs

Agencies and organizations in the workforce system use assessments to meet institutional needs in two ways-to determine a youth's eligibility for services and to document achievement of program goals by assessing the progress of program participants. The number of participants served and achievement of program goals can impact the amount of funding an organization receives.

Funding for the youth programs considered in this guide may come from the Department of Education, the Department of Labor, other federal agencies, states, local governmental agencies, or a combination of these. Table 1.2 in Chapter 1 summarizes the eligibility and assessment requirements of IDEA, WIA Title I, and the Rehabilitation Act. More specific information on assessments mandated or permitted by several federal funding sources may be found in Appendix A. (Mandated assessments are those required for all applicants or participants. Permitted assessments may be provided for some applicants or participants if appropriate or under certain circumstances.)

Assessing progress can be complicated, since the outcome measures required by different funding sources often vary, sometimes significantly. In order to address this problem, the President's 2001 Management Agenda included the development of common performance measures for the evaluation of similar programs. Each federal agency and individual programs within those agencies are charged with developing instructions to the field about how these common measures will be incorporated into their unique reporting requirements, and there are various time lines in place for launching the common measures. The first agency to do so was the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) at the U.S. Department of Labor. The common measures for adult and youth programs are indicated in Table 3.1:

TABLE 3. 1: Employment And Training Common Measures

• Entered employment
• Average earnings
• Employment retention

• Placement in employment or education
• Literacy and numeracy gains for out-of-school youth
• Attainment of degree or certificate

The youth measure that is most commonly provided through an individual assessment in workforce settings is the gain in literacy and numeracy skills (for those who are deficient in basic skills). In order to achieve a positive outcome on this measure, youth will have to increase one or more educational functioning levels (EFLs) as measured in pre- and post-tests for adult basic education or English as a second language. The U.S. Department of Education requires that these assessments are cross-walked, or explicitly linked, to the EFLs. Currently cross-walked instruments include CASAS, TABE, ABLE, WorkKeys, and BEST. (See the Directory of Published Tests at the end of this chapter for a description of these tests.)

For more information on the common performance measures, refer to the Department of Labor's Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No.17-05 (February 17, 2006) ( corr_doc.cfm?DOCN=2195). The TEGL contains a list of the programs subject to the common measures, definitions of key terms, explanations of the common measures, and descriptions of the educational functional levels.

Because youth with disabilities are expected to achieve the same gains as other students, it is critically important that appropriate assessment accommodations are provided for these students in order to ensure they can accurately demonstrate their knowledge. Many youth and youth service practitioners are unaware of the accommodations available for any given assessment instrument. Determining appropriate accommodations may require both contact with the test publisher and contact with government officials.

The TEGL also lists EFLs for individuals in English as a Second Language programs. These programs, besides using the assessments mentioned above, many incorporate Student Performance Levels (SPLs), which are descriptions of English language proficiency levels for adult non-native speakers of English. SPLs describe how an individual performs in three areas: speaking and listening, reading and writing, and functional and workplace literacy. For more information on SPLs, go to the Center for Adult English Language Acquisition at

Meeting An Individual's Assessment Needs

Many young people leave high school uncertain of their interests and abilities and unprepared to choose or pursue a career. Effective career planning and assessment for transition-age youth allows them to consider multiple options, act with self-advocacy, bridge academic and career plans, and equip themselves with critical information (Borgen & Amundsen, 1995).

In order to help youth become skilled at making informed choices and acting on them, the programs that serve them should have career planning activities and assessment procedures in place, and these should be readily accessible upon entrance to the program. Often there is one person in a program or agency who coordinates youth services and activities-a teacher, counselor, social worker, or staff person in a youth-serving program. This transition resource professional often will be responsible for setting up meetings to help the young person formulate education, training, or employment plans. He or she will follow up with the youth to develop written objectives and work with other entities to ensure that appropriate records and assessment data are available. To help a young person with disabilities to develop a comprehensive plan, the transition resource professional must understand the various community transition systems, including those providing medical, mental health, financial, and independent living resources. In addition, because each youth comes to the assessment process with a unique set of issues and needs, transition resource professionals have the challenging task of understanding an individual's background and the implications for transition plans. This information can be collected through interviews, observations, and records. Psychological and medical history records may or may not be part of the process at this point, depending on individual circumstances.

To be useful, records containing background information, prior interviews and observations, histories, and testing must be up-to-date. Whether or not prior assessment results are considered current can often be determined from publishers' materials or through consultation with an assessment professional. If an individual's situation has recently changed (because of schooling, training, onset of a disability, therapy, treatment, etc.), new assessments may be needed. Records should be reviewed with an eye to assessing their value in supporting a youth's future academic or career planning needs. If outdated or lacking validity, records may inappropriately limit a young person's options.

Careful consideration should be given to whether formal assessments using published tests are needed only after completing thorough interviews, observations, and a review of records.

Choosing Published Tests And Assessments

Compiling sufficient data for career planning may require the use of commercially prepared and published tests. These assessments must be chosen with the ultimate goal of helping the individual -this includes considering the effects of the individual's disability on the results of the testing process.

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing tests and assessments. The ideal assessment instrument is (a) reliable, (b) fair, (c) valid, (d) cost-effective, (e) of appropriate length, (f) well-matched to the qualifications of the test administrator, (g) easy to administer, (h) able to provide easy-to-understand results, and (i) appropriate for the individual's needs. Balancing these factors can be difficult. Each of these factors is discussed in detail below.

1. Reliability. A reliable test provides consistent results over time; in other words, students with the same reading level who take a reading test would have very similar if not identical scores on the test regardless of when they take it, assuming their reading levels did not change over time. Publishers' Web sites or test manuals often cite research establishing the reliability of test instruments. If no information is provided about test reliability, the test should be used with caution and should not be used as the only source of information for making important decisions about the youth tested.

2. Fairness. Fair tests are free from bias and conform to recognized test administration standards and ethics. For example, standardized tests must be administered exactly according to the directions with only specified accommodations permitted. Cultural and linguistic differences can affect the fairness of a test. For example, children from rural areas might have difficulty with a reading comprehension test based on a passage describing a subway trip. Immigrant youth from El Salvador may not understand questions in a career interest inventory if they are written in Mexican Spanish.

Fairness can also be affected by the test-taker's familiarity with testing processes. For example, people who have never used "bubble" answer sheets may become so confused by the process that their scores are affected. Other factors may include fluency in the language in which the test is given, familiarity with the test administration mode (computer, pencil and paper), and prior experiences or cultural familiarity with tests. Practice sessions can be useful to help with these issues. Test administrators should also observe youth as they mark answers to see if they have difficulty with the answer sheets. For more information on construction and characteristics of various tests, see Kapes and Whitfield (2002).

Exhibit 4.2 in Chapter Four is a sample of a fair testing practices code that reflects accepted practices in education.

3. Validity. Validity is "the extent to which a test measures what its authors or users claim it measures; specifically, test validity concerns the appropriateness of the inferences that can be made on the basis of test results" (Salvia & Ysseldyke, 2004, p. 693). If a test is valid for one group or population, it may not be valid for another group. For example, if a test of mathematical reasoning is based on a tenth grade reading level, a low score for a test-taker with a sixth grade reading level may reflect either the test-taker's reading level or mathematical reasoning ability. Care should be taken when testing youth with disabilities and when selecting accommodations so as not to affect validity.

4. Cost. Cost can sometimes be a deciding factor in selecting tests. Published assessment instruments have a wide range of costs; higher priced tests are not necessarily better, and care should be taken to choose appropriate instruments for the task at hand.

There are a variety of factors to be considered in determining cost-effectiveness. Some inexpensive tests are very useful, valuable, and can be used with a wide variety of individuals, while some very expensive tests have limited usefulness. Many Internet sites now offer free tests that can be used for career planning, but evidence of their reliability and validity may be lacking, and they often do not provide interpretation or research to support the instrument.

The publishers of paper and pencil tests usually charge for manuals or administration materials, as well as for individual tests, answer sheets, and scoring services (either by computer, by mail, or over the Internet). Tests that assess work skills or manual dexterity may employ customized equipment that can be used over and over, but the original cost can be quite high. When start-up costs are involved, it is important to determine how often the test will be used in an organization and whether collaborating with other organizations to share the costs is an option that ought to be explored.

Exhibit 3.1 includes pricing information for selected instruments. All publishers of these tests have Web sites that explain in greater detail how their products are sold. Some test publishers will provide an examination kit for minimal cost for personnel to determine if they want to use the instrument. Many publishers have several versions of tests and offer pricing based on quantity, scoring methods, and whether or not administration materials are already owned by those administering the tests.

5. Time Needed to Administer and Score. Publishers usually have explicit instructions for timing certain tests but often will include provisions for additional time for individuals with specific disabilities such as learning disabilities or visual impairments. For some young people, tests that take a long time can lead to anxiety that may make scores less valid than those based on shorter tests. For other youth, fatigue becomes a factor. Care should be taken to select tests whose validity for an individual is not likely to be affected by such variables, especially when comparing individual test scores to norm groups. Scoring of tests has generally become more efficient, with computerized and Internet scoring now widely available. Scoring that provides results immediately can be very useful in many situations. For tests that are administered and scored by consultants (such as psychologists or work evaluators), time should be scheduled to review the results with the young person as soon as possible after the test is completed.

6. Qualifications of the Test Administrator. Tests vary in the level of expertise and training needed by those who administer or score individual tests. Therefore, publishers usually indicate these qualifications on the test materials or in their marketing materials-and may require documentation of expertise prior to purchase of tests. Doctoral or masters' degrees, special coursework, or specific experience may be required. Administration or scoring of tests by unqualified personnel is a serious ethical violation and may also result in invalid or misleading test results.

7. Ease of Use. Tests should be as easy to take and to administer as possible. Scores can be adversely affected if the test-taker or the test administrator does not understand the directions. Complex answer sheets can be difficult to use and to score. (Many test-takers have gotten half-way through a bubble answer sheet-or farther-only to discover that they have been filling in the bubbles on the wrong line or in the wrong section.) Young people who have limited experience taking tests may waste precious test time concentrating on the process rather than the content of the test. For some assessments, it is acceptable to take practice tests prior to official test administration. If practice sections are not provided, consider other ways to simulate testing activities prior to actual testing.

8. Reporting Format. Test results should be reported in a useful, easy-to-understand format. Scores, interpretive data, diagnoses, and recommendations should be clearly expressed and understandable. Reports should be available to the young person and/or family members in written form for future reference. Unfamiliar terms should be defined. If tests are administered by consultants, the consultant should be available to answer questions or provide further insight by phone, mail, or in person as part of the reporting process. Sometimes personnel can use a test to gain critical information without using it in a standardized way or comparing scores to norms. This should be noted when results are reported.

9. Appropriateness. In addition to considering the eight factors above, appropriateness of the test or assessment content should be considered, i.e., the test should be matched to the individual's cognitive functioning level, reading ability, math ability, and level of career development. For example, tests requiring an eighth grade reading level should not be administered to someone who reads at a third or fourth grade level. The uniqueness of vocabulary words should also be considered. For example, students may not understand certain questions about careers unless they have had some degree of career awareness and exploration in their past. They may be unfamiliar with the vocabulary or may not have been exposed to certain careers. If such career assessments are administered-inappropriately-the results produced may be invalid.

Using Formal Testing Instruments In Assessment

In addition to having criteria for assessing quality in tests, youth service practitioners must choose tests that fulfill the specific needs of the individual. After reviewing available records and conducting informal interviews, planning should determine some short-term, and possibly longer-term, goals. Eligibility assessment can be conducted at this point along with diagnostic or achievement testing to determine where an individual may belong in classes or in training programs. Here, more formal assessments may be used to answer some questions. For the purposes of this guide, formal assessments are defined as published instruments with specified administration procedures.

Formal testing is used to assess seven areas related to career planning:

• Academic Performance or Achievement • Cognitive Abilities • Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Issues • Vocational Interests • Vocational Aptitudes • Certification of Occupational Competencies • Physical and Functional Capacities

Individual youth may need assessment in a few or several of these areas. Older youth with established academic credentials or clear vocational goals may not need extensive testing to measure achievement or uncover vocational interests. Others may have complicated situations requiring an extended process of supported planning and implementation. In more complex cases, it is good practice to have written plans with objectives and timelines that formalize the activities, make all participants aware of the process, and hold everyone accountable. Deciding which formal tests should be administered and in what order is part of this process. Plans can be amended and updated depending on testing outcomes, and the youth's input should be considered as much as possible.

Appropriate Use of Published Assessment Instruments Assessment instruments are used to help determine a person's specific abilities, strengths, and challenges. The results of assessments should not be used merely to categorize a young person but rather as tools to develop strategies to help him or her reach desired goals. Assessments also help identify areas to probe in order to understand an individual's potential strengths and functional abilities in educational or community settings.

When test results indicate a need or potential limitation, logical next steps may include reviewing additional school records, talking further with the young person and his or her family to obtain additional information, or consulting with a professional. This information-gathering process may lead to referral to an appropriate agency for additional testing or services.

Educational Domain - Academic Performance Or Achievement Testing

Purposes of Assessment in Academic Planning Academic testing is used primarily by educational institutions to determine eligibility for special services, to aid student placement and instruction, and to support accountability efforts. The goal of assessment in academic planning is to identify the academic skills, preferences, learning styles, cognitive abilities, and educational challenges of individual youth. Specifically, these activities should

• promote the individualized learning and growth of every youth; • identify cognitive skills and learning challenges of youth; • identify helpful or essential remedial educational strategies; • identify secondary and postsecondary academic accommodations and supports needed by youth to enhance learning; • examine potential academic and career pathways for youth; • increase knowledge about a youth's preferred learning styles • develop plans to increase a youth's vocational skills or employment success; and • identify (for youth with disabilities) critical learning objectives for individualized service plans including Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Individualized Plans for Employment (IPE), or Individualized Service Plans (ISPs).

Academic Teacher-Made Testing Academic teacher-made testing is generally non-standardized performance review that individual teachers and others use to assess progress in a specific subject area. These tests are given at the end of curriculum units or academic terms and are often written and graded by the teacher. These are the tests on which grades are based, and they can lead to screening or further assessment for special education services for students who consistently perform at levels below the norm. These tests are also used in adult or postsecondary programs. Academic testing can be informal in nature, particularly if observation, interviews, and record reviews indicate such a need. Objective measures should take precedence over subjective measures to eliminate bias as much as possible.

Achievement Testing: Standardized Norm-Referenced or Curriculum-Based Educational achievement tests are used by virtually all public schools in the United States to measure what a student has learned from an academic curriculum. An achievement test can measure a targeted academic skill or ability, such as reading comprehension, or can measure skills across several key areas of an educational curriculum, such as reading, math, writing, spelling, and science.

Most achievement tests in use today are either standardized norm-referenced or curriculum-based assessment tools. Standardized norm-referenced achievement tests allow educators and others to compare the academic performance of an individual youth with national averages based on established norms of expectancy. Tests, such as the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (K-TEA), Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT), Stanford 10, Test of Written Language (TOWL), Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT), or Woodcock-Johnson III, enable youth service practitioners to measure the academic achievement of a youth in comparison with peers of the same age or grade level. Note that special training may be required to administer many of these tests.

In a similar way, the widely used Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) are norm-referenced tests for adult basic education students, postsecondary vocational-technical students, adult and juvenile offenders, and college students. The TABE tests measure achievement of basic skills in language, reading, and mathematical abilities.

Achievement tests can help to measure the size and scope of challenges associated with a youth's academic learning and future postsecondary choices. When, for example, a youth's achievement test score is significantly below the performance of a peer group, it may indicate that special education, academic tutoring, or other support services will be needed. Finally, achievement tests can offer information leading to different teaching methods or learner accommodations to support the achievement of long-term career development goals.

Curriculum-based assessments measure the learning performance of a youth using the content from an existing instructional curriculum. These assessments are often constructed by the curriculum or textbook publishers and do not have widespread recognition outside of classroom settings. In a curriculum-based assessment, performance expectations are aligned with activities and objectives from a specific academic curriculum. Curriculum-based assessment provides insight into a youth's learning or mastery of skills within specific academic disciplines. These assessments are often used as alternatives to standardized tests because they assess exactly what has been taught in the classroom with the instructional curricula used by a school or youth development program. These assessment strategies enable educators and others to analyze an individual's performance and refine instruction based on the results. Because of their flexible nature, curriculum-based assessments are often helpful in establishing IEP learner objectives. They also help educators assess whether a school's curriculum has been effectively taught.

General Educational Development (GED) Testing The General Educational Development (GED) test is an achievement test and exit examination administered to more 800,000 people worldwide each year. The test questions are based upon periodic analysis of high school graduation requirements established by the states. Thus as high school graduation requirements increase, GED requirements also increase. The GED measures the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) of people tested in comparison to students who graduate with a traditional high school diploma. The GED measures performance in five academic areas: writing, social studies, science, literature/arts, and mathematics. Successful completion of the test is considered by many employers as equivalent to a high school diploma, although others may view it as less valuable.

Because the GED is also recognized by many postsecondary education and training institutions, successfully completing the GED is an important step for youth who are high school dropouts. This is especially true for young people who are considering applying to local community colleges, vocational-technical training programs, four-year colleges and universities, or the Armed Forces. For this reason, education and youth programs that offer career development services to high school dropouts need to maintain formal linkages with GED programs.

ACT Assessment (ACT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) The ACT (formerly the American College Test) and the SAT (formerly the Scholastic Aptitude Test) are separate standardized college entrance exams used by many college admissions counselors to judge applicants by a common standard of measurement. College admissions counselors use the ACT and SAT to predict academic performance of a prospective student in the first year of college and as screening tools for college admission and eligibility for scholarships. By design, the ACT and SAT provide an assessment independent of high school grading systems. The ACT and SAT measure a student's abilities pertaining to reading comprehension, English proficiency, science reasoning, and mathematics.

An individual's ACT or SAT score often provides a basis for advising a student about applying to various universities and colleges. Also, it provides a foundation for anticipating future challenges and the types of academic support that may be needed to succeed in a postsecondary education program. For a variety of reasons, many youth do not 'test well' or perform well on standardized tests; thus student advisors should take into account additional aspects of performance such as grades, other achievements, and talents.

English as a Second Language (ESL) or English Language Learners (ELL) Proficiency Testing Many education and youth development programs struggle to develop access to reliable academic and vocational assessment procedures for youth with limited English proficiency (LEP). A number of testing tools have been developed to support programs serving youth with LEP. For example, the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS) is designed to assist in the assessment of LEP populations and is used in some One-Stop career centers as a tool to assess the academic skills of non-English speaking refugees, immigrants, and ethnic minorities. In addition to the CASAS, the Secondary Level English Proficiency Test (SLEP) is used by some education and youth development agencies to help assess youth and young adults with LEP. The Tests of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) are used by colleges and universities throughout the United States to determine English proficiency of students from other countries prior to acceptance. An applicant who scores poorly on the TOEFL may be required to take special English preparatory classes prior to acceptance or during his or her first year.

The testing of English proficiency skills is crucial to the career development objectives of youth with identified oral, written, and reading language barriers. These tests can enable a youth to obtain access to ESL/ELL classes, GED classes, individual tutoring, and other forms of remedial education. In addition, LEP testing can help to identify the service needs of youth who are placed in competitive employment, job training programs, or career development activities. This testing information enables youth service practitioners to assess the suitability of various career development models and guide each youth to select appropriate services.

Cultural Considerations in Assessment Many education and youth development programs are inadequately prepared to provide assessments for youth from culturally diverse backgrounds. For this reason, it is important for youth service programs to incorporate cultural diversity in the design and delivery of its youth assessment services. A cultural diversity plan should consider the following issues: (1) recruiting youth service practitioners who reflect the cultural diversity of youth populations served; (2) ensuring that professionals and hired consultants are culturally and linguistically competent; and (3) ensuring that testing instruments, strategies, and methods selected for vocational assessment purposes are valid and reliable for the youth populations served-and where they are not, that alternate assessment activities are arranged.

The administration of reading-free career interest inventories or the use of hands-on vocational assessment activities, such as situational work assessment or occupational skills assessment, can offer helpful information when evaluating the job interests, skills, and behaviors of youth with LEP. These vocational assessment strategies reduce the relative importance of English language skills and enable a youth to participate in a vocational assessment through direct, hands-on experiences.

Educational/Psychological Domains-Cognitive Abilities Testing

The cognitive abilities and preferred learning styles of youth are important factors in transition planning. Youth service practitioners need accurate information about a youth's intellectual or cognitive abilities in order to offer appropriate vocational guidance. This information is often fundamental to the selection of suitable postsecondary options including education, training, or employment pathways. When a youth's school and agency service records are unavailable or inadequate to address these questions, youth service practitioners can recommend the use of intelligence testing and other assessment tools to gather needed career planning information.

Intelligence or IQ Testing Intelligence testing is the measurement of an individual's general cognitive ability to function within various community settings. The results of intelligence tests are normally reported in the form of standardized scores called an "intelligence quotient" or IQ.

Despite some historical controversy in educational assessment, IQ testing remains a core policy provision of IDEA for youth with disabilities who receive special education services. The IQ score continues to be used as a standard in public education to measure a youth's cognitive abilities and determine eligibility for special education and other remedial services. Intelligence testing is commonly used by secondary education and youth development programs to document the presence of mental retardation, some learning disabilities, and cognitive dysfunction. This diagnostic information is also necessary to determine disability eligibility and to enable access to many adult service programs for transition-age youth and young adults. Intelligence testing can only be administered and interpreted by licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychometrists who have the proper training and qualifications. Thus, youth programs should maintain a directory of qualified professionals to whom they may make referrals.

The IQ test-in combination with other assessment strategies such as achievement, aptitude, and classroom testing-is a valuable tool contributing to the development of a youth's IEP. IQ tests may be helpful to youth service practitioners in planning educational objectives, teaching and learning strategies, and accommodations that may be needed by youth to succeed in various secondary and postsecondary career development programs-but IQ test scores should never be the sole criterion used to make decisions.

The most widely used IQ tests are the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), and Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities. Each IQ test is unique, but all assess an individual's intellectual functioning by using various standardized scales or subtests. An IQ test measures a range of cognitive and intellectual functions such as verbal ability, critical reasoning ability, cognitive processing speed, knowledge comprehension, short-term memory, long-term retrieval, visual-spatial thinking, auditory processing, and creative problem-solving (Flexer, Simmons, Luft, & Baer, 2001).

It is essential for youth service practitioners to understand the meaning, uses, and limitations of IQ scores, and it is important to pay attention to overall IQ scores as well as the range of subtest scores. These may indicate specific problems in some cognitive areas or superior skills in others. By design, modern IQ tests provide an objective framework for identifying intellectual gifts and challenges. When an individual's IQ performance scores are significantly below the norm for peers, or when there is inconsistency among subtest scales, this is an indication that special education, academic tutoring, or remedial education may be helpful. When used properly, IQ tests offer a way to identify and better understand the learning and support needs of youth with disabilities. They should never be used as entrance criteria or as screening for access to services.

Some Web sites offer free online tests that purport to measure intelligence. Because IQ tests must be administered only by qualified professionals, these online tests should not be used by youth service practitioners.

Neuropsychological Testing Neuropsychological testing is used to examine brain function and identify cognitive disorders. The purpose of these tests is to diagnose localized organic dysfunction and to help determine rehabilitative treatment that may be needed by individuals with brain injuries and related cognitive disabilities. For example, a youth with a brain injury may have cognitive dysfunction that results in the loss of memory, uncontrolled emotions, changes in physical capacities, or loss of communication abilities. All of these factors can directly impact a youth's academic, vocational, or employment success unless alleviated through rehabilitation and related services.

Neuropsychological testing is sometimes used to support educational and career planning for youth with diagnosed or undiscovered brain injuries. These highly specialized testing procedures can only be administered and interpreted by trained neuropsychologists and physicians. Reports can be made available to others with appropriate releases of information. It may be helpful to have the person who performed the assessment attend planning meetings if possible.

Testing for Learning Disabilities Psychological testing services are crucial to the formal diagnostic assessment of cognitive and intellectual disabilities. Tests such as the Diagnostic Assessment of Reading with Trial Teaching Strategies (DARTTS), Dyslexia Screening Instrument, Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory, Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revised Normative Update (PIAT-RNU), Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III (PPVT-III), Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children (WISC), Woodcock Diagnostic Reading Battery, and the Woodcock-Johnson III Complete Battery (Tests of Achievement & Tests of Cognitive Abilities) are used to measure cognitive impairment, intellectual reasoning deficits, and other learning difficulties that may hinder present and future career development activities. Generally, only qualified psychologists or psychometrists should administer these tests.

The formal measurement of learning challenges and the identification of remedial strategies to enhance career development are vitally important skill sets for youth service practitioners. This is especially true for programs serving youth with developmental disabilities, mental retardation, learning disabilities, and other cognitive disorders. The presence of a cognitive or intellectual disability often requires specific academic accommodations to enhance participation in a postsecondary education or job training program.

Psychological Domain-Behavioral, Social, And Emotional Testing

Assessing Mental Health, Chemical Health, and Behavior Manifestations of asocial, antisocial, self-injurious, age-inappropriate, or socially-inappropriate behaviors often limit job placement and other career opportunities for youth. The complexities associated with mental health, chemical health, and behavior management in the community often appear too risky, overwhelming, or costly to tackle. For example, secondary education students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) or emotional disturbances (ED) are often wrongfully restricted from participating in community-based employment or job training activities in order to protect themselves as well as others. Other youth, including high school dropouts, substance abusers, or adjudicated youth, may also exhibit challenging patterns of social dependency, immaturity, instability, or impulsive behaviors.

A fundamental issue facing education and youth development agencies is the need to develop programs that fully engage youth who have mental health, chemical health, and behavioral issues. This means creating opportunities for youth to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities and to increase independence and self-sufficiency, yet retain proper safeguards to protect both the youth and others. Although this challenge is formidable, it is within the reach of education and youth development providers. If a youth's behavior impedes her performance and proves too challenging for the program, appropriate referral should be made to an alternative service program, such as vocational rehabilitation.

Programs are more successful if these youth have well-designed program plans that feature customized job placement goals, high attention to environmental conditions, structured supervision, and engagement of responsive behavior management plans that reward a youth's productivity and socially-acceptable behaviors. The development of customized job placement plans is best undertaken after conducting a formal assessment of a youth's problem behaviors. Mental health, chemical health, or behavioral diagnostic assessments can help to identify the possible causes (etiology), conditions under which the target behaviors occur (antecedents), and possible approaches that may be effective in reducing or minimizing the effects of the unwanted behaviors.

Behavioral Testing and Assessment A valid vocational profile for youth with ED, EBD, mental illness, or other conditions (such as autism or mental retardation) must include relevant information about their behavior in education, work, and community settings and how or if their medications may affect their work performance. Behavioral assessments may be more casual and gathered through informal processes, such as community-based assessments, using rating scales or pre-service assessment interviews with youth, educators, and family members. However, a formal, structured approach may be the most appropriate strategy for those who have serious and challenging behaviors. This is especially true for youth with histories of violence and socially aggressive or self-injurious behaviors.

Standardized behavioral testing instruments are available to assist youth service practitioners in the measurement of problem behaviors. These testing tools include the Behavior Rating Profile-2 (BRP-2), Behavioral Assessment System for Children (BASC), Conners Rating Scales-Revised (CRS-R), and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS). These instruments can help to assess behavior in a number of core areas such as communications, daily living skills, socialization, and motor skills. Some behavioral assessment instruments such as the BASC can help identify students with a variety of maladaptive behaviors such as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or Adolescent Adjustment Disorder. Frequently, vocational evaluators, teachers, or work experience coordinators develop behavior observation forms that are aligned with educational, career technology or work programs.

The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-Fourth Edition (2002), known as the DSM-IV, is also a valuable resource for educators, behavior analysts, psychologists, and other youth professionals who assist in the assessment and clinical diagnosis of mental illness or behavioral disabilities. The DSM-IV aids in the behavioral diagnostic testing of youth by identifying maladaptive, aggressive, destructive, or other socially inappropriate behavior patterns. With these behaviors, screening skills can be very useful in trying to determine if and when assessment and intervention by psychologists or other is indicated.

Many education and youth development programs use interviews or custom-designed questionnaires in assessing youth suspected of having EBD or SED. These questionnaires can offer helpful insights about the possible etiology and future treatment needs of a youth with challenging behaviors. This information may be useful in developing effective behavior modification and intervention programs.

Addressing the maladaptive or socially disruptive behaviors of youth will often require the expertise of a trained behavior analyst, clinical psychologist, or psychiatrist. The implementation of effective behavior management plans can enable these youth to participate in appropriate career development opportunities. An effective assessment should address the origins and antecedents of the behaviors, as well as any ecological factors that tend to trigger them. A sound assessment will also examine potential medical reasons for unusual or unwelcome social behaviors. Finally, a good behavioral assessment should lead to ideas for treatment and intervention to help shape more socially acceptable behaviors and enhance opportunities for participation in community settings.

Mental Health Diagnostic Testing Since many education and youth development programs serve individuals with SED, EBD, and serious mental illnesses (SMI), youth service practitioners should understand the role of mental health diagnostic testing in facilitating a successful transition to adult mental health services. As previously discussed, the use of disability screening techniques can help identify symptoms of mental illness or emotional disturbance that are contributing to a youth's socially inappropriate behaviors. The goal of mental health diagnostic testing is to determine the presence, nature, and severity of a psychiatric, emotional, or behavioral disability. The information provided by mental health testing can be particularly helpful to those working to support youth who are experiencing serious psychiatric symptoms such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, or borderline personality disorder.

It is important to recognize and understand fundamental differences in mental health diagnostic testing procedures for children and adults. This is important for eligibility as well as therapeutic reasons. Unfortunately, local educational agencies and adult mental health systems do not use uniform testing procedures or nomenclature to define the presence of a disability. Students with EBD, for example, are rarely diagnosed with mental illness while in secondary education programs, possibly due to social stigma as well as difficulties in distinguishing adult psychiatric illness from the acute emotional turbulence that is common during adolescence. However, students with ED often do experience persistent mental health symptoms that are similar to psychiatric illness in adults.

An accurate clinical diagnosis is crucial to obtaining effective mental health treatment. This diagnosis will often determine a youth's eligibility for adult mental health services such as community support programs. They may include access to adult mental health case management services, supported employment, customized employment, independent living, residential, and other psychosocial programs that many youth with psychiatric disabilities need to achieve stable community living.

Medications and maintaining a consistent regimen can be critical to work behavior and performance. It is necessary to work in concert with the youth, family members, and medical/psychiatric personnel to monitor medication usage and/or the need to alter medications. For example, a youth experiencing fatigue or lethargy on a new medication should be reported and monitored closely.

Chemical Health Diagnostic Testing It is common for troubled youth to turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to escape reality or defy authority. It is very challenging and often impossible to launch successful career education or job placement plans for youth who are actively abusing chemicals. For this reason, it is important for youth development professionals to be aware of any unusual changes in a youth's behavior that may be symptomatic of alcohol or illegal drug abuse. Sudden changes in mood or appetite, chronic absenteeism or tardiness, thought disorientation, or unusual physical symptoms may indicate a need for drug and alcohol screening. Referrals to inpatient or outpatient chemical health programs are often critical to the career development of youth with substance abuse problems. Proper diagnostic assessment and treatment of substance abuse must be managed by qualified alcohol and drug abuse treatment professionals.

Vocational Domain-Interests, Aptitudes, Skills, And Certification Testing

Purposes of Assessment in Work and Career Planning One of the greatest challenges facing youth service practitioners is helping youth match interests, values, and abilities to suitable jobs, occupations, and career opportunities. Given their limited employment and life experiences, many youth need guidance to identify their vocational interests. Additionally, youth often have a limited understanding of the marketplace and the qualifications needed in their areas of interest. The ability of youth to benefit from work experiences, training, or employment opportunities depends largely on their interest in these activities.

Neubert (1985) and Leconte (1986) have identified seven major uses of informal and formal work and career assessment data: • Determination of career development: To find out where the student stands in terms of career awareness, orientation, exploration, preparation, placement, or growth/maintenance. • Measurement: To identify abilities, interests, capabilities, strengths, needs, potentials, and behaviors within the areas of personal/social, functional/academic, community/independent, employment, and employability. • Prediction: To match an individual's interests and abilities with appropriate training, community employment, or postsecondary training. • Prescription: To identify strengths and needs, and to recommend types of adaptive techniques and/or remedial strategies that will lead to improved career preparation and development. • Exploration: To try out different work-related tasks or activities and to determine how interests match abilities for work-based experiences, community jobs, postsecondary, or other adult activities. • Intervention: To implement the techniques or remedial strategies that will help a student explore career or work options. • Advocacy: To develop a career profile to help students, their families, and others identify concrete ways to assist students in achieving their goals.

Interest Testing A variety of assessment inventories and tools are available to assist youth in recognizing their predominant interests and preferences. When used properly, these surveys can help youth understand how their interests have direct application to making good academic and career choices. Most career interest inventories are designed to assist youth (and adults) to identify and better understand their interests and connect them to specific job fields or occupational clusters. Interest testing can provide youth with a starting point to further study a range of job possibilities.

Some of the more common interest tests sold commercially include the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS), Career Exploration Inventory (CEI), COPSystem Interest Inventory Form R (COPS-R), and the Harrington-O'Shea Career Decision-Making System (CDM-R). The Pictorial Inventory of Careers DV-2000 (PIC) and the Reading Free Vocational Interest Inventory 2 offer "reading-free" interest testing for youth who lack reading or English literacy skills.

A majority of interest inventories are surveys of self-reported interests and skills. When selecting interest inventories for youth, it is important to examine the test manuals to ensure the chosen test is appropriate for the age and grade level of the youth being assessed. It is also helpful to review the survey to determine the skills needed to take it, such as reading ability.

Computer software programs are being developed by both commercial and public service agencies to help match an individual's career interests and KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) with specific careers or employment fields. These computer software programs can be helpful in a number of ways. First, electronic software programs can help to identify KSA clusters that are relevant to a spectrum of jobs and occupational fields. Secondly, these products enable youth service practitioners to quickly match a youth's career interests and KSAs with a range of possibilities under consideration by a youth and his or her advisors.

There are a number of high profile job search Web sites that offer career matching software programs for job seekers and employers alike. Some commercial companies such as Monster Board (http://www., HotJobs ( or Career Builder ( offer useful job search tools. Career interest and job match software programs are sponsored in the public domain by federal agencies including the Department of Labor (DOL). For example, DOL's Career One-Stop (, Career Voyages (, CareerInfoNet (, America's Job Bank (, and Employer Assistance and Referral Network ( are useful sites with many assessment tools used by career advisors serving youth throughout the United States. Finally, many state job service agencies, universities and colleges, and One-Stop workforce centers administer career interest and customized job match programs in the public domain to help job seekers, employers, and career counselors find current information about labor markets, economic trends, and emerging workforce issues.

Assessing Aptitudes, Work Behaviors, and Skills Although aptitudes, work behaviors, and skills are in different categories in Table 1.3, it is difficult to separate them when it comes to assessment. Formal and informal assessments can identify an individual's ability to perform specific jobs and to exhibit behaviors and habits that match the work culture. By measuring these areas with paper and pencil, audio-visual, or computer-based assessment, and by analyzing physical activity, insight can be gained regarding an individual's potential.

Aptitude Testing The ability to identify a youth's KSAs is fundamental to planning and using academic and vocational assessment information. Identifying aptitudes, or potential to learn, provides meaningful information for youth and service providers to inform future career exploration. By design, an aptitude test measures the vocational potential or capacities of an individual to succeed in future career endeavors. Specific aptitude tests, such as the APTICOM, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), and Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule (OASIS), measure an individual's aptitudes to succeed in specific areas. These may include a youth's capacities for numerical or abstract reasoning, mechanical proficiencies, form perception, verbal or language abilities, or other innate or learned talents under study.

When used with other assessment tools, aptitude testing can contribute to a more complete vocational profile and offer guidance concerning suitable secondary and postsecondary options. This is especially true in identifying career development pathways where specific academic or job strengths are known to be crucial and relevant. The use of aptitude assessment isolated from other vocational assessment information tends to screen out youth with significant disabilities. However, aptitude tests may be helpful when used as tools to identify customized job training, supports, or accommodations that may be needed by an individual to succeed in an occupation of high interest.

Keep in mind that aptitude means potential to learn. Aptitudes and skills should always be correlated with interests (and to a lesser degree, temperaments). For example, a youth may be interested in engineering but have poor academic skills and aptitudes-or another may perform poorly academically but have high interest and motivation for welding. Young people with high motivation may eventually succeed despite low reading or math achievement or aptitude scores.

Learning style preferences should also be determined in order to assist youth in understanding and articulating how they best receive or process information. A youth who is an auditory learner may not perform as well when given written instructions or assessments, and as a result his or her scores may not accurately represent his or her performance.

Situational Work Assessments Occupational skills and work behaviors can be assessed in situational work assessments and include capacities and competencies to perform essential job duties of specific competitive employment positions. For example, the measurement of a youth's keyboarding proficiency may be predictive of his abilities to succeed in a job where the duties require minimum standards of speed for data entry or word processing. Allowing a youth to try essential job functions of different jobs will help her decide if she really enjoys the work and if she has the stamina to meet work requirements.

In a similar way, situational skills assessment can be used to assess the KSAs of youth for a wide range of competitive jobs. This is accomplished by determining the core job competencies and duties required of a skilled worker and then comparing the actual performance of a youth who is being assessed. For example, a competitively employed housekeeper may be required to clean ten hotel rooms over an eight-hour work period. In this instance, the skills and productivity of a youth can be measured by comparing his capacity to clean a similar number of rooms while meeting the hotel's standards for cleanliness and job performance quality. Similarly, an assessment can be designed to assess other skills such as those needed to write a computer program used in business or manufacturing.

The outcomes of occupational skills assessment are not entirely predictive of future success in a competitive job situation but they often can lead to job skills training, apprenticeships, or internships that help youth to increase their competency and productivity. They can also lead to the development of creative, individualized job placement plans such as customized employment or "job carving"-a restructuring of job duties or tasks so that a youth with documented KSAs can successfully perform job functions of high interest. Typically, job carving is provided for people who cannot, for a variety of reasons, perform the entire job or the whole range of skills required.

In special education programs and community rehabilitation organizations, situational work assessments are also often used to study the "soft skills" needed in employment. They include an assessment of basic work behaviors and skills through practical hands-on work experiences.
Situational work assessments are often supervised by trained vocational evaluators, educators, or community rehabilitation professionals.

Situational work assessments are ideally provided in partnership with community businesses but may also be offered in settings controlled by education or youth service providers. Business settings work well because they offer a more accurate view of a youth's performance within the context of normal business rules and practices. Situational work assessments can lead to the development of baseline data and assist youth service practitioners in engaging customized job training or other work supports a youth may need to obtain a satisfactory job placement outcome.

Youth with identified behavioral disorders can benefit greatly from situational work assessments. In a work setting with appropriate supports and careful supervision, youth with behavior problems can often experience success. If work assessments are provided in local businesses, it is very important to educate employers about working with youth with disabilities. This may mean receiving permission from a youth and his or her guardians to share information with a business before it agrees to host a situational work assessment.

Wages can sometimes be an issue in work-based assessments. On-the-Job Training (OJT) or wage subsidy programs can be used on a time-limited basis to help compensate a participating business for their contributions of time and support on behalf of a youth receiving assessment services. DOL permits the use of time-limited waivers when a youth with a disability is undergoing a vocational evaluation or work assessment in partnership with a community business. More information about wage issues can be found at your state's department of labor or at the U. S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division (

Work Sampling Work samples are standardized testing instruments that are sometimes used to help assess the job potential of youth. Standardized work samples offer the qualities of testing validity and reliability because they are statistically normed to specific populations. A number of commercially available work samples, such as the VALPAR Work Samples, are sometimes used to assess a youth's vocational potential or abilities to perform in jobs within specific career fields. Following each testing procedure, the outcome performance of a youth is compared to the performance scores of target populations. The goal is to gain a better understanding of the vocational potential of a youth in comparison to his peers or other groups. Frequently for youth, commercially available work samples are used for career exploration, and norms are not used.

In addition to commercially developed products on the market, some secondary education, youth development, and community rehabilitation programs have chosen to design and use their own work samples. Custom-designed work samples enable trained vocational evaluators to measure the skills and performance of a youth with regard to specific tasks or occupations. The advantage of using custom-designed work samples is the ability to use locally developed norms to compare the job performance of the youth to peers or industry standards (i.e., other students, youth, co-workers, master craftsmen, etc). The disadvantage is the limited amount of validity and reliability data available. But most locally developed work samples have high face validity: they look like work, sound like work, and feel like work. They provide hands-on work exploration while also identifying interests, skills, aptitudes, work behaviors, and temperaments. Most youth enjoy performing work samples and get a real taste of the tools, materials, and equipment a job or training program might entail.

In recent years, there has been much criticism concerning the use of standardized work samples because of their potential for misuse in screening people with disabilities away from postsecondary and employment options. A growing number of school settings, youth development programs, and community rehabilitation programs are adopting assessment methods that are more inclusive in exploring career opportunities for youth. Although work samples may offer useful information in controlled situations, test scores should be used with great care. It is never appropriate to use only standardized testing procedures of any kind to make sweeping, predictive assumptions about a youth's ability to work in the competitive labor market.

A Word about Work Environments Ecological or environmental assessments examine a variety of factors that may contribute significantly to the success of an individual at work. These may include, but are not limited to, availability of close supervision; style of supervision (i.e., casual vs. autocratic); physical building structures and layout of the learning or working environment; flow of product or service processes; effects of formal and informal rules; social interaction demands of others (i.e., co-workers, classmates); sensory stimuli such as noise, motion, temperature, air quality, etc.; work schedules and time requirements; opportunities for independence and decision-making; performance expectations of authorities; and opportunities for self-correction. Temperaments (preference of working with data, people, or things; preference for indoor vs. outdoor work; working with people or alone) play a large role in ecological assessments.

Some environmental conditions are more likely than others to promote unwanted social behaviors. For example, classroom or business settings that produce high levels of sensory stimulation may tend to increase discomfort and anxiety in some youth. These types of environments may supply the trigger for socially unacceptable behaviors or work habits. Certain types of education and business environments may be more tolerant of nonstandard behaviors exhibited by a youth. For example, the loading dock of a trucking company may be more tolerant of a youth's use of profanity than the local community library. Or a youth with a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) may function more effectively in a warehouse that requires rapid movement, changes in job tasks, and physical stamina than in a sedentary job that requires continuous concentration.

Some companies or organizations are better than others in welcoming and mentoring new employees. However, all youth who are placed in jobs or work experiences should be prepared for the particular workplace culture they will encounter. Appropriate job matches and effective career preparation or training can help a new employee feel more comfortable and adapt to the work environment.

Certification of Occupation Specific Skills and Credentialing Employers often require certification of skills and knowledge based on industry standards for the hiring or promotion of employees. Therefore, a youth's vocational development goals may dictate the need for training leading to standardized assessments certifying skill levels or ensuring that minimum standards of proficiency have been achieved.

Skills certification testing is used for performance assessment and credentialing by postsecondary vocational technical training schools, colleges, on-the-job training programs, and other job preparation programs. Skills certification testing is also an industry and business requirement for recruiting qualified employment candidates. Procedures used for credentialing can include the administration of written or computerized examinations as well as functional skills assessments. Some require performance-based activities.

Skills standards established by industries help secondary and postsecondary education and job training programs produce better qualified candidates to meet the skilled labor needs of businesses and industries. Credentialing exams help job candidates communicate their skills to prospective employers; they also help learners identify training they will need to advance in their chosen career fields. Ultimately, the certification process helps employers build a workforce capable of meeting the highest performance standards in an increasingly competitive global economy.

Vocational/Medical Domains-Physical And Functional Capacities Testing

Assessing Work Capacities In some instances, it may be helpful to assess the muscular strength, endurance, motor coordination skills, and other physical capacities of youth with disabilities. This is particularly true for youth who are physically or medically fragile due to chronic diseases, progressive illnesses, and other health conditions that limit physical strength or motor capacities. For example, a youth's ability to manage a full-time work schedule or perform tasks that demand physical exertion, strength, or motor skills coordination is very important information for matching a student to suitable employment or career fields. This information is also critical to identifying needs for accommodations so a youth who is physically or medically fragile can handle the essential functions of a job or participate successfully in a postsecondary education program. It is important to remember that youth may eventually develop physical capacities as they grow and mature physically.

Work capacities testing can also give some indication if a particular type of work is appropriate for an individual based on age or maturity level. For example, an immature youth may not be ready to function in a job with high social demands and responsibilities such as a nursing assistant or child care aide. Or a youth who is lacking in emotional maturity may not be ready to manage the hectic pace of a typical lunch hour at a local fast-food restaurant chain.

The following assessment techniques are used to assist in identifying a youth's physical capacities.

Work Tolerance and Functional Capacities Assessment Work tolerance testing (also known as work hardening assessment) is a structured process for examining and measuring the physical endurance, strength, motor coordination skills, and emotional capacities of a worker when performing essential job tasks. These types of assessments are commonly used for people who have serious medical problems or who have had significant injuries, often job-related. The goal of work tolerance testing is to measure whether a worker can manage a regular job routine or full-time work schedule and perform essential job tasks without excessive fatigue or pain. Work tolerance testing also measures range of motion, lifting and carrying, manual dexterity, and motor coordination skills that are necessary to do a job successfully.

Work tolerance and functional capacities assessments can be conducted in formal as well as informal testing formats. A number of commercially developed testing strategies are available to assess physical capacities, and work tolerance assessments also can be conducted in real job settings in ways similar to situational work assessments. In these instances, the assessment of physical and emotional work capacities is achieved by observing and recording the job performance of youth in competitive business environments. Standardized work samples are sometimes used to measure a worker's ability to perform specific physical movements (e.g., stooping, reaching) or coordination of motor skills (e.g., hand-eye coordination).

Work tolerance testing is normally conducted by trained vocational evaluators who are skilled in these assessment methods and procedures. Job coaches, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and rehabilitation engineers are often knowledgeable about assistive technologies or accommodations that can enhance the functionality of people with physical or emotional limitations. Care must be taken to follow a physician's guidelines in order to prevent harm or additional physical or medical injury to the youth.

Motor Skills and Manual Dexterity Testing Some standardized assessment tests, such as the Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test or the Purdue Pegboard Test can measure a youth's finger dexterity, manual dexterity, or hand-eye coordination. These dexterity tests can help to measure a youth's capacities to move hands, fingers, arms (gross movement), or to control the movement and manipulation of small objects. This information may be helpful to youth with complex physical disabilities who are considering careers or job opportunities in fields that require good manual dexterity. Also, these tests can help to determine needs for assistive technology or accommodations that may enable a youth to perform the essential functions or tasks of a desired job.

Assessing Assistive Technology Needs and Making Accommodations Sometimes youth can improve their skills or behaviors through education or training so they can manage the essential functions of a desired job. And sometimes tasks can be restructured or workplaces can be modified so a youth can perform the essential functions of a desired job. Assistive technologies can also be introduced to bridge gaps in a youth's functional skills or capacities, thereby enabling him or her to perform the essential functions of a desired job.

The Rehabilitation Act of 1988 first acknowledged the rights of youth with significant disabilities to obtain assistive technology assessments in order to determine their ability to benefit from vocational rehabilitation services. According to the Act, "assistive technology means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, acquired commercially, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities." The Technology and Related Assistive Technology Act of 1988 further defined the rights of people with disabilities to access needed technologies by: "(1) identifying federal policies that facilitate payment for assistive technology devices and assistive technology services, (2) identifying federal policies that impede such payment, and (3) eliminating inappropriate barriers to such payment."

Assistive Technology Assessments The field of rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology is rapidly evolving and is contributing amazing quality of life enhancements for people with disabilities. The expertise of rehabilitation engineers and technologists, occupational therapists, vocational evaluators, and supported employment professionals may be helpful in the technology assessment needs of youth with significant disabilities. The goal is to examine how commercially made products or custom-designed technologies can be used to improve the functionality and capabilities of youth with complex physical, intellectual, or emotional disabilities.

Assistive technology assessments can offer valuable information about the functional capacities of youth and whether technology can be effectively used to ameliorate the effects of a disability. For example, assistive technology applications can include high tech equipment such as hearing devices, robotic arms, or talking computers. However, a majority of assistive technologies involve low-tech applications such as the use of Braille or lowering the height of a work table for someone in a wheelchair. Frequently, low-tech devices can solve accommodation issues.

In summary, assistive technology assessments can examine and improve a youth's opportunities for integration so he or she can (a) participate and succeed in mainstream educational programs or (b) perform the essential functions of desired jobs in the competitive labor market. The use of assistive technology in the classroom and workplace requires creative problem-solving skills and ingenuity and access to an expert.

Assessing Postsecondary Training and Workplace Accommodations Youth with disabilities often need adaptations in classrooms or worksites to accommodate or alleviate the affects of their disability. Vocational assessments can lead to practical ideas for job or training accommodations at businesses or in postsecondary training programs. Such accommodations might include modifications to a job, restructuring of tasks, use of job coaches to assist with training, use of interpreters, or alternative methods of communication. Assessing the need for accommodations often goes hand in hand with assessing assistive technology needs.

Medical and Physical Capacities Testing The use of medical diagnostic testing information is fundamental to effective career planning for youth with serious health and physical disabilities. The use and integration of medical and physical capacities information is important in determining the suitability of career development goals and any specific needs a youth may have for accommodations in education, training, or employment settings. For example, the presence of chronic diseases or progressive illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, diabetes, cancer, cystic fibrosis, or heart disease can have serious career development implications.

The use of diagnostic testing and the expert guidance of a physician or other medical specialist (e.g., a heart surgeon, oncologist, or physical therapist) is essential and can offer new information about functional or capacities limitations that may be associated with specific conditions. Medical professionals can also be instrumental in helping youth with chronic medical conditions monitor their situations and perform their own health care tasks.

Physical, Speech & Occupational Screening Some youth with disabilities may lack the physical, speech, or daily living skills they need to obtain desired academic or vocational goals. Many local education agencies and therapeutic service programs offer screening services to assist youth in identifying and measuring specific physical, speech, and functional living skills capacities. These diagnostic screening services are provided by therapists and clinicians who are trained in their respective disciplines (e.g., speech, audiology, or occupational therapies). Therapeutic screening support is often helpful to youth with some disability conditions in planning for needed supports as they pursue their postsecondary education, training, employment, and independent living goals.

Independent Living Skills (Ils) Assessments

This category of testing does not fit specifically in any domain but can be a very important piece of the assessment puzzle. By late adolescence, many youth are making plans for moving out and living on their own. Skills needed for independent living are taken for granted by many youth, but youth with disabilities may have physical or intellectual limitations that prevent them from engaging in many adult activities without supports or assistance. Assessment and instruction in these activities of daily living (ADLs) are common in schools and rehabilitation programs and are important to consider when planning for transition. ADL assessment areas include • transportation and mobility, • personal care (clothing, grooming, nutrition, medical), • recreation and leisure, • home maintenance, and • communication skills.

Specially trained teachers, instructors, and therapists can assess individuals in these and other areas. Often the service provider has a specialty area (vision loss, deafness, mental retardation, etc.) and will work with individuals in the community, in schools, or in residential settings. Other times, extensive longer-term training is required and is done in the rehabilitation centers found in many communities. This training is sometimes called pre-vocational because it may need to be completed prior to individual participation in vocational activities.


American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Borgen, W., and Amundson, N. (1995). Models of adolescent transition. Retrieved December 9, 2003, from

Flexer, R., Simmons, T., Luft, P., & Baer, R. (2001). Transition Planning for Secondary Students with Disabilities. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

Johnson, D., Sword, C., & Habhegger, B. (Eds.). (2005). Handbook for implementing a comprehensive work-based learning program according to the Fair Labor Standards Act (3rd ed.). (NCSET Essential Tools). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, Institute for Community Integration.

Kapes, J., & Whitfield, E.A. (2002). A counselor's guide to career assessment instruments (4th ed.). Tulsa, OK: National Career Development Association.

Leconte, P. (1986). Vocational assessment of special needs learners: A vocational education perspective. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Vocational Association, Atlanta, GA.

Neubert, D. (1985). Use of vocational evaluation recommendations in selected public school settings. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 9, 98-105.

Salvia, J., and Ysseldyke, J. E. (2004). Assessment in special and inclusive education (9th ed.). New York: Houghton Mifflin.

EXHIBIT 3.1 Directory Of Commonly Used Published Tests

Considerations for investigating and selecting assessments: • The publisher's Web site should always be consulted prior to using formal tests as information changes regularly. • Target groups generally refer to ages or grades of intended test takers and may include some language or disability demographics. • Norming information from the publisher establishes standardization over a specific population. Many publishers provide norming information only in technical manuals. • Qualifications needed to purchase, administer, or interpret tests are determined by the publisher. Oftentimes credentials must be established prior to purchase. If special credentials are required, tests can only be purchased by an individual (or agent) with those credentials. • Reliability and validity data are available on some Web sites and are so noted. Many publishers will only provide this information with the purchase of testing materials or technical manuals. • Many tests come in different formats or have more than one version of the same format. Care should be taken when comparing test scores that they are measuring the same things. • Costs may include manuals, equipment, consumable test booklets, answer sheets, and reporting forms. Some instruments have large up-front costs. Computerized scoring usually means higher prices. Pricing information is current as of January 21, 2004. Generally, the cost of kits is for 25 individuals. Additional score sheets or test booklets are extra. • If assessments are available on computer CDs or disks, note that the costs will be higher. • The information included in the directory comes from text found on publishers' Web sites. • Tests are listed in alphabetical order. • Blank cells in the table indicate that information was not available on the publisher's Web site. • For a more complete description of many of the tests listed here, see Kapes and Whitfield, A Counselor's Guide to Career Assessment Instruments, 4th edition, found in the reference list for this chapter.

Categories/Domains of Published Tests

Academic Performance or Achievement
Adult Basic Learning Examination-Second Edition (ABLE)
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Basic English Skills Test (BEST)
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS)
DISCOVER Assessment--- Discovering Intellectual Strengths and Capabilities while Observing Varied Ethnic Responses
General Educational Development Tests (GED)
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-Normative Update (K-TEA-NU)
Key Math-Revised-Normative Update (Key Math-R-NU)
Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revised Normative Update (PIAT-RNU)
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III (PPVT-III)
Secondary Level English Proficiency Test (SLEP)
Stanford Achievement Test Series (StanfordÐ10)
Stanford Diagnostic Math 4
Stanford Diagnostic Reading 4
Terra Nova
Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
Tests of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Test of Written Language (TOWL-3)
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAISÐIII)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC III)
Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT-3)
Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST)
Woodcock Diagnostic Reading Battery
Woodcock-Johnson III Complete Battery (Tests of Achievement & Tests of Cognitive Abilities)
Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery-Revised (WLP-R)
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-RNU)
Work Keys

Cognitive abilities
Conners' Rating Scales-Revised (CRS-R) and Conners' Adult AD/HD Ratings Scales (CAARS) Diagnostic Assessment of Reading with Trial Teaching Strategies (DARTTS)
DISCOVER Assessment--- Discovering Intellectual Strengths and Capabilities while Observing Varied Ethnic Responses
Dyslexia Screening Instrument
Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory
Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revised Normative Update (PIAT-RNU)
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III (PPVT-III)
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB5)
Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAISÐIII)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC III)
Woodcock Diagnostic Reading Battery
Woodcock-Johnson III Complete Battery (Tests of Achievement & Tests of Cognitive Abilities)
Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery-Revised (WLP-R)
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-RNU)

Behavioral, Social, Emotional
NOTE: Many tests used to assess behavioral, social, and emotional factors are not commonly published but are used primarily in clinical settings by psychologists and physicians.

Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment
Ansell-Casey Life Skills (ACLSA)
Behavior Evaluation Scale-Third Edition (BES-3)
Behavior Rating Profile-2 (BRP-2)
Behavioral Assessment System for Children (BASC)
Brigance Life Skills/Employability Skills Inventories
Conduct Disorder Scale (CDS)
Conners' Rating Scales-Revised (CRS-R) and Conners' Adult AD/HD Ratings Scales (CAARS)
Devereux Behavior Rating Scale-School Form (DBRS)-(Child and Adolescent Versions) Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument (MAYSI 2)
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD)
Transition Planning Inventory (TPI)
Type Focus Personality Type Profile
The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS)

Vocational interests and values
Ansir's 3 Sides of You Self-Perception Profiling System
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS)
Career Exploration Inventory
Career Focus 2000 Interest Inventory (CF2II)
Careerlink Inventory
The Career Key
CareerScope Career Assessment and Reporting System
COPSystem Picture Inventory of Careers (COPS-PIC)
Harrington-O'Shea Career Decision-Making System (CDM)
Kuder Career Planning System
Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule (OASIS)
O*NET Career Exploration Tools
Pictorial Inventory of Careers (PIC)
Reading Free Vocational Interest Inventory 2 (RFVII 2)
Self-Directed Search Form E
Type Focus Personality Type Profile
Voc-Ties and Career Development Plan
Vocational Exploration and Insight Kit (VEIK)
Vocational Implications of Personality (VIP)

Job aptitudes and skills
Ansir's 3 Sides of You Self-Perception Profiling System
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Bennett Hand Tool Dexterity Test
Brigance Life Skills/Employability Skills Inventories
The Career Key
CareerScope Career Assessment and Reporting System
Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test
Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule (OASIS)
Personnel Test for Industry-Oral Directions Test (PTI)
Purdue Pegboard Test
Talent Assessment Program
Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
VALPAR Work Samples
Work Keys

Work behaviors
Brigance Life Skills/Employability Skills Inventories
The Career Key
Personnel Test for Industry-Oral Directions Test (PTI)

Physical and functional capacities
NOTE: Many tests used to measure physical and functional capacities are not commonly published but are used primarily in clinical settings by physicians and therapists (occupational, physical, speech and language, etc.).

Ansell-Casey Life Skills (ACLSA)
Purdue Pegboard Test
Talent Assessment Program
Transition Planning Inventory (TPI)
VALPAR Work Samples

Selected Subdomains

Assessment for learning disabilities
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS)
Conners' Rating Scales-Revised (CRS-R), Conners' Adult AD/HD Ratings Scales (CAARS)
Diagnostic Assessment of Reading with Trial Teaching Strategies (DARTTS)
Dyslexia Screening Instrument
Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory
Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revised Normative Update (PIAT-RNU)
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III (PPVT-III)
Woodcock Diagnostic Reading Battery
Woodcock-Johnson III Complete Battery (Tests of Achievement & Tests of Cognitive Abilities)

Assessments for reading
Adult Basic Learning Examination-Second Edition (ABLE)
Basic English Skills Test (BEST)
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS)
Diagnostic Assessment of Reading with Trial Teaching Strategies (DARTTS)
Dyslexia Screening Instrument
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-Normative Update (K-TEA-NU)
Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory
Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revised Normative Update (PIAT-RNU)
Secondary Level English Proficiency Test (SLEP)
Stanford Achievement Test Series (StanfordÐ10)
Stanford Diagnostic Reading 4
STAR Reading
Terra Nova (CAT/6)
Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
Tests of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST)
Woodcock Diagnostic Reading Battery
Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery-Revised (WLP-R)
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-RNU)

Assessments for arithmetic and mathematics
Adult Basic Learning Examination-Second Edition (ABLE)
Balanced Assessment in Mathematics
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS)
General Educational Development Tests (GED)
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-Normative Update (K-TEA-NU)
Key Math-Revised-Normative Update (Key Math-R-NU)
Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revised Normative Update (PIAT-RNU)
Stanford Achievement Test Series (StanfordÐ10)
Stanford Diagnostic Math 4
Terra Nova (CAT/6)
Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT-3)
Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST)

Assessment for Independent Living Skills
Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment (ACLSA)
Brigance Life Skills/Employability Skills Inventories
Transition Planning Inventory (TPI)

Tests crosswalked to Employment and Training Administration's common performance measures
Adult Basic Learning Examination-Second Edition (ABLE)
Basic English Skills Test (BEST)
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS)
Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE)

The Tests

Test Name: Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment
Web site:
What is measured: The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) for Ages 6-18 obtains reports from parents, other close relatives, and/or guardians regarding children's competencies and behavioral/emotional problems. The Adult Behavior Checklist (ABCL) for ages 18 to 59 include normed scales for adaptive functioning, empirically based syndromes, substance use, internalizing, externalizing, and Total Problems.
Target Groups: Youth and adults, aged 6 to 59. Versions in Spanish are available.
How normed: The CBCL scales are based on new factor analyses of parents' ratings of 4,994 clinically referred children, and are normed on 1,753 children aged 6 to 18. The ABCL profiles display scale scores in relation to norms for each gender at ages 18-35 and 36-59, based on national probability samples.
Qualifications required to administer: The use and interpretation of ASEBA materials require graduate training in standardized assessment of at least the Master's degree level, plus thorough knowledge of the relevant Manuals and documentation. Administration of the SCICA additionally requires supervised experience in interviewing children.
How administered: Pencil and paper surveys given to individuals, their parents, and/or teachers. Time needed for administration: 5 to 15 minutes.
How Scored: Hand or computer scored.
Cost: Hand-scored surveys are $25.00 for fifty. Other formats and materials are available. Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: ASEBA1 South Prospect Street Burlington, VT 05401-3456802-264-6432

Test Name: ACT
Web site:
What is measured: The ACT is a college entrance exam that assesses high school students' general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work. The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science. The Writing Test, which is optional, measures skill in planning and writing a short essay.
Target Group: High school students and others who plan on applying to college.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Administered by trained staff at test centers.
How administered: Must be taken at a regional or local test center. See Web site for more information. Information about test accommodations is available at:
Time needed for administration: Three hours and thirty minutes. Longer if the optional writing test is included.
How scored: Scores are given to each test area. The Composite Score is the average of four Test Scores, rounded to the nearest whole number. The Composite score is used by colleges and others to place students.
Cost: $29.00.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: ACT 500 ACT Drive P.O. Box 168 Iowa City, Iowa 52243-0168319-337-1000

Test Name: Adult Basic Learning Examination-Second Edition (ABLE)
Web site:
What is measured: Functional abilities of adults.
Target group: ABLE is appropriate for use with adults in a variety of adult education programs, including Tech Prep programs, GED programs, and adult literacy programs. The content accommodates the non-reader.
How normed: Grade Equivalents, Reference Group Percentile Ranks, and Stanines.
Qualifications required to administer: Eligibility to purchase these instruments is determined on the basis of training and experience.
How administered: Paper and pencil.
Time needed for administration: Un-timed. Each level averages two hours, 40 minutes.
How scored: Hand- or self-scorable.
Cost: Basic kit is $100.00. Additional test booklets and score sheets are extra.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Harcourt Assessment 19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, TX 78259 800-211-8378

Test name: Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment (ACLSA)
Web site: or
What is measured: The Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment is an evaluation of youth independent living skills. It consists of statements about life skills that the youth and his/her caregivers complete.
Target groups: There are ACLSA versions for four suggested age ranges: ACLSA-I (ages 8-9 with 37 questions) ACLSA-II (ages 10-12 with 56 questions) ACLSA-III (ages 13-15 with 81 questions) ACLSA-IV (ages 16 and up with 118 questions) ACLSA Short (ages 11-18 with 18 questions)
How normed: Each version has been normed on large groups of appropriately aged youth.
Qualifications required to administer: None.
How administered: The test is taken on-line.
Time needed for administration: The ACLSA full-length forms can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes to complete. The ACLSA short form takes about five minutes to complete.
How scored: A score report is e-mailed back to the respondent within a few minutes after completion.
Cost: No cost.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information is available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Casey Family Programs1300 Dexter Avenue North, Floor 3 Seattle, WA 98109-3542206-282-7300 Fax: 206-282-3555 or

Test name: Ansir's 3 Sides of You Self-Perception Profiling System
Web site:ttp://
What is measured: This profile contains 168 questions that lead to insight into styles of thinking, working and emotions.
Target groups: No target population indicated.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: None.
How administered: Self-administered, on-line.
Time needed for administration: Completion of questions takes about 20 minutes.
How scored: Automatic.
Cost: No cost
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Available on-line at

Test name: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Web site:
What is measured: The ASVAB assesses a student's ability to learn new skills and is a predictor of success in training and education programs. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program offers an interest inventory and other activities and resources designed to help students explore the world of work and gain confidence in making career decisions.
Target groups: High school and postsecondary students.
How normed: Norms for the ASVAB were derived from a large and diverse nationally representative sample of young men and women, ages 16 to 23, selected by the National Opinion Research Center. Norm groups used for reporting students' results include males and females in grades 10, 11, and 12, plus students attending two-year postsecondary schools.
Qualifications required to administer: The military will administer and interpret the scores of the ASVAB. Information is available from high school counselors.
How administered: Paper and pencil and computerized adaptive testing.
Time needed for administration: Total administration time is five hours.
How scored:
Cost: There is no cost either to participating schools or individuals. The military will administer and interpret the scores at no cost.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Defense Manpower Center, Personnel Testing Division400 Gigling Road Seaside, CA 93955800-323-0513

Test name: Behavior Evaluation Scale-Third Edition (BES-3)
Web site:
What is measured: The Behavior Evaluation Scale-Third Edition provides results that assist school personnel in making decisions about eligibility, placement, and programming for students with behavior problems who have been referred for evaluation. The scale yields relevant behavioral information about students regardless of handicapping conditions, and therefore may be used with students who have learning disabilities, mental retardation, physical impairments, and other handicapping conditions. The BES-3 was factor analyzed to create the following factor clusters (subscales): Learning Problems, Interpersonal Difficulties, Inappropriate Behavior, Unhappiness/Depression, and Physical Symptoms/Fears.
Target groups: Children and youth, K through 12.
How normed: The BES-3 School Version was standardized on a total of 5,124 students ages 4 through 19 years old. The BES-3 Home Version was standardized on a total of 4,643 students ages 4 through 19 years old. The standardization population included students from 29 states, represented all geographic regions of the United States, and closely approximated the 2000 demographic characteristics of the United States.
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Paper and pencil.
Time needed for administration: The BES-3:S SV can be completed in approximately 15 minutes and includes 54 items easily observed and documented by educational personnel. The BES-3:S HV can be completed by a parent/guardian in approximately 15 minutes and includes 52 items representing behaviors exhibited in and around the home environment.
How scored: Hand or computer scoring.
Cost: The kit costs $206.50. Forms and other materials are extra.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Hawthorne Educational Services800 Gray Oak Drive Columbia, MO 65201800-542-1673

Test name: Balanced Assessment in Mathematics
Web site: (Click on Special Products under the Products & Services tab)
What is measured: The purpose of the Balanced Assessment in Mathematics is to assess the students' mathematical skill level. The emphasis is on assessing student performance on worthwhile tasks involving practical contexts and substantial chains of reasoning.
Target groups: Grades three to ten; eight levels, one for each grade.
How normed: The grade-by-grade content is based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, as well as international standards. The content reflects a broad spectrum of mathematics content and processes and provides structured insight into what students know.
Qualifications required to administer: Teacher administration.
How administered: Paper and pencil.
Time needed for administration: Forty minutes for form A; 40 minutes for form B.
How scored: Computer scoring.
Cost: Complete kit for each grade level (25 students) is $192.00.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity data not available on the Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: CTB/McGraw-Hill20 Ryan Ranch Road Monterey, CA 93940800-538-9547 FAX 800-282-0266

Basic English Skills Test (BEST)
Web site:
What is measured: The BEST is a measurement tool designed for adult ESL learners at the survival and pre-employment skills level. The BEST consists of an Oral Interview Section and a Literary Skills Section that are scored separately.
Adult ESL learners.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Face to face and paper and pencil. Computerized versions also available. Time needed for administration: The Oral Interview Section is an individually administered, face-to-face interview requiring approximately 15 minutes per examinee. The Literacy Skills Section may be administered in one hour, either individually or to groups.
How scored: Hand-scored.
Cost: Complete kit is $150.00.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's Address and Phone: Center for Applied Linguistics4646 40th Street NW, Washington, DC 20016-1859202-362-0700 FAX 202-362-3740

Behavior Rating Profile-2 (BRP-2)
Web site:
What is measured: A battery of six norm-referenced instruments, the BRP-2 provides different evaluations of a student's behavior at school and at home by teachers, parents, peers, and the target students themselves.
Target Groups: Children ages six and a half to 18.
How normed: The BRP-2 components were all normed individually on large, representative populations. The Student Rating Scales normative group included 2,682 students residing in 26 states. The Parent Rating Scales were completed by 1,948 parents in 19 different states. The Teacher Rating Scales were normed on a group of 1,452 teachers from 26 states.
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Paper and pencil. Forms may be completed by teachers, parents, peers, and the target student.
Time needed for administration: Twenty minutes.
How scored: The responses allow examiners to test different diagnostic hypotheses when confronted with reports of problem behavior.
Cost: A complete kit is $204.00.
Reliability and validity: Reliability information is available on the Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: PRO-ED, Inc. 8700 Shoal Creek Boulevard Austin, TX 78757-6897 800-897-3202

Test name: Behavioral Assessment System for Children (BASC-2)
Web site:
What is measured: The BASC is a multi-method, multi-dimensional approach to evaluating the behavior and self-perceptions of children. It has five components that can be used individually or in any combination. The three core components are Teacher Rating Scales (TRS), Parent Rating Scales (PRS), and Self-Report of Personality (SRP). Additional components include Structured Developmental History (SDH) and Student Observation System (SOS). The BASC measures positive (adaptive) as well as negative (clinical) dimensions of behavior and personality.
Target groups: Two forms covering ages two to 21.
How normed: Norm groups used represent the population of U.S. children aged two and a half to 18, including a representative sample of exceptional children.
Qualifications required to administer: Users are expected to have had formal training in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of behavior rating scales and self-report personality scales. Clerical staff, with appropriate training, may administer and score various BASC components, but interpreting and applying the results require a graduate level of education in psychology.
How administered: Paper surveys.
Time needed for administration: TRS/PRS: 10-20 minutes, SRP: 30 minutes. SDH: Because this is a comprehensive history and background survey, it will vary from family to family. SOS: 15 minutes
How scored: Forms can be hand-scored or scored by computer with the BASC Enhanced ASSIST or the BASC Plus software.
Cost: Examination starter set is $109.99. Many other components and manuals are available.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: AGS Publishing 4201 Woodland Road Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796800-328-2560 FAX 800-471-8457

Test name: Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity Test
Web site:
What is measured: The Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity Test measures basic hand-tool skills.
Target groups: Adults or young people.
How normed: Included in the Technical Manual are percentile ranks for maintenance mechanics, technical trainees, physically injured workers, special education and vocational training students, and trainees with mental or emotional disabilities.
Qualifications required to administer: No specific qualifications required to administer or interpret the Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity Test.
How administered: Hands-on.
Time needed for administration: Ten minutes
How scored: Score is based on speed of completion.
Cost: Complete set is $375.00. Can be used over and over again.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Harcourt Assessment19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, TX 78259800-211-8378

Test name: Brigance Life Skills/Employability Skills Inventories
Web site:
What is measured: The Life Skills Inventory evaluates the basic skills and functional life skills in the context of real world situations. Employability Skills Inventory assesses basic and employability skills in the context of job seeking and on-the-job.
Target groups Secondary special education, vocational education and ESL programs. Spanish version available.
How normed: Criterion referenced. Each inventory is based on observable functions and sequenced by task analysis.
Qualifications required to administer: Assessment can be completed by a paraprofessional under professional supervision.
How administered: Paper and pencil. Inventory binder and student/class record keeping documents are inclusive of all necessary items.
Time needed for administration: Administration time varies, but individual assessments are reported to take 10-20 minutes each depending on the learner.
How scored: Hand-scored.
Coat: LSI/ESI Manuals are $89.95 each and are reusable. Learner record books are $24.95 for 10, and program record books are $12.95 each.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Curriculum Associates, Inc.153 Rangeway Road N. Billerica, MA 01862800-225-0248

Test name: Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS)
Web site:
What is measured: The CISS measures self-reported vocational interests and skills. Similar to traditional interest inventories, the CISS interest scales reflect an individual's attraction for specific occupational areas.
Target groups Individuals aged 15 and older
How normed: .The CISS Orientation, Basic Interest and Skill, and Occupational scales were standardized using a reference sample of 5,225 employed men and women representing a wide array of occupations.
Qualifications required to administer: Bachelor's degree in related field and coursework in the use of psychological testing.
How administered: Paper and pencil or on-line administration. Spanish versions available.
Time needed for administration: Twenty-five minutes.
How scored: Computer, mail-in, or Internet scoring.
Cost: Internet administration: starting at $14.75 per individual.
Reliability and validity information only available in technical manuals available for purchase.
Publisher's address and phone: Pearson Assessments1-800-627-7271, ext. 3225

Test name: Career Exploration Inventory (CEI)
Web site:
What is measured: Interest levels in 15 career clusters via 120 questions.
Target groups: Target group: high school and adult. Spanish version available.
How normed: Norm group information not available. Reading level: grade seven.
Qualifications required to administer: No specific qualifications required for administering and interpreting the Career Exploration Inventory.
How administered: Paper and pencil administration.
Time needed for administration:
How scored: Self-scoring.
Cost: One to nine packages are $34.95 per package, and ten or more packages are $30.95 per package. A package contains 25 8.5" x 11", 12-panel, self-scoring/self-interpreting foldouts.
Reliability and validity: Validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: JIST Publishing8902 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216800-648-5478

Test name: Career Focus 2000 Interest Inventory (CF2II)
Web site:
What is measured: The CF2II contains 180 inventory items about work tasks drawn from 18 occupational fields. Respondents will receive an analysis report indicating their level of interest in each field and a list of occupations matching their interests.
Target groups High school and college students, as well as adults who wish to identify career options related to their personal interests.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Self-administered, on-line.
Time needed for administration: Completion of the CF2II takes approximately 20-30 minutes.
How scored: By completing the CF2II, respondent will receive an analysis report immediately after completing the questions.
Cost: No cost.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: James C. Gonyea, Gonyea & Associates, Inc. 1151 Maravista Drive New Port Richey, FL 34655727-376-0373

Test name: Careerlink Inventory
Web site:
What is measured: The Careerlink Inventory is designed to match the way individuals see themselves - their interests, aptitudes, temperaments, physical capacities, preferred working conditions and desired length of preparation for employment - with available career information from the United States Department of Labor.
Target groups Designed for college students and above. May be appropriate for some high school students.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Self administered, on-line.
Time needed for administration: On-line administration takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
How scored: Scored automatically with results available in less than two minutes.
Cost: No cost.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Monterey Peninsula College Counseling Department980 Fremont Street Monterey, CA 93940831-646-4000

Test name: The Career Key
Web site:
What is measured: The Career Key is a career test that measures an individual's skills, abilities, values, interests, and personality. It identifies jobs and provides information about salaries, job outlook, and job training requirements.
Target groups: Young people and adults.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Self administered, on-line.
Time needed for administration: On-line administration takes about 15-20 minutes for input followed by interpretation of answers. The site contains a great deal of supplemental career information based on national career publications.
How scored: Self scoring and interpreting.
Cost: No cost.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Lawrence K. Jones

Test name: CareerScope - Career Assessment and Reporting System
Web site:
What is measured: The Interest Inventory measures and identifies a user's attraction to careers that correspond to the U.S. Department of Labor's Interest Areas. It also measures six areas of aptitude and combines results to form an "Assessment Profile".
Target groups: Middle school students through adults.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: On personal computer using specially designed software. Reading level is fourth grade. Also comes with audio capabilities. Available in Spanish.
Time needed for administration: Less than 60 minutes.
How scored: Scoring and reporting done automatically by computer.
Cost: Cost varies by method of administration.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Vocational Research Institute1528 Walnut Street, Suite 1502Philadelphia, PA 19102800-874-5387

Test name: Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS)
Web site:
What is measured: CASAS contains a variety of instruments to measure functional reading, math, listening, speaking, and higher order thinking skills in everyday adult life and work contexts. Assessment can be customized to measure specific competencies. Instructors can use CASAS to place learners into programs, diagnose learners' instructional needs, monitor progress, and certify mastery of functional basic skills. The CASAS Skill Level Descriptors show a continuum of skills from beginning through advanced adult secondary. They provide descriptions of adults' general job-related ability in reading, mathematics, oral communication, and writing. The Skill Level Descriptors explain in general terms what most learners can accomplish at the CASAS scale score level in a specific skill area.
Target groups: Adolescents and adults in the workforce system.
How normed: Results from most CASAS tests are reported on a common numerical scale. This scale has been verified and validated on more than three million adult and youth learners.
Qualifications required to administer: Because CASAS is a comprehensive curriculum management and assessment system, training is necessary to ensure accurate use of tests and interpretation of learner results. CASAS has developed an effective implementation plan to deliver training to administrators, instructors, workplace trainers, human resources personnel and other key staff in education and training programs nationwide.
How administered: CASAS tests are mainly paper and pencil. Some computerized versions of tests are available.
Time needed for administration: Varies considerably depending on the type of assessment.
How scored: Hand or computer scoring.
Cost: Varies considerably depending on the type of assessment.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available by purchasing technical manual.
Publisher's address and phone: CASAS5151 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 220 San Diego, California 92123-4339800-255-1036

Test name: Conduct Disorder Scale (CDS)
Web site:
What is measured: The Conduct Disorder Scale (CDS) is an instrument for evaluating students exhibiting severe behavior problems who may have Conduct Disorder. The 40 items on the CDS describe the specific diagnostic behaviors characteristic of persons with Conduct Disorder. These items comprise four subscales representing the core symptom clusters necessary for the diagnosis of Conduct Disorder: Aggressive Conduct, Non-aggressive Conduct, Deceitfulness and Theft, and Rule Violations.
Target groups: The CDS is for individuals ages 5 though 22 who present unique behavioral problems.
How normed: Normed on a representative national sample of more than 600 persons who were diagnosed with Conduct Disorder.
Qualifications required to administer: The CDS can be administered by anyone who has had direct, sustained contact with the referred individual (e.g., teachers, parents, siblings, etc.).
How administered: Paper and pencil.
Time needed for administration: Five to ten minutes.
How scored: Standard scores and percentiles are provided. A Conduct Disorder Quotient is derived based on information from all four subscales.
Cost: A complete kit is $89.00. Other forms and materials available.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: PRO-ED, Inc.8700 Shoal Creek Boulevard Austin, Texas 78757-6897800-897-3202

Test name: Conners' Rating Scales-Revised (CRS-R), Conners' Adult AD/HD Ratings Scales (CAARS)
Web site: What is measured: CRS-R is an instrument that uses observer ratings and self-report ratings to help assess attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) and evaluate problem behavior in children and adolescents. CAARS evaluates adults.
Target groups: For the CRS-R, parents and teachers of children and adolescents ages three to 17 and adolescent self-report ages 12-17. For the CAARS, self-report ages 18 and older.
How normed: For the CRS-R, norms were based on a sample of 8000+ children and adolescents, males and females, ages three to 17. Minority group samples were represented. Standardized data were based on the means and standard deviations for groups of children with AD/HD and children without psychological problems. The CAARS non-clinical self-report was based on 1,026 individuals and observer form on 943 individuals.
Qualifications required to administer: Bachelor's degree in related field and coursework in the use of psychological testing.
How administered: Paper and pencil to parents of younger children or to the adolescent.
Time needed for administration: Long Version takes 15-20 minutes. Short Version takes 5-10 minutes
How scored: Hand scoring. When the profile forms are completed, an easy-to-interpret graphical display of the results is produced to help present results to parents, teachers, or other relevant parties.
Cost: Complete package with manuals and 25 score sheets is $243.00.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information only available in technical manuals available for purchase.
Publisher's address and phone: Pearson Assessments1-800-627-7271, ext. 3225

Test name: COPSystem: Career Occupational Preference Interest Inventory (COPS), Career Ability Placement Survey (CAPS) and Career Orientation Placement and Evaluation Survey (COPES)
Web site:
What is measured: The COPSystem instruments are designed to provide individuals with coordinated measures of interests, abilities and work values.
Target groups: Junior high, high school and adult. Spanish and pictorial versions available.
How normed: Norms are based on junior high/high school and community college students.
Qualifications required to administer: No specific qualifications are required to administer or interpret the COPSystem.
How administered: Paper and pencil administration
Time needed for administration: COPS (interests), 20 minutes CAPS (abilities), 50 minutes COPES (work values), 20-30 minutes
How scored: Time for hand scoring is 15-20 minutes per test. Time required for machine scoring and returning is about ten days.
Cost: Self-scoring cost for all three assessments combined (COPS, CAPS, COPES) is $145.50 for 25. Machine scoring cost depends on quantity.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: EdITS P.O. Box 7234 San Diego, CA 92167 800-416-1666

Test name: COPSystem Picture Inventory of Careers (COPS-PIC)
Web site:
What is measured: COPS-PIC is a non-verbal assessment of occupational interest. It illustrates a variety of occupational activities, using realistic pictures of people in non-stereotyped roles.
Target groups: This form of the COPS was designed to help assess younger students, students with reading or language difficulties, and individuals with low academic or career motivation. It is also appropriate for adults with lower or no reading ability as well as non-English speaking examinees. Scores are keyed to the 14 COPSystem Career Clusters and provide access to information about thousands of occupations.
How normed: Seventh through twelfth grades.
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Paper and pencil with no reading required.
Time needed for administration: Less than half an hour to take and score.
How scored: Hand scored by administrator. Scores are keyed to the 14 COPSystem Career Clusters and provide access to information about thousands of occupations.
Cost: The cost is $34.25 for 25 test booklets. Manuals and other materials available.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: EdITS P.O. Box 7234 San Diego, CA 92167 800-416-1666

Test name: Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test
Web site:
What is measured: The Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test measures an individual's eye-hand coordination and fine motor dexterity.
Target groups: Adolescents or adults.
How normed: Percentile ranks for electronics assembly trainees and for individuals who fit into ADA profiles.
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Hands on. No reading.
Time needed for administration: Eight to 15 minutes.
How scored: By the amount of time to complete.
Cost: Complete set is $512.00. Can be used over and over.
Reliability and validity:
Harcourt Assessment19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, TX 78259 800-211-8378

Devereux Behavior Rating Scale-School Form (DBRS)-(Child and Adolescent Versions) The DBRS is used for identifying behaviors that may indicate severe emotional disturbances in children and adolescents and is based on federal criteria and can be used by educators, psychologists, guidance counselors, and other assessment professionals. It can evaluate the existence of behaviors indicating severe emotional disturbance, provide normative comparisons of behaviors, compare results across informants (e.g., teachers, parents), assess an individual in a variety of settings, provide information for treatment planning, and evaluate treatment effectiveness as a pre/post measure.
Target groups: Children and youth, aged 5 to 18.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: This instrument may be purchased by individuals who are certified by a professional organization recognized by Harcourt Assessment to require training and experience in a relevant area of assessment and may also be purchased by individuals with a master's degree in psychology, education, or a related field with relevant training in assessment.
How administered: Paper and pencil administration.
Time needed for administration: Five minutes
How scored:
Cost: Complete kit is $175.00. Other forms and materials available.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Harcourt Assessment, Inc.19500 Bulverde Rd. San Antonio, Texas 78259-37011-800-211-8378

Test name: Diagnostic Assessment of Reading with Trial Teaching Strategies (DARTTS)
Web site:
What is measured: The DARTTS program comprises individually administered tests and related diagnostic lessons. The Diagnostic Assessments of Reading is comprised of six tests of reading and language. The Trial Teaching Strategies are comprised of brief lessons tailored to stages of reading development.
Target groups: Students of all ages, including those in adult education.
How normed: Normed for all ages of students.
Qualifications required to administer: Designed for reading teachers, classroom teachers, special education and Title I teachers, and other professionals charged with helping students read better.
How administered: Paper and pencil administration.
Time needed for administration: Takes approximately 50 minutes to administer.
How scored: Hand scored.
Cost: Program kit is $249.50. Program records booklets are $23.75 for 15.
Reliability and validity: Validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Riverside Publishing 425 Spring Lake Drive Itasca, IL 60143 800-323-9540

Test name: DISCOVER Assessment - Discovering Intellectual Strengths and Capabilities while Observing Varied Ethnic Responses
Web site:
What is measured: The DISCOVER Assessment is an observation-based instrument designed to measure a wide range of abilities in individuals, ages three and up. Unlike most traditional assessment methods, the DISCOVER approach combines several modern theories of intelligence with current research on brain functioning, resulting in a comprehensive and accurate profile of strengths. Most DISCOVER Assessments take place in a regular classroom, with an entire class of students at the same time. Participants are guided through active, hands-on problem-solving exercises (using toys and other age-appropriate materials) that have the appearance of play activities. Instruments are available for various age groups from pre-K to twelfth grade. Adult versions are also available.
Target groups: Ages three to adult.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Administered by DISCOVER staff or by local staff trained by DISCOVER staff.
How administered: Administration is done one-on-one or in small groups (no more than five students for one assessor).
Time needed for administration: An assessment may take up to eight hours including time to debrief.
How scored: Children participate in five activities: Spatial Artistic, Spatial Analytical, Oral and Written Linguistic, and Mathematics. Results are later compiled according to the respective intelligences and are used to create "Strength Profiles", reports that show the levels of strength for all the intelligences. Scoring is done by the administrator.
Cost: Dependent on type of administration. Tucson staff can perform assessments on site or can train staff at your school or facility to perform assessments. The cost can be as much as $270.00 per student or as low as $108.00 depending on travel.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Department of Special Education Rehabilitation & School Psychology College of Education The University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721-0069 520-622-8106 http:/w/

Test name: Dyslexia Screening Instrument
Web site:
What is measured: The Dyslexia Screening Instrument Profile screens for strengths and weaknesses often associated with dyslexia
Target groups: Grades one through 12.
How normed: Norms - Pass/fail/inconclusive.
Qualifications required to administer: No specific requirements for administering and interpreting the Dyslexia Screening Instrument.
How administered: Computer administered.
Time needed for administration: Takes 30 minutes to complete.
How scored: Computer scored.
Cost: Complete kit (teacher rating forms, manual and scoring program software) is $138.00. A package of 50 rating forms is $59.00.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Harcourt Assessment19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, TX 78259 800-211-8378

Test name: General Educational Development Tests (GED)
Web site: (Click on GED Testing Services under Looking for a Program or Service)
What is measured: A high school equivalency test that assesses learning in five areas: language arts-writing, social studies, science, language arts-literature, and mathematics. A GED credential documents high school-level academic skills.
Target groups: Adults.
How normed: Grade 12 students from 557 schools stratified by public/non-public schools, geographic region, and socioeconomic status.
Qualifications required to administer: The test is administered by state agencies or their representatives. Test scorers are certified by the GED Testing Service.
How administered: Available in Braille, audio-cassette and large print editions. Information about test accommodations is available at: CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENTID=12223
Time needed for administration: Test time ranges from 90 to 110 minutes for each of the five tests.
How scored: Minimum scores for passing the test are set by individual states. Hand or machine scored.
Cost: Varies by state; the test may be free or cost as much as $80.00.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: General Education Development Testing Service American Council on Education One Dupont Circle, NW Washington, DC 20036-1163 202-939-9300

Test name: Harrington-O'Shea Career Decision-Making System (CDM)
Web site:
What is measured: The CDM self-assesses abilities, interests, and work values all in one instrument.
Target groups: Middle school through adult. Spanish version available.
How normed: No derived scores from norm groups. 1991 standardization samples were made up of 965 people for Level 1 and 996 people for Level 2 and were defined based on 1990 U.S. Census data.
Qualifications required to administer: Test administrator must have completed training in measurement, guidance or appropriately related discipline or have equivalent supervised experience in test administration and interpretation.
How administered: Paper and pencil administration and computer version.
Time needed for administration: Total administration time is 25-45 minutes.
How scored: Time required for hand scoring is five to ten minutes. CDM Windows version available.
Cost: Full kits begin at $399.99 for 25 administrations. Additional booklets extra.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: AGS Publishing 4201 Woodland Road Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796 800-328-2560 FAX 800-471-8457

Test name: Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement II-(K-TEA II)
Web site:
What is measured: The KTEA-II is an individually administered battery that gives you a flexible, thorough assessment of the key academic skills in reading, math, written language (new), and oral language (new).
Target groups: Ages: 4.5 through 25 (Comprehensive Form); 4.5 through 90+ (Brief Form)
How normed: Based on a national sampling of over 3,000 people, it provides accurate score comparisons for reading decoding, reading comprehension, and math applications with the other achievement batteries with which it was co-normed: PIAT-R/NU, KeyMath-R/NU, and WRMT-R/NU.
Qualifications required to administer: Test administrator must have completed graduate training in measurement, guidance or appropriate related discipline or have equivalent supervised experience in test administration and interpretation.
How administered: Paper and pencil administration.
Time needed for administration: Comprehensive Form-(PreK-K) 30 minutes; (Grades 1-2) 50 minutes; (Grades 3+) 80 minutes; Brief Form-(4-6 to 90) 20-30 minutes
How scored: Hand scored. Scoring software is available for the comprehensive form. Scores/Interpretation: Age- and grade-based standard scores (M=100, SD=15), age and grade equivalents, percentile ranks, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), and stanines
Cost: Comprehensive kit includes 25 record forms, test easels, and sample report to parents for $299.99.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: AGS Publishing 4201 Woodland Road Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796 800-328-2560 FAX 800-471-8457

Test name: Key Math-Revised-Normative Update (Key Math-R-NU)
Web site:
What is measured: Key Math-R-NU assesses critical math skills through 13 subtests to determine a measure of understanding and application of important mathematics concepts and skills.
Target groups: Grades K through 12.
How normed: Based on a national sampling of over 3,000 people, it provides accurate score comparisons for math operations and math applications with the other achievement batteries with which it was co-normed: K-TEA/NU and PIAT-R/NU.
Qualifications required to administer: Test administrator must have completed graduate training in measurement, guidance or appropriate related discipline or have equivalent supervised experience in test administration and interpretation.
How administered: The basic testing materials consist of two easels that contain testing items and directions for presenting and scoring items. Written computation is permitted only on some of the subtests in the operations area.
Time needed for administration: Administration time is 35-50 minutes
How scored: Hand scored or scoring software is available.
Cost: The entire kit (Form A or Form B) may be purchased for $294.99. Both are $532.99.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: AGS Publishing 4201 Woodland Road Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796 800-328-2560 FAX 800-471-8457

Test name: Kuder Career Planning System
Web site:
Three assessments are bundled. The Kuder Career Search with Person Match helps an individual discover career interests, explore occupations beyond job titles, and effectively apply personal interests to career plans. The Kuder Skills Assessment is a self-estimate of an individual's ability to perform work-related tasks. Super's Work Values Inventory-revised helps determine what work characteristics are important to the individual.
Target groups: Individuals in eighth grade through adulthood.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Self-administered with additional materials that can be used with career counselors, parents, and teachers.
How administered: On-line with printed reports.
Time needed for administration: Twenty minutes or less for each assessment.
How scored: On-line and immediate.
Cost: One payment of $19.95 covers all three assessments.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: National Career Assessment Services, Inc.210 N 10th St PO Box 277Adel IA 50003800-314-8972

Test name: Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory (LDDI)
Web site:
The LDDI is a rating scale designed to help psychologists, diagnosticians, LD specialists, speech-language pathologists, and others identify (i.e., diagnose) intrinsic processing disorders and learning disabilities in students.
Target groups: Ages 8 to 17 years and 11 months.
How normed: The test was normed on 2,152 students with Learning Disabilities residing in 43 states and DC. The demographic characteristics of the normative sample are representative of the population of students who have learning disabilities in the United States as a whole.
Qualifications required to administer: The examiner should be a school psychologist, educational diagnostician, speech-language pathologist, LD specialist, or similarly-trained professional who knows how to interpret quantitative and qualitative information and use it to diagnose specific learning disabilities.
How administered: Paper and pencil administered.
Time needed for administration: Takes 10-20 minutes to complete.
How scored: Hand scored.
Cost: $112.00 for a complete kit including examiner's manual (106 pages) and 50 rating summary booklets.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: PRO-ED, Inc. 8700 Shoal Creek Boulevard Austin, TX 78757-6897 800-897-3202

Test name: Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument (MAYSI 2)
Web site:
The MAYSI-2 is a screening instrument used for youth who are entering the juvenile justice system in order to identify potential mental health problems in need of immediate attention. Target groups: Youth, ages 12-17, entering the juvenile justice system
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: MAYSI-2 is feasible for use by non-clinical staff at intake probation, pretrial detention admission, and reception into a state's youth authority facilities.
How administered: Requiring less than 10 minutes to administer and using the youth's self-report, the MAYSI-2 is feasible for use by non-clinical staff at intake probation, pretrial detention admission, and reception into a state's youth authority facilities.
Time needed for administration: Ten minutes.
How scored: Hand scored in three minutes.
Cost: The MAYSI 2 manual costs $60.00. Reproducible screening forms come with the manual and there is no limit on the number of copies that can be made.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on the Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: The National Youth Screening Assistance Project University of Massachusetts Worcester Campus 55 Lake Avenue North Worcester, MA 01655 Phone 508-856-8564

Test name: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Web site:
What is measured: A personality inventory that helps counselors/career professionals/consultants improve work and professional relationships, increase productivity, and identify leadership and interpersonal communication preferences for clients.
Target groups: Individuals 14 years and older. Spanish, German, French, Dutch, French Canadian, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian, Chinese, Swedish and Anglicized adaptation versions available.
How normed: Norm group on which scores are based was 3,200 adults, 18 years and older, from across the United States. Percentages of age, gender, and ethnic groups matched 1990 U.S. Census percentages.
Qualifications required to administer: Qualification is granted to those who have received training for the use of the MBTI, either through a CPP, Inc. approved qualifying program (you must pass the common exam) OR have a minimum of a bachelors degree that includes successful completion of a college course in the interpretation of psychological assessment and measurement at an accredited college or university.
How administered: Paper and pencil administration. Computer software administration also available.
Time needed for administration: Total administration time is 15-30 minutes based on form used.
How scored: Hand scoring is available and takes ten minutes to complete.
Cost: Per form: self-scorable $8.00. Other versions are available.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: CPP, Inc. 3803 East Bayshore Road P. O. Box 10096 Palo Alto, CA 94303800-624-1765

Test name: Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule (OASIS-3)
Web site:
What is measured: The OASIS-3 Aptitude Survey measures six broad aptitude factors that are directly related to skills and abilities required in more than 20,000 jobs listed in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. The OASIS-3 Interest Schedule measures 12 interest factors directly related to the occupations listed in the Guide of Occupational Exploration.
Target groups: Grades 8-12.
How normed: The tests were normed on the same national sample of 2,005 individuals from 20 states.
Qualifications required to administer: No specific qualifications are required to administer or interpret the OASIS.
How administered: Paper and pencil administration.
Time needed for administration: Each test takes 30-45 minutes to administer.
How scored: Machine or hand scoring.
Cost: Aptitude Survey: Complete kit $164.00 (examiner's manual, 10 student test booklets, 50 hand scorable answer sheets, one sample interpretation workbook, and 50 profile sheets).Interest Schedule: Complete kit $164.00 (examiner's manual, 25 student test booklets, 50 hand scorable answer sheets, one sample interpretation workbook, and 50 scoring forms).
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: PRO-ED, Inc. 8700 Shoal Creek Boulevard Austin, TX 78757-6897 800-897-3202

Test name: O*NET Career Exploration Tools-Interest Profiler, Work Importance Locator and Profiler, and Ability Profiler.
Web site:
What is measured: O*NET Career Exploration Tools are a set of self-directed career exploration/assessment tools to help workers consider and plan career options, preparation, and transitions more effectively. They also are designed for use by students who are exploring the school-to-work transition. The assessment instruments, which are based on a "whole-person" concept, include: O*NET Ability Profiler, O*NET Interest Profiler, O*NET Computerized Interest Profiler, O*NET Work Importance Locator, O*NET Work Importance Profiler These instruments will help individuals identify their work-related interests, what they consider important on the job, and their abilities in order to explore those occupations that relate most closely to those attributes. Users of the tools may link to the more than 900 occupations described by the O*NET database, as well as to occupational information in Career One-Stop.
Target groups: Youth and adults.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Administrators should have completed the training materials available on the Web site.
How administered: Paper and pencil administration using downloadable files from Web site.
Time needed for administration: Approximately 30 minutes per test.
How scored: Self-scoring. The Ability Profiler requires the use of a scanner to score.
Cost: There is no cost for downloading files. Printed copies from the U. S. Government Printing Office are about $2.00 to $5.00 each purchased in bulk at Scanners to score the Ability Profiler are costly.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Occupational Information Network O*Net Consortium

Test name: Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revised Normative Update (PIAT-R-NU)
Web site:
What is measured: The Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revised Normative Update is an individually administered, norm-referenced instrument designed to provide a wide-ranging screening measure of academic achievement in six content areas: mathematics, reading recognitions, reading comprehension, spelling, general information, and written expression. The PIAT-R-NU may be used to identify specific learning disabilities.
Target groups: Kindergarten through 12th grade.
How normed: Based on a national sampling of over 3,000 people, it provides accurate score comparisons for reading decoding, reading comprehension, and math applications with the other achievement batteries with which it was co-normed: K-TEA/NU, Key Math-R/NU, and WRMT-R/NU.
Qualifications required to administer: Test administrator must have completed graduate training in measurement, guidance, or appropriate related discipline, or have equivalent supervised experience in test administration and interpretation.
How administered: The PIAT-R-NU is individually administered. Materials are contained in four easel kits, one for each volume of the test. Easel kit volumes present stimulus materials to the student at eye level; the examiner's instructions are placed on the reverse side. The student can see one side of the response plate, whereas the examiner can see both sides.
Time needed for administration: Sixty minutes.
How scored: Hand scored.
Cost: The PIAT-RNU complete kit (four easels, 50 combined test record and written expression booklets, NU manual, and carry bag) costs $385.99.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: AGS Publishing4201 Woodland Road Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796 800-328-2560 FAX 800-471-8457

Test name: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Third Edition (PPVT-III)
Web site:
What is measured: The PPVT-III is a measure of receptive vocabulary for standard English and a screening test of verbal ability.
Target groups: Can be used with all ages.
How normed: The authors include studies of the performance on the PPVT-III of seven special populations: students with speech impairment, language delay, language impairment, mental retardation, learning disability in reading, and hearing impairment.
Qualifications required to administer: Completed graduate training in measurement, guidance, individual psychological assessment, or special appraisal methods appropriate for a particular test.
How administered: The PPVT-III is administered in easel format, with the examiner showing the test taker a series of plates on which four pictures are drawn. The examiner reads a stimulus word for each plate, and the person being tested points to the picture that best represents the stimulus word. The PPVT-III is an untimed test
Time needed for administration: Ten to 15 minutes.
How scored: Hand scoring and computer scoring available.
Cost: PPVT-III A & B test kit includes picture plates, norm booklet, examiner's manual, and a package of 25 performance records for $299.99.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: AGS Publishing 4201 Woodland Road Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796 800-328-2560 FAX 800-471-8457

Test name: Personnel Test for Industry-Oral Directions Test (PTI)
Web site:
What is measured: The PTI is a wide range assessment of general mental abilities and an individual's comprehension of verbal, numerical and oral directions. The PTI may be used to evaluate applicants with limited English proficiency or hearing impaired applicants.
Target groups: Persons applying for jobs.
How normed: Publisher will not provide norm group information without purchasing the technical manual.
Qualifications required to administer: No specific qualifications are required to administer or interpret the Personnel Test for Industry-Oral Directions Test.
How administered: Administered by cassette tape, PTI measures the applicant's comprehension of English and the ability to understand oral directions.
Time needed for administration: 15 minutes.
How scored: Hand scored.
Cost: A complete set of 100 tests with recorder and cassette tapes is $185.00.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Harcourt Assessment19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, Texas 78259 800-211-8378

Test name: Pictorial Inventory of Careers DV-2000 (PIC)
Web site:
What is measured: The Digital Pictorial Inventory of Careers is an affective domain interest assessment which requires no reading. PIC measures career interest by using Digital Quality Live Action Videos of real life work scenes, instead of paper pencil tests.
Target groups: Middle school to adults.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: No specific qualifications are required to administer or interpret the Pictorial Inventory of Careers
How administered: Administered through live action videos or real life work scenes instead of paper and pencil tests.
Time needed for administration: 22 minutes.
How scored: Computer.
Cost: In 2004, the $695.00 cost includes two video-cassette programs (regular and low level), 100 regular response forms, 100 alternate response forms, comprehensive manual, computer software for scoring, and portable carrying case.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Talent Assessment, Inc. P.O. Box 5087 Jacksonville, FL 32247 800-634-1472

Test name: Purdue Pegboard Test
Web site:
What is measured: The Purdue Pegboard Test measures finger dexterity and hand-eye coordination by testing an individual's ability to move hands, fingers and arms (gross movement) and to control movements of small objects (fingertip dexterity).
Target groups: Grade nine to adults.
How normed: Percentile norms are listed by subtest for the following classifications: applicants for assembly jobs, applicants for production work, and applicants for general factory work.
Qualifications required to administer: Purchasers must provide credentials indicating a bachelor's degree in psychology, education, human relations or human resources, business or a closely related field. Specific course work or workshops are not required.
How administered: Board utilizes pegs, washers and collars.
Time needed for administration: The test takes approximately three to nine minutes to complete.
How scored: Pieces must be counted by administrator. Yields five separate scores.
Cost: Start-up kit (examiner's manual; pegboard with complete set of washers, collars and pegs; and 100 profile sheets) costs $346.00.
Reliability and validity: Validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Pearson 800-922-7343 FAX 312-242-4400

Test name: Reading Free Vocational Interest Inventory 2
Web site:
What is measured: The newly revised RFVII 2 measures the vocational interests of special populations. It uses pictures of individuals engaged in different occupations to measure the vocational likes and dislikes of students and adults who do not read.
Target groups: Age 13 through adult.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Can be administered by teachers, psychologists, counselors, or other vocational and educational personnel.
How administered: Pencil and paper. Information about test accommodations is available at:
Time needed for administration: About 20 minutes.
How scored:
Cost: The manual is $55.00. Twenty test booklets are $55.00.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Harcourt Assessment19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, Texas 78259 800-211-8378

Test name: SAT (formerly the Scholastic Aptitude Test)
Web site:
What is measured: The SAT is a college entrance exam and is a measure of the critical thinking skills needed for academic success in college. The SAT assesses how well a student analyzes and solves problems-skills learned in school that will be needed in college. The SAT now includes a writing section.
Target groups: The SAT is typically taken by high school juniors and seniors.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Administered by trained staff at test centers.
How administered: Must be taken at a regional or local test center. See Web site for more information. Information about test accommodations is available at:
Time needed for administration: Three hours and forty five minutes.
How scored:
Cost: The SAT is $41.00. Additional costs for optional services.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: The College Board Headquarters 45 Columbus Avenue New York, NY 10023 212-713-8000

Test name: Secondary Level English Proficiency Test (SLEP)
Web site: (Click on Tests, then go to SLEP in Test Directory)
What is measured: The SLEP Test is a measure of English language ability for nonnative speakers in two primary areas, listening comprehension and reading comprehension.
Target groups: Although SLEP is used predominantly by secondary schools, it has also been used by community colleges and other organizations.
How normed: The choice of material for the SLEP test was based on an analysis of actual materials designed for use in American classrooms (grades 7-12).
Qualifications required to administer: No specific qualifications are required.
How administered: Paper and pencil in individual or group setting.
Time needed for administration: Less than two hours.
How scored: Hand or machine scored.
Cost: The SLEP Basic Test Package (20 test books, 100 two-ply answer sheets, a cassette recording, and a SLEP test manual) is $235.00.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Educational Testing Service (ETS)Princeton, NJ

Test name: Self-Directed Search, Forms R and E
Web site: version:
What is measured: Form R assesses career interests for high school students, college students, and adults. Form E assesses career interests among individuals with limited reading skills. Other forms are for middle school students and speakers of Canadian French and Spanish.
Target groups: Adults and older adolescents.
How normed: Normative data derived from a nationally representative sample of 2,602 students and working adults.
Qualifications required to administer: No specific qualifications are required to administer or interpret the Self-Directed Search.
How administered: Paper and pencil, personal computer, or on-line.
Time needed for administration: Total administration time: 35-45 minutes.
How scored: Hand scoring takes 10 minutes.
Cost: Complete kit for 25 test takers is $175.00. Extra test forms for 25 additional test takers is $32.00. Alternative forms also available. On-line version is $9.95 per person.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. 16204 N. Florida Avenue Lutz, FL 33549800-899-8378

Test name: Stanford Achievement Test Series (Stanford-10) (Three separate measures make up the Stanford Achievement Test Series: the Stanford Early School Achievement Test [SESAT], the Stanford Achievement Test [SAT], and the Test of Academic Skills [TASK].)
Web site:
What is measured: The tests measure achievement through a series of subtests: reading, listening, language, spelling, mathematics, science, and social science.
Target groups: SESAT: Kindergarten and grade 1.SAT: Grades 1 through 9. TASK: Grades 9 through 12.
How normed: Latest norms (2002) were based on the K-12 population.
Qualifications required to administer: Eligibility to purchase these instruments is determined on the basis of training and experience.
How administered: Paper and pencil group administration.
Time needed for administration: Untimed with recommended ranges. All tests can be completed in one day.
How scored: Hand scored and machine scored with many scoring and reporting options.
Cost: See Web site for details.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Harcourt Assessment19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, Texas 78259 800-211-8378

Test name: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB5)
Web site:
What is measured: The SB5 is a comprehensive measurement of five factors: fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual-spatial processing, and working memory. Includes Full Scale IQ, Verbal and Nonverbal IQ, and Composite Indices spanning five dimensions with a standard score mean of 100, SD 15.
Target groups:
How normed: The SB5 was normed on a stratified random sample of 4,800 individuals that matched the 2000 U.S. Census. Bias reviews were conducted on all items for gender, ethnic, cultural/religious, regional, and socioeconomic status issues.
Qualifications required to administer: Must have credentials to administer IQ type tests.
How administered: Individually, with paper and pencil, and manipulatives.
Time needed for administration: 45 to 60 minutes.
How scored: Hand or computer scored.
Cost: Complete kit includes 3 item books, examiner's manual, technical manual, 25 test records, and a plastic case containing all manipulatives in a carrying case for $892.00. Twenty-five additional test records cost $54.00.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Riverside Publishing425 Spring Lake Drive Itasca, IL 60143800-323-9540

Test name: Stanford Diagnostic Mathematics Test, Fourth Edition (SDMT4)
Web site:
What is measured: A diagnostic test designed to identify specific strengths and weaknesses in math. It emphasizes general problem-solving and math specific problem-solving strategies while measuring student competence in those basic math skills and concepts that are prerequisite to mathematics problem solving.
Target groups: Grades 1.5 through 13.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Eligibility to purchase these instruments is determined on the basis of training and experience.
How administered: Paper and pencil group administration; multiple choice and free response.
Time needed for administration: Approximately 150 minutes.
How scored: Hand scored or machine scored.
Cost: Complete kits for class levels (25 students) are $80.00 to $120.00. Many other prices and combinations of testing materials available.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Harcourt Assessment19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, Texas 78259 800-211-8378

Test name: Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test, Fourth Edition (SDRT 4)
Web site:
What is measured: A diagnostic test providing group administered diagnostic assessment of the essential components of reading in order to determine students' strengths and needs.
Target groups: Grades 1.5 through 13.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Eligibility to purchase these instruments is determined on the basis of training and experience.
How administered: Paper and pencil group administration or computer administration.
Time needed for administration: The test takes 85-105 minutes to administer depending on the grade level.
How scored: Hand scored or machine scored
Cost: Kits for 25 students are 82.00. Other combinations available.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Harcourt Assessment19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, Texas 78259 800-211-8378

Test name: STAR Math
Web site:
What is measured: STAR Math helps determine the math level of students, measure individual and class growth, and forecast results on standardized tests.
Target groups:
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Administered by teachers.
How administered: Using personal computer.
Time needed for administration: About 12 minutes.
How scored: Automatically on computer.
Cost: Cost is 39 cents per year per student plus one time school setup fee of $1299.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Renaissance Learning, Inc. P.O. Box 8036 Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8036866-492-6284

Test name: STAR Reading
Web site:
What is measured: STAR Reading helps determine the reading level of students, measure individual and class growth, and forecast results on standardized tests.
Target groups:
How normed: STAR Reading has been validated with a nationally representative sample of more than 60,000 student tests. Scores correlate with results on popular standardized tests. The latest version includes new normative data to ensure that students are compared with their peers of today.
Qualifications required to administer: Administered by teachers.
How administered: Using personal computer.
Time needed for administration: About 10 minutes.
How scored: Automatically on computer.
Cost: Cost is 39 cents per year per student plus one time school setup fee of $1299.
Reliability and validity: Validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Renaissance Learning, Inc. P.O. Box 8036 Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8036866-492-6284

Test name: Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD)
Web site:
What is measured: The SSBD allows you to screen and identify students who may be at risk of developing behavior disorders. The three-stage process makes use of teachers' judgment as well as direct observation.
Target groups: Children and youth, pre-K through 12th grade.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Paper and pencil administration. The SSBD kit includes three manuals, training video (80 minutes), an audiotape to prompt observation, and reproducible forms.
Time needed for administration:
How scored: :
Cost: The program kit is $100.95.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Sopris West4093 Specialty Place Longmont, CO 80504303-651-2829 or 800-547-6747

Test name: Talent Assessment Program
Web site:
What is measured: Reading-free assessment of functional aptitudes. Consists of 10 hands-on tests, such as form perception, ability to follow patterns, color discrimination, and tactile discrimination. Results are compiled into a profile that can be compared with job requirements in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH).
Target groups: Middle school to adult. Does not require any reading ability. Instructions may be given in any format-oral, written, signed, or simply demonstrated-providing equal assessment opportunities to the blind, functionally illiterate, hearing impaired, lower functioning handicapped, and learning disadvantaged, as well as to the literate.
How normed: Uses one of the largest norming groups of any evaluation system, assuring a high degree of reliability. The results are correlated both to the DOT, the Worker Groups of the Guide to Occupational Exploration (GOE) and the occupational data of the U.S. Department of Labor.
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Hands-on administration.
Time needed for administration:
How scored: Computerized scoring.
Cost: Complete package (all talent Assessment Program testing components, IBM-PC computer software for scoring, portable carrying cases, on-site staff training within the 48 states, and shipping and handling within the 48 states) costs $6,495.00 (2004 price).
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Talent Assessment, Inc. P.O. Box 5087 Jacksonville, FL 32247 800-634-1472

Test name: Terra Nova (CAT/6)
Web site:
What is measured: The Terra Nova is a group administered multiple-skill battery that provides norm-referenced and objective-mastery scores. CAT Multiple Assessments measure Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. CAT Basic Multiple Assessments are offered for those interested in assessing just Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics.
Target groups: Kindergarten through grade 12. Available in Spanish.
How normed: Based on large, nationally representative student samples, including more than 275,000 students in Grades K-12.
Qualifications required to administer: Requires a basic understanding of psychometrics to administer and interpret the Terra Nova.
How administered: The test includes selected-response items (multiple-choice) and extended open-ended items. The Terra Nova is available in multiple formats: CTBS complete battery, CTBS survey battery, and CTBS multiple assessment. For both the complete battery and the survey battery, users may administer the basic test, consisting of four subtests, or the basic tests plus the supplemental tests. Usually administered in groups.
Time needed for administration: Times vary per test and grade level. Complete survey can be done in about a half a day. Complete battery may take up to six hours.
How scored: Scoring is done by the publisher.
Cost: Consumable scannable test books: $175.00 for a package of 25.Basic multiple assessment test books: $139 for a package of 25. Many other options for purchase available.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: CTB/McGraw-Hill20 Ryan Ranch Road Monterey, CA 93940800-538-9547 FAX 800-282-0266

Test name: Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Forms 9 and 10
Web site: (Click Adult Education tab)
What is measured: A series of norm-referenced tests designed to measure achievement of basic skills found in adult basic education curricula and taught in instructional programs. TABE assesses adult functional literacy and basic skills (vocabulary, reading, language, language mechanics, mathematics, and spelling).
Target groups: Adult students, literacy and ABE/GED instruction groups, workforce development, vocational-technical programs, and school-to-work programs. Suitable for ages 14 to adult, but note that the norm sample is primarily older youth and adults. Available in Spanish.
How normed: Four norm reference groups were used for TABE 7/8 including adult basic education students, postsecondary vocational-technical students, adult and juvenile offenders, and college students.
Qualifications required to administer: Adult educators and administrators who have a general knowledge of measurement principles and are willing to abide by the assessment standards of the American Psychological Association.
How administered: Paper and pencil, individual or group administration, and computer software administration.
Time needed for administration: About three to four hours for the complete battery.
How scored: Machine scored.
Cost: Twenty five test battery booklets are $95.00. Other ordering options are available.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: CTB/McGraw-Hill20 Ryan Ranch Road Monterey, CA 93940800-538-9547 FAX 800-282-0266

Test name: Tests of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Web site:
What is measured: The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) measures the ability of nonnative speakers of English to use and understand North American English as it is used in college and university settings.
Target groups: College level students.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Administered only at authorized testing centers.
How administered: Paper and pencil and computer versions. Administered only at authorized testing centers.
Time needed for administration: Total testing time is less than three hours.
How scored: Computer scored.
Cost: $140.00
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Educational Testing Service (ETS)Tests of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)Princeton, NJ

Test name: Test of Written Language (TOWL-3)
Web site:
What is measured: Written language skills for school age children.
Target groups: School age children grades 3 to 12.
How normed: The TOWL-3 was standardized on a 26-state sample of more than 2,000 public and private school students in grades 2 through 12.
Qualifications required to administer: User has completed at least one course in measurement, guidance, or an appropriately related discipline or has equivalent supervised experience in test administration and interpretation.
How administered: Paper and pencil.
Time needed for administration: Untimed, but usually takes about ninety minutes.
How scored: Hand-scored.
Cost: Complete kit (manual, 25 student response booklets A, 25 student response booklets B, 50 Profile/Story Scoring forms) is $193.00.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: AGS Publishing 4201 Woodland Road Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796800-323-2560 FAX 800-471-8457

Test name: Transition Planning Inventory (TPI)
Web site:
What is measured: The TPI is an instrument for identifying and planning for the comprehensive transitional needs of students. It is designed to provide school personnel a systematic way to address critical transition planning areas that are mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and that take into account the individual student's needs, preferences, and interests.
Target groups: Students receiving special education services who have a transition Individualized Education Program.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Profile questions are answered by the IEP team, including the youth, parents, and teachers.
How administered: Participants complete paper and pencil questionnaire leading to profile.
Time needed for administration:
How scored:
Cost: Complete kit is $159.00 and can be used with 25 students. Other forms and manuals available.
Reliability and validity: Information not available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: PRO-ED, Inc.8700 Shoal Creek Boulevard Austin, Texas 78757-6897800-897-3202

Test name: Type Focus Personality Type Profile
Web site:
What is measured: The Type Focus Personality Profile estimates personality type using the following preference pairs: Extravert/Introvert; Sensing/Intuition; Thinking/Feeling; Judgment/Perception. The authors consider the Type Focus Personality Profile to be a tool for self-awareness.
Target groups: Youth and adults ages 14 and up.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Self administered, on-line.
Time needed for administration: It takes about 20 minutes to answer the 66 questions.
How scored: Automatically scored on-line at the end of the profile.
Cost: No cost. Additional consulting services are available for $29.95 per year.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Type Focus Internet, Inc.

Test name: VALPAR Work Samples
Web site: (Search by Product Name: 12 - Work Samples)
What is measured: VALPAR Work Samples are a series of 19 self-contained work samples/activity units designed to assist in evaluating career potential in jobs and job classifications described in the U.S. Labor Department's 1990 Dictionary of Occupational Titles and its related publications.
Target groups: Adolescents and adults.
How normed: Norm groups for most VALPAR components have been developed separately and include 11 different norm groups ranging from Air Force personnel and employed workers to groups of individuals who are blind and deaf.
Qualifications required to administer: VALPAR Work Samples are used by rehabilitation specialists, vocational evaluators, workforce development specialists, One-Stop career centers, occupational therapists, and others.
How administered: Each VALPAR manual describes the method, sequence, and procedures needed for administering individual components. Preliminary screening of the individual in terms of reading level and general educational development is encouraged prior to administering the VALPAR units.
Time needed for administration:
How scored: Hand scored.
Cost: Individual units are sold separately, and the price varies considerably. Pricing is available by contacting the company directly.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: VALPAR International Corporation P.O. Box 5767 Tucson, AZ 85703800-528-7070

Test name: The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales Second Edition (VABS-II) What is measured: The Vineland Adaptive Behavior: Scales measure personal and social skills used for everyday living. They provide critical data for the diagnosis or evaluation of a wide range of disabilities, including mental retardation, developmental delays, functional skills impairment, and speech/language impairment. Vineland has also been proven to be an accurate resource for predicting autism and Asperger syndrome, among other differential diagnoses.
Target groups: Interview Edition, Survey Expanded Forms: Ages 0 through 18 years-11 months and low-functioning adults. Classroom Edition: Ages 3 through 12 years 11 months.
How normed: The Vineland was standardized on a representative national sample of 3,000 individuals selected to match U.S. census data. The sample was stratified for age, race, gender, region, parental education, and community size. Supplementary norm groups of individuals with disabilities provide more data for interpretation of the Survey Form and the Expanded Form.
Qualifications required to administer: Must be a psychologist or licensed social worker to administer the VABS.
How administered: Through interviews or surveys given to parents, teachers, or other caregivers.
Time needed for administration: Interview Edition, Survey Form: 20-60 minutes Interview Edition, Expanded Form: 60-90 minutes Classroom Edition: 20 minutes.
How scored: Items are examiner scored. Software assistance is available.
Cost: Complete Vineland starter set is $199.99.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: AGS Publishing 4201 Woodland Road Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796800-328-2560 FAX 800-471-8457

Test name: Voc-Ties & Career Development Plan
Web site:
What is measured: Voc-Ties measures an individual's interest in career/technical pathways.
Target groups: Secondary students in special education.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer:
How administered: Personal computer.
Time needed for administration:
How scored: Automatically. Report gives information about technical careers and helps with preparation of Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Cost: The whole kit with software and 200 answer sheets is $595.00
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Piney Mountain Press, Inc. P.O. Box 86 Cleveland, GA 30528 800-255-3127

Test name: Vocational Exploration and Insight Kit (VEIK)
Web site:
What is measured: This program is designed for use by highly motivated students or adults who are seeking additional career guidance beyond that provided by the Self-Directed Search (see above). The VEIK consists of an 8-page Action Plan Workbook containing a variety of activities which individuals complete in several hours during three or four sessions.
Target groups: High school to adult.
How normed: The VEIK uses the Self-Directed Search as a main assessment tool and uses the SDS norm groups: 719 individuals 15-72 years of age from a variety of ethnic and educational backgrounds.
Qualifications required to administer: No special qualifications required to administer or interpret the Vocational Insight and Exploration Kit.
How administered: Paper and pencil.
Time needed for administration: Total administration time: 35-45 minutes.
How scored: Time required for hand scoring: 10 minutes
Cost: .The VEIK Comprehensive Kit (25 SDS Form R Assessment Booklets, 25 Occupations Finders, 25 Alphabetized Occupations Finders, 25 You and Your Career Booklets, 1 VEIK user Guide, 25 Action Plan Workbooks, and 2 Vocational Card Sort Decks) costs $171.00 (2004 Prices).
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. 16204 North Florida Avenue Lutz, FL 33549800-899-8378

Test name: Vocational Implications of Personality (VIP)
Web site:
What is measured: VIP and VIP Jr. are comprehensive assessments of an individual's unique personality traits and how they fit into the working world.
Target groups: Adults or those with work experience. VIP Jr. is targeted for middle school and high school students. Spanish version available.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: No special qualifications required to administer or interpret the VIP.
How administered: Computer and Internet administration.
Time needed for administration: 20 minutes.
Computer and Internet scoring available.
Contact publisher.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Talent Assessment, Inc. P.O. Box 5087 Jacksonville, FL 32247-5087 800-634-1472

Test name: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS+-III)
Web site:
What is measured: Clinical instrument designed to assess the intellectual ability of adults ages 16 through 89. The WAIS III includes the following Verbal subtests: Information, Comprehension, Similarities, Arithmetic, Vocabulary, and Digit Span. The WAIS III includes the following Performance subtests: Picture Completion, Picture Arrangement, Block Design, Coding, and Matrix Reasoning.
Target groups: Ages 16 through 89.
How normed: The WAIS III was standardized on 2,450 adults between 16 and 89 years of age. The standardization sample appears representative in terms of race, educational level, and geographic region.
Qualifications required to administer: Must be a licensed psychologist to administer and interpret the WAIS-III.
How administered: Paper and pencil.
Time needed for administration: 60 to 90 minutes.
Hand scored or computer scored.
The WAIS-III boxed set (administration norms manual, technical manual, stimulus booklet, 25 record forms, 25 response forms, and scoring templates) costs $825.00.
Reliability and validity: Validation information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Harcourt Assessment19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, Texas 78259 800-211-8378

Test name: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV)
Web site:
Clinical instrument for assessing the intellectual ability of children.
Target groups: Ages 6 through 16.
How normed: WISC-III norms were based on a carefully selected standardization sample of 2,200 children representative of sex, age, parental education levels, region, and race/ethnicity.
Qualifications required to administer: Must be a licensed psychologist to administer and interpret the WISC-IV.
How administered: Paper and pencil.
Time needed for administration: 50 to 85 minutes.
Hand or computer scored.
The WISC-IV basic kit (technical manual, stimulus booklet, 25 record forms, 25 response forms, coding/scoring template, and symbol scoring template) costs $825.00.
Reliability and validity: Validity information available on Web site. Reliability information available in the manual.
Publisher's address and phone: Harcourt Assessment 19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, Texas 78259 800-211-8378

Test name: Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT-3)
Web site:
What is measured: The WRAT-3 measures the codes needed to learn the basic skills of reading, writing, spelling, and arithmetic.
Target groups: Individuals ages 5 to 75.
How normed: The WRAT-3 features a national stratified sample, grade ratings, scaling, and item analysis by the Rasch Method.
Qualifications required to administer: All WRAT tests may be administered and scored by professional and paraprofessional personnel with adequate supervision in accordance with ethical standards of the American Psychological Association. Sales are restricted to professionally trained personnel and institutions. Interpretation of tests requires professional training and experience.
How administered: Paper and pencil.
Time needed for administration: Time for each form is 15 to 30 minutes, depending on age.
Scoring by hand takes less than five minutes. Computer scoring is also available.
Complete starter set costs $165.00. Other products available.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: PAR, Inc. 16204 North Florida Avenue Lutz, FL 33549 813-968-3003, ext 361

Test name: Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST)
Web site:
What is measured: The WBST is a short form measure of basic verbal and math skills for adults. Results can be directly compared to the skills required for entry-level jobs.
Target groups: Adults. Versions in French, German, Mexican Spanish, Puerto Rican Spanish are available.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Wonderlic tests are designed to be administered and interpreted by office staff. Test scores are related directly to job requirements.
How administered: Paper and pencil or Internet administration.
Time needed for administration: 12 minutes. Computer scoring or FAX-back service available for paper version. Internet scoring requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher.
Paper versions: 25 forms for $115.00, 50 for $160.00, 100 for $215.00 (2004 prices).
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Wonderlic, Inc.1795 North Butterfield Avenue Libertyville, IL 60048-1387800-323-3742

Test name: Woodcock Diagnostic Reading Battery (WDRB)
Web site:
What is measured: The WDRB assesses reading achievement and reading-related abilities to help determine why a reading problem exists.
Target groups: Ages 4 to 90 years.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Riverside Publishing requires all first-time test purchasers to furnish evidence of their qualifications to use tests. Test use should be consistent with sound professional practice.
How administered: Paper and pencil.
Time needed for administration: 50 to 60 minutes for all sub-tests.
Hand scoring, computer scoring, and interpretive program available.
Kit (test books, audiocassette, examiner's manual, norm tables, and 25 test records) costs $356.50. Other components sold separately.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: Riverside Publishing425 Spring Lake Drive Itasca, IL 60143800-323-9540

Test name: Woodcock-Johnson III Complete Battery (Tests of Achievement & Tests of Cognitive Abilities) (WJ III)
Web site:
What is measured: The Woodcock-Johnson III Complete Battery provides a co-normed set of tests for measuring general intellectual ability, specific cognitive abilities, scholastic aptitude, oral language, and academic achievement.
Target groups: Ages 2 to 90. Available in Spanish.
How normed: Normative data compiled from over 8,800 subjects located in more than 100 geographically diverse communities in the United States
Qualifications required to administer: Riverside Publishing requires all first-time test purchasers to furnish evidence of their qualifications to use tests. Test use should be consistent with sound professional practice.
How administered: Computer administered.
Time needed for administration: Administration time varies. Each test takes about five minutes to complete, with approximately 35-45 minutes to complete the cognitive tests, and 55-65 minutes to complete the achievement tests.
The WJ-III must be scored by a computer program.
Complete battery kit is $1,056.00. Additional test records are available.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Riverside Publishing425 Spring Lake Drive Itasca, IL 60143800-323-9540

Test name: Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery-Revised (WLPB-R)
Web site:
What is measured: The WLPB-R provides an overall measure of language proficiency and greatly expanded measures of oral language, reading, and written language in both English and Spanish. The WLPB-R English Form and Spanish Form are parallel versions, which facilitates comparison between the languages.
Target groups: Ages 2 to 90 years.
How normed: The English form was standardized on 6,300+ subjects in the United States, and the Spanish form was standardized on 2,000+ native Spanish-speaking subjects.
Qualifications required to administer: Riverside Publishing requires all first-time test purchasers to furnish evidence of their qualifications to use tests. Test use should be consistent with sound professional practice.
How administered: Paper and pencil or computer administration.
Time needed for administration: Administration time varies depending on the number of subtests administered, typically 20-60 minutes.
How scored: Hand scoring and computer scoring available.
The English complete test or the Spanish complete test is $363.50, including test book, audiocassette, 25 test records, 25 subject response booklets, examiner's manual, and norm tables. A package of 25 English or Spanish test records and 25 English or Spanish subject response books is $60.50.
Reliability and validity: Reliability information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: Riverside Publishing425 Spring Lake Drive Itasca, IL 60143800-323-9540

Test name: Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised Normative Update (WRMT-R/NU)
Web site:
What is measured: The normative update of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-R/NU) is a battery of six individually administered tests to assess the development of readiness skills, basic reading skills, and reading comprehension.
Target groups: Kindergarten through 75 years of age.
How normed: Stratified multistage sampling of schoolchildren and young adults, over 3700 people total.
Qualifications required to administer: Test administrator must have completed graduate training in measurement, guidance or appropriate related discipline or have equivalent supervised experience in test administration and interpretation.
How administered: Paper and pencil; free response.
Time needed for administration: The WRMT-R/NU is an individually administered test that takes 10-30 minutes for each cluster of tests. Form G offers two readiness tests and four tests of reading achievement, and Form H offers four tests of reading achievement.
How scored: Hand scoring and computer scoring available.
The WRMT-R/NU Form G/H Kit costs $443.99 and includes G & H test books, 25 NU form G & H test records, sample NU Form, G & H summary record form, pronunciation guide cassette, sample report to parents, NU examiner manual, and carry bag.
Reliability and validity: Reliability and validity information available on Web site.
Publisher's address and phone: AGS Publishing4201 Woodland Road Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796800-328-2560 FAX 800-471-8457

Test name: Work Keys
Web site:
What is measured: Work Keys tests skills in problem solving, communication, and teamwork. It also identifies the skill levels needed to do specific jobs. Work Keys is a series of paper-and-pencil assessments that shows individuals their skill levels in eight foundational skills (the skills needed to learn other skills): applied mathematics, applied technology, listening and writing, locating information, observation, reading information, and teamwork
Target groups: Grades 9-12.
How normed:
Qualifications required to administer: Work Keys is administered in centers by specially trained personnel.
How administered: Paper and pencil.
Time needed for administration: Each of eight tests takes between 45 and 60 minutes.
How scored: Hand scored and machine scored.
Reliability and validity:
Publisher's address and phone: ACT500 ACT Drive P.O. Box 168 Iowa City, IA 52243-0168800-967-5539

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...success and growth of an organization. In this study the detail chain and sequence of activities pertaining to recruitment and selection of different level of management and non-management employable candidates has identified through literature review of the documents of ACI HR and from experience of working in the HR department of ACI and personal observation of the process. This case study maybe useful to ACI to identify its loopholes and may allow it to practice good recruitment and selection process that could help the company to get suitable candidate and also helpful for researcher to do more research on recruitment and selection process. Keywords: ACI Limited, recruitment and selection, FMCG Company CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Recruitment & Selection in Bangladesh Recruitment and selection process is the function of human resource management which brings the human resource in the organization Ongori (2010). Recruitment is the process of generating a pool of applicant to apply for employment to an organization and selection is the process by which specific tools are used to choose from a pool of applicants’ the most suitable one for the job taking into consideration Ofori and Aryeetey (2011). Noe et al., (2007) defined recruitment as the action...

Words: 10107 - Pages: 41

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...|Unit Title: |MULTINATIONAL FINANCE | | |Course of Study: |Bachelor of International Business (Hons) | | |Year of Study: |Year Three, Trimester Two | | |Trimester Year |Jan 2016 | | |Credit Hour: |4 credit hours | | |Lecturing hours and |3 hours lecture per week for the duration of 14 weeks | | |Tutoring hours |1.5 hours tutorial per week for the duration of 14 weeks | | |Lecturer:...

Words: 2523 - Pages: 11

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Ten Steps to a Me Steps

...A Handbook for Development Practitioners Ten Steps to a 29672 ResultsBased Monitoring and Evaluation System Jody Zall Kusek Ray C. Rist THE WORLD BANK A Handbook for Development Practitioners Ten Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System A Handbook for Development Practitioners Ten Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System Jody Zall Kusek Ray C. Rist THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. © 2004 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 Telephone 202-473-1000 Internet E-mail All rights reserved. 1 2 3 4 07 06 05 04 The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of the World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The World Bank encourages dissemination...

Words: 91537 - Pages: 367

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Training and Development

...Part III: Staffing Recruiting and Selecting Employees After reading this chapter, you should be able to deal more effectively with the following challenges: ▪ Understand approaches to matching labor supply and demand. El n Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external recruiting. Distinguish among the major selection methods and use the most legally defensible of them. 121 Make staffing decisions that maximize the hiring and promotion of the best people. El Understand the legal constraints on the hiring process. Specialty Cabinets Company had rapidly expanded from a two-person operation to a small business with 28 employees. This thriving business catered to those who needed high-end cabinet work in custom-built homes or office buildings. Specialty had been able to attract highly trained carpenters; however, the company's president realized that Specialty needed to hire an additional manager. She gave George Zoran, a senior supervisor with strong interpersonal skills, the responsibility for hiring the new manager. George posted the opening on the company bulletin board and put an ad online and in the "Help Wanted" section of the local newspaper and soon received numerous applications. George was particularly impressed with one candidate, Tim Wells. Tim had never worked in carpentry, but George thought Tim seemed personable and had sufficient managerial experience 146 Chapter 5: Recruiting and Selecting Employees 147 and ambition to handle the...

Words: 20651 - Pages: 83

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Personality Disorders

...paper outline. You also need to complete a Reference page with 4 science-based resources (see sample reference page). The major headings for your outline are: introduction, bibliographic information, education and work history, personality theory summary, description of how the theorist’s personal experiences impacted their theory of personality, research and assessment, your reflection, conclusion, references). This outline will be edited and returned to you. After the outline is returned to you, you are expected to incorporate all the edits requested into the final paper. This assignment is worth 30 points. Late outlines will not be accepted. Final Paper: The final paper will be due on April 12th. Your paper should be 10 pages long; this includes the title page, abstract page, paper body, and reference page. This assignment is worth 60 points. Late papers will not be accepted. General Notes * Paper must be submitted using APA format. See sample papers for APA style. * You must use at least 4 science-based resources including your textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, peer-reviewed books and book chapters, and original materials by your psychologist. * Content from online websites are not allowed. * Please feel free to contact your instructor if you have any questions about references. Research Paper...

Words: 1499 - Pages: 6

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Bank Robbery Usa

...publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department. Pearson Prentice Hall™ is a trademark of Pearson Education, Inc. Pearson® is a registered trademark of Pearson plc Prentice Hall® is a registered trademark of Pearson Education, Inc. Merrill® is a registered trademark of Pearson Education, Inc. Instructors of classes using Cooper, Heron, and Heward, Applied Behavior Analysis, Second Edition, may reproduce material from the instructor’s manual with test items for classroom use. 10. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 [pic] ISBN-13:...

Words: 75129 - Pages: 301